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  1. #1
    Mighty Member shaggydoo's Avatar
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    Post Dc new dawn june!

    An interactive universe where we create and write our own DC Publishing Line!
    You decide which of the free titles you want each month.
    For a full look at our Playbook and all things New Dawn visit DC New Dawn Live at http://community.comicbookresources....-new-dawn-live!

  2. #2
    Mighty Member shaggydoo's Avatar
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    The last frontier, in the depths of the universe, a battle of wills and lights!

    ORION #3
    Plot: MARVELL2100
    Judge... Jury... Executioner!
    The resurrection of Baldaur portends a grave danger that threatens the universe! Orion and Valkyrie ask him if he knows what the specific threat is but Baldaur tells them that everything is vague and uncertain. But one thing he knows for sure is that they must travel to a far away place to find more answers, a place familiar to Orion...THE SOURCE! Elsewhere: The Vintas are a race that have thrived for a millennium. They have prayed everyday to their gods Voyas and Sintu and have been blessed for their devoted worship. So as a new day rises, they begin their daily ritual of sending their prayers to the heavens. So imagine their shock as blood begins rain from the skies and the mangled bodies of their gods come crashing to earth! Cries of shock and grief are soon silenced as a powerful figure descends from the heavens: "My name is Supreme! I have judged your gods and they have been found lacking!" Next Issue: Supreme Justice!
    32 PGS./Rated M: Mature Audiences...$2.99

    NEW GODS #14
    Plot: MARVELL2100
    Attack on Barda -Part IV: Mission Accomplished!
    Scott has received shocking news about the attack on his wife Barda that has left her missing and presumed dead! A rebel faction on the New Genesis moon of Pollus has been blamed for the assault while she was there visiting. But in truth, it is all a part of a plan by Commander Gideon to remove Highfather's son as ruler of New Genesis! Scott, Lightray and Forager travel to Pollus where they meet with Chancellor Kyn to find out exactly what happened! The Chancellor said that the attack occurred before she met with Barda and that it ended quickly before her forces could arrive. Soon after Scott and the others leave, Kyn sends an encrypted message that is received by Commander Gideon. Now that his biggest challenge has been eliminated, Gideon can proceed with the next phase of his plan: turn public opinion against him with a smear campaign that will ultimately end with the death of Scott Free!
    32 PGS./Rated M: Mature Audiences...$2.99


    Writer: JUDD WINICK
    Plot: MARVELL2100
    The Power of Life: What I Saw When I Died!
    The ancient land of Niflheim: Using the Anti-Life Equation Metron and Alondra Blake have returned the once dead Mark Moonrider back to life! Beautiful Dreamer, N'Kada and the others are stunned and aren't quite sure they believe what they are seeing! Mark assures her that it is truly him and begins to tell them of the things he saw while he was dead. He tells them of a meeting between two people and how a great and powerful galactic empire grew from their union. But the empire soon became corrupt and brutal, killing billions upon billions of souls. And so brave heroes throughout the time stream were gathered to end the reign of the gods and soon they succeeded! The corrupt gods where believed dead but they survived and are now here in our present time. They are hunting for a powerful object to help them rebuild their empire on a backwater planet called Earth!
    32 PGS./Rated M: Mature Readers...$2.99

    APOKOLIPS #1 **Brand New Series**
    Writer: Malcolm Jones
    Artist: Ethan Van-Scriver
    Plot: Marvell2100
    Better To Rule In Hell
    It's a new era for Apokolips! With the planet being ripped apart by civil war, Orion has abdicated his throne and handed power to his brother Haedes! It was all apart of the plan by their mother Tigress to usurp Orion as ruler and replace him with her other children. She intends to return Apokolips to the way it was under the rule of Darkseid! Haedes first act as ruler is to remove all traces of Orion and erase his memory. But there is one thing that he cannot get out his mind. Before he left, Orion warned him about power and how those who seek it will do anything to get it. He particularly warns him about Tigress and their sister Minerva. Haedes knows that if he is to keep power, he will have to be on guard against his own family! Next Issue: Who Rules Apokolips?
    32 PGS./Rated M: Mature Readers...$2.99

