
Type: Posts; User: andersonh1

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  1. My favorite joke was Flicker's cousin Torchy...

    My favorite joke was Flicker's cousin Torchy showing up in the Guy Gardner backup. :D
  2. She still has that Star Sapphire ring, unless I...

    She still has that Star Sapphire ring, unless I missed something. She could certainly do just that.
  3. Carol's been engaged before, as far back as the...

    Carol's been engaged before, as far back as the Silver Age, and she's been married to someone other than Hal before, only for them to get divorced off panel during Geoff John's run. Is this husband...
  4. Kyle gets the backup story in GL #8, so I'd have...

    Kyle gets the backup story in GL #8, so I'd have to say the main GL book.
  5. Soranik Natu. She was a major character in Green...

    Soranik Natu. She was a major character in Green Lantern Corps for years, and has just vanished after taking charge of the Sinestro Corps back during Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps. At least...
  6. The opening story arc in issues #1-8, "The Road...

    The opening story arc in issues #1-8, "The Road Back", is still one of my favorite Green Lantern stories. This is the series that made me a Green Lantern fan. I had never read the character prior to...
  7. Replies

    Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. I'll give the...

    Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. I'll give the new team a shot, but Waid and Mora have really doing a great job and they'll be a tough act to follow.
  8. Even if we go with the idea that this isn't the...

    Even if we go with the idea that this isn't the Alan we've been reading all these years (an approach I'm fine with) as I noted a few pages back, I'm not seeing the willpower that makes the ring work...
  9. I've really got mixed feelings about this,...

    I've really got mixed feelings about this, because on one level I enjoyed the issue and thought it was well written, and I enjoyed seeing some of the actual dialogue from Flash Comics #1 in places...
  10. He already has the ring, and the costume, and the...

    He already has the ring, and the costume, and the powers... somehow. And everyone refers to him as Green Lantern. But he's not Green Lantern? Really?
  11. It's right there in All American #16, willpower...

    It's right there in All American #16, willpower is the flame of the Green Lantern. The ring requires willpower to work. There are numerous times in those early Golden Age stories where Alan talks...
  12. I'm trying to figure out how this version of Alan...

    I'm trying to figure out how this version of Alan Scott has the willpower to light his ring, let alone fly and create constructs. He's not confident, he's filled with regrets and self-loathing and is...
  13. This is how I feel. And I have not been enjoying...

    This is how I feel. And I have not been enjoying the new characters or changes to existing characters at all. I like the approach that the 2000s JSA series took: children and grandchildren of the...
  14. There is a follow up to what happened to the JSA...

    There is a follow up to what happened to the JSA during Zero Hour during the 2000s JSA series. It's not Jay and Alan that take revenge on Extant though.... I'll say no more.
  15. Replies

    I think focusing on the omnibus format was the...

    I think focusing on the omnibus format was the right choice. It actually made the idea of reprinting large stretches of some of DC's character much more realistic. Look how much further along...
  16. Another "dark mirror" version of the main...

    Another "dark mirror" version of the main character as a villain? I think DC has gone to the well too many times on that idea, to be honest.
  17. Haven't seen a solicitation yet, though I'm...

    Haven't seen a solicitation yet, though I'm hoping the line will continue. There is a Silver Age Superman vol. 1 coming out early next year, I believe.
  18. I like that Manapul cover. Nice to see a...

    I like that Manapul cover. Nice to see a reference to the 1940s comics where Jay often left havoc in his wake from the breeze that followed him. :D
  19. Poll: I'm not sure I can say either is better. I...

    I'm not sure I can say either is better. I dropped them both partway into the run because I didn't like the direction they took or what they did with the characters.
  20. That's true, I had forgotten that. So I can still...

    That's true, I had forgotten that. So I can still root for him and Stephanie with some hope of success.
  21. If a character was envisioned as straight when...

    If a character was envisioned as straight when created, and written that way for any length of time (and all of these characters were to varying extents) I think it's fair to describe their...
  22. They've done something similar with all the...

    They've done something similar with all the characters whose orientation has been altered. They publish a bi-Superman, but not "the" Superman, it's his son instead. They change Robin, but not the...
  23. Attacking the readership has never seemed like a...

    Attacking the readership has never seemed like a good sales strategy to me. But it continues to happen.
  24. In Flash Comics 101, the Flash travels into the...

    In Flash Comics 101, the Flash travels into the future and we get this caption explaining it:

    "By vibrating faster than 186,000 miles per second, the speed of light, the Flash is no longer subject...
  25. I think if they're going to keep the Golden Age...

    I think if they're going to keep the Golden Age characters tied to WW2 that they're going to have to eventually give them the Captain America treatment and have them skip a lot of the intervening...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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