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  1. #1
    Astonishing Member Tazpocalapse's Avatar
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    Default Could Legion Of Superheroes be made into a T.V. show?

    I think the concept of the Legion would make a great premise for a Sci-Fi T.V. show. A large cast, exotic locations, and a library of compelling stories to draw inspiration from would almost be it's own seperate universe/timeline so that it would not interfere with the movieverse and Flash/Arrow/SuperGirlverse.

    I like the idea of the Legion having multiple functions explorers,peacekeepers, and ambassadors on the behalf of the U.P. Exploring new worlds and expanding the U.P. introducing viewers to a larger part of the DCU.

  2. #2
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    That would pretty much be Star Trek in spandex. No wait.
    That would pretty much just be Star Trek.

  3. #3
    Ultimate Member j9ac9k's Avatar
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    Sure it could. There have been plenty of shows that take place in the future and SFX are manageable enough to represent most of their powers even if many of them will have to be powered down a bit. (and they might have to ditch the flight rings)

    It won't look like the comic book, but the basic premise is something that could happen.

  4. #4
    Death becomes you Osiris-Rex's Avatar
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    Some of them will make an appearance in a existing TV show. That is probably the best one can hope for. It's possible they could prove popular enough to get a spin off series, but I doubt it.
    I think Legends Of Tomorrow pretty much fills the need for a space and time team-up TV show as far as DC is concerned. Any story the LoSH could do, LoT could do.

  5. #5
    Astonishing Member mathew101281's Avatar
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    It already was. I don’t feel the Legion is best suited for live action TV. I feel it’s scope and scale lends itself more to animation or feature film. Just it’s special effects budget alone would probably put it out of tv range. When I think of the Legion I think of epic set pieces and a huge cast of characters. You could do a live action TV Legion, but I really think you would have to water down the product to do so. Legion is to big for the small screen.

  6. #6
    Extraordinary Member Zero Hunter's Avatar
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    It would be so expensive to do it right on TV. Even when they have used members on shows like Smallville or Supergirl it always look cheap and they only ever use the most cost effective members. You would never see a character like Wildfire or Tellus on a TV budget.

  7. #7
    Wolfy Supreme TimberWolf's Avatar
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    It would be difficult but it could be done. I could die a happy man if we got a good LOSH TV show or movie
    Please Remain Calm

  8. #8
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    If they can do teen titans right
    raven starfire and beast boy are gonna be tough

  9. #9
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    I feel like the Legion might be too big, powerful, cosmic, and colorful for a live-action show to do justice.

    I'd rather just see them revive the cartoon...

  10. #10
    Ultimate Member j9ac9k's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
    I'd rather just see them revive the cartoon...
    Maybe not that cartoon though. I'd love to see a new cartoon with all the members done in the style of the GL animated series. ( I imagine it'd make it easier for the animators to handle so many characters if it were CG)

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by j9ac9k View Post
    Maybe not that cartoon though. I'd love to see a new cartoon with all the members done in the style of the GL animated series. ( I imagine it'd make it easier for the animators to handle so many characters if it were CG)
    Honestly I would love to see them revive that cartoon, or at least take most of the elements of the cartoon that worked. It was a good show that streamlined the elements of all three eras of Legion and made a good show from it.

  12. #12
    Savior of the Universe Flash Gordon's Avatar
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    I have lots of thoughts on the Legion.

    Without diving into too much, I'd say hold off and do a big budget feature film starring Rokk, Imra, and Garth. Maybe throw in Brainy, Phantom Girl, and Timberwolf (mainly because he's just really cool).

    Superman can show up too.

    The problem is, what do you even base it off of? It would have to be a totally new thing ala Guardians of the Galaxy.
    Last edited by Flash Gordon; 12-29-2017 at 05:25 PM.

  13. #13
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    Depending what network, the kind of show would change. On CW, they couldn't afford much for effects or sets. On a major network, maybe a little more money, but they'd have executives ready to pull the plug if it dipped in the ratings. On HBO or Netflix, much more money--but a shorter season.

    If LSH had been a TV show in the '70s or '80s, I could see them getting around the budget/effects problems by having seven Legionnaires lost in the 20th century, who don't have the means to get back to their own time. The pilot episode would have some fancy effects and costumes, but after that the show would be about the Legion Lost trying to fit in with the time period, wearing civilian outfits and working for a secret U.S. government agency.

    The seven would all be super-heroes that only need limited special effects to show their powers, such as Saturn Girl, Tyroc, Duo Damsel, Invisible Kid, Dream Girl, Karate Kid and Star Boy.

  14. #14
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by j9ac9k View Post
    Maybe not that cartoon though. I'd love to see a new cartoon with all the members done in the style of the GL animated series. ( I imagine it'd make it easier for the animators to handle so many characters if it were CG)
    Or do it Justice League Action-style with everyone designed by Shane Glines .

  15. #15
    Ultimate Member j9ac9k's Avatar
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    I would love to see a Robert Valley designed LSH show, (think a much more colorful "Tron",) but I feel like I would miss a more traditional look after a few episodes.

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