    LEGION #10

    Plot by SHAGGYDOO

    • It's the year 3018. A mad goddess named X-Hal is on the verge or controlling the entire. She has just slain the legendary founders of LEGION: Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy! Now the "Trinity's" all-powerful, but childlike spawn Validus wants his revenge. He and the Legionaires Superboy, Miss Martian, Sex Lad, God Boy and Danny the Street are all that stand on the edge of the abyss. That is until the Warrior Princess from the Gemworld Amethyst arrives and she wont stop until she finishes X-Hal! However, something happens as alternate realities becomes the new normal King Author and his "Camelot 3000" are here, but so is their powerful enemy Morgan Lefay! It's almost as if someone is Sprocking with the timeline!
    • Brainiac (formerly Brainiac-5) has traveled back in time to the beginning of what would be a major genocidal period on Earth called THE GREAT DISASTER. His plan was to save the woman he's loved from afar, who disappeared during the Great Disaster....SUPERGIRL. However, Braniac didn't realize he would be in a major confrontation with Earth's newest resident DARKSEID or that his weaponizing use of his Anti-Life Equation would actually cause the world-wide destruction and loss of life. He did plan on replacing his mind-controlled Kryptonian power-level, "supergirl" the Daxamite Andromeda. However, the real Supergirl just wants destroy the invaders from the future who have ended human life on Earth! It's an epic battle of the Supergirls! Meanwhile Brainiac has bigger problems, the native of this dark period on Earth Kamandi and a stowaway that happens to be Supergirl's boyfriend Jaime Reyes the Blue Beetle!

    32 PGs./Rated T $3.99
    Last edited by shaggydoo; 07-01-2018 at 02:09 PM.

  3. #3
    Mighty Member shaggydoo's Avatar
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    The weird, the dark, the unknown, at the edge of sanity!


    Plotted by EXCITER
    Written by MARK WAID
    “METAL A.F.” part five “THE FINAL COUNTDOWN”
    Zatanna, Swamp Thing, Etrigan, Dr. Fate, Amethyst, Zealot, Azrael, and Kratos have walked through an army of undead Kryptonians to reach the Necropolis of Solitude. Their only hope is to guide a reluctant Metallo to the black-magic-superman Bru-Al and hope he can pierce the fiend with the Sword of Night and forestall the looming countdown to extinction. But Bru-Al has mastered dark arts from beyond the realms of death... and in this issue EVERYTHING DIES!
    Includes bonus digital download code for the official soundtrack from Vertigo Records, featuring Black Sabbath, Volbeat, and Metallica!
    32 PGs./Rated T+ …$2.99

    SPAWN #7

    Plotted by EXCITER
    Written by SCOTT SNYDER
    Spawn and Terry Fitzgerald didn’t know what to expect when they covertly infiltrated Blackhawk Island, but they certainly didn’t expect to find an ally in the original Blackhawk! Janos Prohaska, the legendary Polish ace pilot, was even still wearing his iconic blue and black uniform... and he unquestionably wanted Jason Wynn removed as Director of the special operations taskforce that was named after him. Janos would fight his way back from the afterlife for the Blackhawks, and that’s something Spawn could relate to. Now the three just have to sneak into the most high security sector of the most high security building on the island... their target is Wynn and his files, proof that he’s corrupt. But will they be able to stay on mission when Spawn discovers his friend Madame Xanadu being subjected to “enhanced interrogation” by the demonic Clown?
    Plus, tech from S.T.A.R. Labs and a soldier from Gorilla City have combined to form Blackhawk Island’s new security chief - Cy-Gor! And he hates uninvited guests...
    32 PGs./Rated T+ …$2.99

    Plotted by EXCITER
    Art by JOCK
    Lord Raiden, the God of Thunder, has been meticulous in recruiting the defenders of Earthrealm to compete in Shao Khan’s Mortal Kombat tournament. The “mortal” restriction means that he himself can not compete, nor could vaunted heroes such as Wonder Woman. Combatants must also be willing to kill if necessary, ruling out the likes of Batman. However, Liu Kang, Cassandra Cain, A.R.G.U.S. Agent Sonya Blade, and G.I. Robot have agreed to fight for their world. Raiden failed to recruit Lady Shiva, who along with her new husband Sub-Zero appear to have been paid by Shang Tsung to fight for Outworld. This means Raiden has just two more potential mortal combatants to recruit - Hollywood superstar Johnny Cage and an ex-assassin and Suicide Squad member Bronze Tiger. Unfortunately, Tsung’s ally Kano also determined they’d be solid recruits for the other side and has preemptively ordered a hit on them! Can Raiden’s crew find them before the assassins of the Lin Keui do? And what role will the wildcard Scorpion play?
    Plus, as preparations for the Earthrealm’s Mortal Kombat continue, another realm’s tournament is about to begin. Shao Khan’s warriors are ready to fight... against the defenders of Gem World!
    32 PGs./Rated T+ …$2.99


    Written by CHINA MIEVILLE
    "GODMAKER" part three of three "TWO PLUS TWO EQUALS ONE"
    John Constantine has erased his memory to avoid detection from Dr. Manhattan, but in doing so he's split himself into two bodies. The London-based Constantine finds himself kidnapped by Chas who wants to take him to Jesse Custer to restore his memory, but once he returns to Vegas, he finds out that Jesse is no longer there - having been kidnapped by Johnny Boy, Constantine's evil doppelganger who plans on sacrificing Jesse so he can gain his power and make anybody in the world do as he says! What Dr. Manhattan feared may happen may be about to happen, and unless Jesse can figure out why his power is unresponsive in time, the world itself will fall.
    32pgs/Rated M.../$2.99

    Plot by NX01A
    Script by R. A. SALVATORE
    •The CREEPER, new master of the Demonic Spectrum, invokes the power of the Purple Devil to infect SAINT PETER with the Deadly Sin of Sloth, making the archangel not care about who enters or leaves Heaven. While he's distracted, ZAURIEL, the PHANTOM STRANGER, and KID ETERNITY escape to Earth!
    •BLACK ORCHID has accessed the invasive Mold-Mind infecting her final clone, APRIL, but she may not be able to overcome foreign fungus OKEONTIS!
    •As the Sentinels of Magic fight sentient alien plants, floral Green Lantern MEDPHYLL, and green queen HYATHIS, only double-crossing A.R.G.U.S. special agent SHELLY KENMORE again unleashing burning Martian Mindfire might save Earth while ravaging planets J586 and Alstair!
    •At the epicenter of the psychic inferno, Black Orchid hears the whispers of her lost lover, the SHADE, and her blazing consciousness slips into cool darkness.
    32 PGs./Rated T+...$2.99
    Last edited by shaggydoo; 06-11-2018 at 09:35 PM.

  4. #4
    Mighty Member shaggydoo's Avatar
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    The war on crime knows no limits for Batman and his soldiers!

    BATMAN #45
    Prelude to INCORPORATE

    Written by ED BRUBAKER
    “Only Those Who Will Risk Going Too Far Can Possibly Find Out How Far One Can Go”
    • Aboard the newly christened Batcloud (imagine a giant floating Batcave that can travel the globe posthaste and puts SHIELD's Hellicarrier to Batshame!) which serves as the operations center for Batman Incorporated's ongoing mission to police the planet, Oracle reports she has not yet pinpointed Nightwing's whereabouts but thanks to the newly integrated mass surveillance tech developed by Lucius Fox it is only a matter of time before their AWOL'ed associate reveals his location. She also briefs Batman and his security council on the upcoming Hong Kong mission involving the Outsiders team (see Outsiders #25) which is green to go at any moment. Black Lightning and Thunder give an update on the recent shakeups in Metropolis and the apparent absence of the Big Blue Boyscout (Bruce experiences a brief moment of guilt, he's been so busy lately that he hasn't made time to check in on Clark, sure hope he's ok), while Commissioner Gordon BatSkypes in from Gotham Central concerning a hellish disturbance in Crime Alley, an unconfirmed Riddler sighting, and the latest intel collected on the Court of Owls. Rocket Red is on patrol doing his "observation route" and all appears calm in the friendly Eurasian skies. Hal Jordan is investigating rising fear and unrest in the galaxy as rumors concerning new evils from other worlds spread, but to date the Corps have found no substantial evidence and the Earth is currently at normal security level from alien threats. Batman closes the meeting and secretly adjourns to his private quarters where...
    • Rip Hunter awaits, having just returned from his latest confidential exploration. It seems Batman's suspicions unfortunately have proven true. This time, for once, the great detective had hoped he was wrong. The rifts in time space have become too common. The Source Wall is no longer the only gateway to their world. Too much has been altered for far too long. Whether it was Booster Gold, New Gods, The Legion, that forgotten event with Luthor and Thanos (see the AOM/New Dawn crossover from a previous era), Jor-El and the kid, perhaps Rip's own travels through time, or something or someone they are't even yet aware of yet....the multiverse, larger and more frightening than they ever imagined, is broken! The laws that once governed it and protected them now lay shattered at Einstein's feet. They are certainly not alone, not anymore. And that fear spreading through the galaxy that the Lanterns are looking into, it is real and it is justified. Now, more than ever, they must all stand together and defend themselves, their homes, everything, on all fronts. They must INCORPORATE!
    • Ed Brubaker is bringing along some friends (who happen to be the world's finest creators) for a game-changing event that will shake the very foundations of CBR's DC New Dawn Universe and set our favorite heroes and villains on a course that will forever change their world and their place in it. It is time to INCORPORATE!
    32 PGs./Rated T+...$2.99

    Prelude to INCORPORATE

    Written by CHUCK DIXON with ED BRUBAKER
    "I Will Show You Fear in a Handful of Dust"
    • Old Man Bats and Cold Justice know the grim future that awaits if they can not enact change. The rugged, war-ravaged Bruce of the future has traveled back in time to stop the events that destroyed his city, his timeline and his own soul. Events that he helped set in motion back here in the present day. His life's mission is now to stop himself, to stop Batman Incorporated's global takeover by any means necessary. But he'll need help and who will listen to his story if he himself is the villain of it? So far he has only convinced Cold Justice to join the cause, not that Joe Chill Jr. needed much motivation to restart his vendetta against Batman, he just never thought he'd do so working alongside...well...Batman.
    • Joe Jr. and Old Bruce in disguise recently solicited a secret meeting with Deadshot to see where his head was at, and that is a never a safe venture. Unfortunately Floyd had already signed up with his soulmate Catman to the Incorporated team to do some dark ops work for the Dark Knight.
    • Now Joe Jr. and Old Bruce (hereby known as Old & Cold) venture to Star City, to the dojo of Slade Wilson, one of the world's deadliest men, who has proven himself in combat against the caped crusader. However, they never suspected someone was one step ahead of them, that Deathstroke had already signed a contract with the enemy, and that they are walking into the world's most dangerous trap! Let's just say, their resistance is futile! Cold Justice & Old Man Bats versus Deathstroke, Deadshot & Catman....the first shots will be fired in this issue!
    • Ed Brubaker is bringing along some friends (who happen to be the world's finest creators) for a game-changing event that will shake the very foundations of CBR's DC New Dawn Universe and set our favorite heroes and villains on a course that will forever change their world and their place in it. It is time to INCORPORATE!
    32 PGs./Rated T+...$2.99

    Prelude to INCORPORATE

    Art by JASON FABOK
    “This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.”
    • An issue of revelations awaits! These Outsiders and their guardianship of Hong Kong was the brainchild of Oracle. She put this operation, this team together. But was the entire experiment just a test, a tryout, to see if a branch of Batman Incorporated could squash a secret criminal empire outside of Gotham? Before they are ready to expand their mission to a global scale, they first must free Hong Kong from the villainous shackles of Pendulum. And even before that they must extract Tiffany's father Lucius and the Penguin from the Pendulum's influence.
    • It all comes down to this: The Outsiders vs. Pendulum and his M.A.S.K.Faction in a war for the soul of Hong Kong. Luckily, Oracle has sent Tiffany and her squad some backup help from Batman Incorporated in the form of The Huntress, The Batman of Japan, Black Lightning and Elast-Girl. Pendulum doesn't stand a chance, but does he have one last trick up his sleeve? And in the end, who is behind the mask of the Pendulum afterall? The Outsiders Experiment comes to its shocking conclusion....NOW.
    • Ed Brubaker is bringing along some friends (who happen to be the world's finest creators) for a game-changing event that will shake the very foundations of CBR's DC New Dawn Universe and set our favorite heroes and villains on a course that will forever change their world and their place in it. It is time to INCORPORATE!
    32 PGs./Rated T+...$2.99
    Last edited by shaggydoo; 06-11-2018 at 09:46 PM.

  5. #5
    Mighty Member shaggydoo's Avatar
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    May 2014


    DEVIL IN THE DARK CITY #1 (of 6)
    Prelude to INCORPORATE

    Written by ED BRUBAKER
    Art by JOCK
    "Born Again...Again"
    • He doesn't remember how he got here, to this city, to Gotham. He left Foggy at Josey's before last call and went home to his brownstone. The next day he awoke to different surroundings, unfamiliar, out of sorts. Were his senses on the fritz? Was this some sort of practical joke, everything shifted and moved while he slept? Josey's replaced by Noonan's, his father's old gym is now called Grant's? The muscle memory, the building structures, everything must be relearned. At first he hid out, tried to understand. Had he traveled through time? Or perhaps space? Such is the mystery, to a man who has always had to overcome the odds. It's taken him a few months to settle in to his new town, new world, new life. But the sounds, the smells, the stench of crime and fear are all too familiar. And that shroud of darkness is clear to see even to a blind man. His name is Matt Murdock. He is an attorney by day, a crime-fighter by night. But he isn't Daredevil. Daredevil doesn't exist here. This isn't Hell's Kitchen. This is Gotham f'n City!
    • They say justice is blind. Here justice wears a cape and a cowl, and has a signal that lights up the black sky. But the Batman legend, of a vicious vigilante that owns the night and frightens evildoers into submission, is slipping away. It seems the Bat has been preoccupied lately with international concerns, his services have expanded to a global scale, leaving the myth a bit hollow back home. You give crime an inch, it takes over Arkham Asylum, so to speak. There is a void. Luckily there's a new ass-kicking ninja with super senses on the scene. All he needs is a black mask, black tights...and a billy club wouldn't hurt.
    • Day job. It's hard to find work for a fresh independent lawyer in Gotham, especially since he seemingly came with no case history. It is as if everyone here has ties, to everything. That is the power structure. It's equally difficult to decipher right or wrong, good or bad, who isn't on the take. This is a city of dark grays. So when a can't miss, cash paying client came knocking at his door, he should have seen it coming. An open and shut case of police brutality, so it seemed. A gung ho cop named Flass got carried away and left the client, an alleged arsonist named Garfield Lynns, a broken heap. Despite a formidable reputation, the D.A. Harvey Dent all but handed his client a free acquittal. Then, before he could celebrate his first big win in his new town, Murdock ran into the police commissioner, a fellow red head named Gordon, who had a simple but stark warning, "Be careful Murdock. You're swimming in deep waters without a life vest." Was that a threat? Somehow, from reading his heartbeat, it seemed to be coming from a point of concern.
    • Moonlighting. The Gothic architecture of Gotham is a playground for an acrobat in a mask. He's been doing nightly patrols, stopping small crimes, break-ins, muggings, assaults, which considering the vigilante history of the place, doesn't raise any alarms. But this time he has discovered a murder. A scream, then a single gunshot rings out a few blocks away followed by the smell of smoke. His radar picks up four warm bodies in masks leaving the scene in opposite directions. One is limping, possibly shot in the leg and is headed in his direction. When he meets up he is surprised by the abilities of his wounded murder suspect. He's quick, he's been trained. Are those talons on his glove? Is he supposed to be some sort of Owl persona? Surely, Owlsley isn't behind this!?! Just as Matt has the perpetrator subdued, his three friends come to his aid. Murdock is outnumbered and the Owl people are able to escape. He rushes back to the burning crime scene only to pull out a dead body, which happens to belong to one Garfield Lynns. Welcome to Gotham, Mr. Murdock!
    • Ed Brubaker is bringing along some friends (who happen to be the world's finest creators) for a game-changing event that will shake the very foundations of CBR's DC New Dawn Universe and set our favorite heroes and villains on a course that will forever change their world and their place in it. It is time to INCORPORATE!
    40 PGs./Rated T+...$3.99
    Last edited by shaggydoo; 06-11-2018 at 09:48 PM.

  6. #6
    Mighty Member shaggydoo's Avatar
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    May 2014


    The world’s greatest heroes, locked in a battle of destiny!


    Plot by SHAGGYDOO
    Written by GRANT MORRISON
    Art by JIM LEE

    They used Krypton-tech and Krypto to locate Superman. However, it took Flash's dimensional spanning Cosmic Treadmill and the unlimited travel abilities of Space Cabby for the JLA to finally find the Man of Steel. They are on an alternate Earth that has mutants, Norse Gods and Inhumans amongst it population. It's also a world that is paralyzed with distrust, fear and extreme prejudice with those born with super-powers. However it is an Age of Marvels here and Superman is now amongst them. They initially track Clark Kent at the Daily Planet where they encounter an Editor-in-Chief that is also an a$$hole in J. Jonah Jameson. However, Batman quickly changes his tone and discovers reporter "Clark Stark" has been fired. Fortunately Peter Parker has the answer as to where is Superman. They find him at the Avengers HQ, barely conscious battered and bruised by a team of super-heroes that is just as powerful as they are and the two factions are ready to go to WAR! CONTINUED IN AVENGERS #45 IN THE AGE OF MARVELS AT http://community.comicbookresources....-Solicitations
    32 PGs./Rated T $2.99

    Prelude to INCORPORATE

    Written by TOM KING with ED BRUBAKER
    Art by EVAN 'DOC' SHANER
    “The Last Temptation is the Great Treason, To Do the Right Thing for the Wrong Reason”
    • The boys are back after a 6 month hiatus, or what we're calling a super-student holiday! - See last October's Halloween Special for more details.
    • The Batwing drops down to rescue the boys from Nanda Parbat after their harrowing escape from grandpa Ra's al Ghul's henchmen. Damian thinks he is in a world of trouble until the hatch opens to reveal Alfred Pennyworth "Your father may be busy policing the world but that doesn't give you the right to run off without telling anyone." Thankfully the homing device inside Robin's suit picked up a signal once they were outside the vast caves that make up Ra's fortress. Back to Gotham and Metropolis they depart, leaving behind their grandfathers to their dangerous devices.
    • Jor-El dips Lara into the Lazarus Pit and life returns to her body, but what darkness hides behind that glimmer in her newly awakened eyes? With his wife's return Jor-El all but fails to notice his grandson Jon has left, or that the futuristic Kryptonian technology he bartered for her life now rests in the hands of the leader of a League of Assassins who has grave intentions for what it can do to those he wishes to punish.
    • Meanwhile, Ra's gives a rousing speech to his inner circle that the great storm is coming, he has seen it before and now the father of his grandson sits at the helm of it all, serving as the entry they have long sought, to shape the world in his form, the Demon's Head. To be concluded next issue....
    • Ed Brubaker is bringing along some friends (who happen to be the world's finest creators) for a game-changing event that will shake the very foundations of CBR's DC New Dawn Universe and set our favorite heroes and villains on a course that will forever change their world and their place in it. It is time to INCORPORATE!
    PENULTIMATE ISSUE/32 PGs./Rated T...$2.99

    Written by TOM KING
    “OPEN SEASON” Part 1 of 3 “NO MAN’S LAND”
    In the wake of Count Vertigo’s election as Mayor of Star City, the city remains completely cut-off from the rest of the United States as chaos reigns in No Man’s Land. Vertigo’s first act of law is to make the act of vigilantism punishable by death! So now the cops of Star City have no choice but to make the Green Arrow and Black Canary their number one priorities! Thankfully, Oliver and Dinah have allies in the form of Nightrunner and Arsenal, but will even they be enough to save Star City? Or has Oliver just watched his city fall?
    32pgs/Rated T…/$2.99

    Written by CHRISTOS GAGE
    Plotted by BANEOFKINGS
    Rip Hunter sets up a neutral moon-based stronghold home to all the Rips from throughout the multiverse in this issue – which features over a hundred different versions of Rip himself. See if you can spot them all! Meanwhile, with King Arthur now in charge of the Waverider – the Legends return to the Arthurian Era where they find out that Arthur’s Kingdom has become overrun by none other than Vandal Savage in his absence! Can the King reclaim his Kingdom – and after seeing what has happened to Camelot in his absence, will Arthur want to stay on the Waverider? Are we about to say goodbye to one of the Legends' most valuable members?
    32pgs/Rated T…/$2.99

    THE FLASH #49
    Written by MATT KINDT
    Plotted by BANEOFKINGS
    Art by J.H. WILLIAMS
    Patty Spivot has got the old team back together – The Flash’s old team back together – Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Wally and Iris West – but will it be too late to stop The Reverse Flash from destroying Central City and erasing Barry Allen – his greatest nemesis – from history? Freed from the Speed Force, Barry travels back in time to where it all began – the murder of his mother – where he has a shot at beating the Reverse Flash once and for all. But this time there’s a new rogue element in play – someone who will give The Flash a much-needed advantage over his rival – Zoom.
    Next Issue: The Epilogue!
    32pgs/Rated T…/$2.99

    Plotted by BANEOFKINGS
    "DIPLOMACY" Part 2 of 2 "GUILTY"
    Diana decides to welcome the half-blood offspring of the Gods to Themyscira, where they can be protected from the outside world and the Gods that seek to harm them, but in doing so she risks conflict not only with the women of Themyscira who are staunchly against inviting men to the island, but also her shaky allegiance with Poseidon and Hades, who has just been proven innocent of being the killer of a DemiGod. The real perpetrator of the crime is Zeus, whose master scheme has just been unravelled with dangerous consequences.
    32pgs/Rated T.../$2.99


    Plot by SHAGGYDOO

    Jax, Blue Falcon, Cyborg and Dynomutt want to end the secret terrorist organization HIVE. However, HIVE also wants to end them. To that end their operative Gizmo has been given a full arsenal of weapons to play with, tweak and Macguyver. He's also been given access to it's team of young super-powered mercenaries the HIVE FIVE: JINX, SEE-MORE, BILLY NUMEROUS, KID WIKKID and MAMMOTH. HIVE want's it's team to win, but it really doesn't matter because either way they have contracted a "Cleaner" to take out any surviving loose ends. Yup, the "winners" get DEATHSTROKED!
    32 PGs./Rated T $2.99
    Last edited by shaggydoo; 06-13-2018 at 09:42 PM.

  7. #7
    Mighty Member shaggydoo's Avatar
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    May 2014



    Infinite Earths....Infinite Possibilities!

    JUSTICE LEAGUE: EARTH 2 #25 **Double-Sized Anniversary Issue!**
    'Finite War' part 2/2 'Tuo Snur Emit'
    Plot by NX01A
    Written by CULLEN BUNN
    Welcome new artist JORGE JIMÉNEZ!
    •The Earthfall of Atlantis, the annihilation of Catalonia and North Korea, the heroic sacrifice of J'ONN J'ONZZ, the deaths of his wife and daughters, the extinction of her Martians... MARTIAN MANHUNTRESS and BLACK MARVEL hurtle back through time on dead METRON's uncontrollable MOBIUS CHAIR! The only thing that saves them from crashing into the Big Bang comes in bright primary colours!
    •Remember the ELASTIC FOUR? They stopped the extra-dimensional HORRIFICS but ELONGATED MAN and ELASTI-WOMAN are dead, and Rex Mason has been transformed into something calling itself METAMORPHORRIFIC! Only PLASTIC MAN survived mostly unscathed clinging to a life preserver from HOURMAN's Time Ship, and he'll need Mar'Sha J'Onzz and Jefferson Pierce's help to stop the Elemental Evil from infecting this universe with a nightmare reality virus!
    •With the Mobius Chair finally cooperating, they must find Metamorphorrific's Time Platform and the missing month of March, 2018 before it's too late!
    64 PGs./Rated T...$4.50

    JUSTICE SOCIETY: EARTH 2 #25 **Double-Sized Anniversary Issue!**

    'Quasi-War' part 2/2 'Mortefontaine'
    Plot by NX01A
    Written by WARREN ELLIS
    •With the Green Bell of Uthool already containing the imp ABNEGAZAR, our heroes hunt for more artifacts. NUBIA, MR. TERRIFIC, and BLACK MARVEL search the ruins of Brazil's Lost City of Z for the Silver Wheel of Nyorlath to imprison RATH of the DEMONS THREE while DOCTOR FATE and HAWKWOMAN scour the Louvre's store rooms for the Red Jar of Calythos to trap GHAST!
    •A garbled message from HOURMAN in the future warns of the JUSTICE LEAGUE trying to fix time by finding the lost month of March, 2018... and Black Marvel is with *them*!
    •It is called RAKKAR the NOTHING: a shapeless survivor of dead universe after dead universe, razed Hell after razed Hell. The contained Demons Three will be batteries allowing this JIN EN MOK, this Dancing Flesh posing as Black Marvel to recreate his original reality from the raw materials of this one! If only the septillion year old entity could remember what he originally looked like, much less what the physical laws of his home once were. Will this universe survive his trial and errors?
    64 PGs./Rated T+...$4.50

    'For I Have Known Them All Already'
    Plot by NX01A
    Written by KYLE BAKER
    •While enjoying Cirque du Lune's pride month gender fluid show called Noomanity, H.P. Jeers, famour lifestyle and fitness coach and satirical Ütüber, finally remembers who he dreams of being every night: FLEX MENTALLO, Interdimensional Man of Muscle Mystery!
    •Can Jeers harness any of his dream self's muscle over matter mastery when the show's audience is frozen in place and mesmerized by its drag king stars: BLUE SNOWMAN and HYPNOTA?
    •In the Maldives, UN Commitee on Climate Change Secretary (and depowered Superman) CALVIN ELLIS is the hostage of the BLACK MANTAS: ecoterrorists bent on stopping global warming and sea level rise at any cost. David Hyde, the Black Mantas' leader and ruler of the Maldives, wants to make an example of the all too human CAL-EL, and only Earth 2's reality-hopping SANDMAN can save the former man of steel from a watery grave!
    32 PGs./Rated T+...$2.99

    Plot by LEE STONE
    Art by JOE BENNETT
    •Metropolis heats up when the Secret Society of Super-Villains sends Heatwave and Heatstroke to take out Brian Markov, the leader of Markovia.
    Can Black Lightning and Katana protect him and his sister, Tara, before an international incident occurs?
    •In Gotham, Queen Bee pays a visit to Arkham Asylum and strikes a deal with Hugo Strange that will have have long-lasting repercussions for the team.
    Deathstroke comes clean with Green Arrow about Intergang, but can he be trusted? Or is he working a totally different angle? Cheshire may know, but she's not telling.
    •Onyx delves deeper into the League of Assassins and runs afoul of Nemesis. But who's side is he on? Will he help Onyx and the Question get closer to the heart of the League, or will he reveal them to get his own position in the organization?
    •Meanwhile, Huntress gets acquainted with new recruit Jonni Thunder when the two of them investigate rumors of Ra's al Ghul raising zombies to fill the ranks of an underground army.
    32 PGs./Rated T...$2.99

    THUNDER & LIGHTNING #2 (of 6)
    Plot by LEE STONE
    •Jonni Thunder and Black Lightning go undercover on the seedy streets of Gotham to find the elusive Catwoman, while getting a little assistance from Richard Dragon.
    •Intergang doesn't become too pleased with the increased interest in their activities and takes actions to ensure that Catwoman won't betray them.
    •Cheshire also makes plans of her own that tie directly into The Outsiders, revealing not only her connection to Catwoman but also how she and Deathstroke came to be involved with Intergang.
    32 PGs./Rated T...$2.99

    GREEN ARROW 3046 #2
    'The Crucifer' Pt 2 of 3
    Plot by COSMIC BLACK
    Written by KEVIN GREVIOUX
    •Diggle's life hasn't gotten any easier since he became the new Green Arrow. He went from receiving brutal training from the original Green Arrow's sister to chasing down small-time crooks. Now he's facing off against a gang of immortal vampires. (a battle that he's half-winning so far!) Diggle knows it won't be easy to draw out Lord Crucifer and his army, so one by one he destroys Miraclo drug houses to get their attention and it works.
    •Legions of vampires come out of the woodwork to get a piece of the new Emerald Archer. But how effective is a vampire against a Photon Arrow? Courtesy of the late Doctor Kimiyo Hoshi!
    Last edited by shaggydoo; 06-11-2018 at 10:05 PM.

  8. #8
    Mighty Member shaggydoo's Avatar
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    May 2014



    In the sky and the streets of Metropolis, heroes fight for the world!

    SUPERMAN #44

    Plot by SHAGGYDOO
    Written by ROBERT KIRKMAN
    Art by JIM LEE

    Toy Man, Atomic Skull, Blaze, Satanish, Metallo, Titano, Terra-Man, Silver Banshee, Volcana, Galatic Golem, Black Rock, Bloodsport, Manchester Black, Mongal, Puzzler, Baron Sunday, Skyhook, Faora and Doomsday. They are a Who's Who of Supermans enemies. Lex Luthor arranges a meeting between them and the new Mayor Zod. The Mayor has only one directive: Cease and desist all their Metropolis activities. When they refuse, Mayor Zod doesn't make a speech or call his impressive Krypton-tech law this Mayor takes action. Using all the god-like powers they are familiar, Zod will takes out his enemies in ways Superman never would and with very extreme prejudice!
    32 PGs./Rated T...$2.99

    Written by KATHRYN IMMONEN
    Plotted by BANEOFKINGS
    Art by BABS TARR
    “I AM SLAUGHTER” Part 2 of 2 “KILL THE MOON”
    Lex Luthor’s desperate gambit has brought Superman and Doomsday away from the planet Earth onto the surface of the moon base that is home to Superman’s forces which are plotting an invasion of a Democratic Russia from space. Supergirl takes command once more - leading Blue Beetle and Black Adam alongside a coalition of a ragtag space navy from around the world - in order to engage in battle with Superman’s invaders – and to keep them distracted so Lex Luthor can launch a series of planet-killing weapons at the moon. Can Lex find a way to fire the weapons that will take out Superman and Doomsday without killing the moon in the process? Or will this upside-down Earth be put in severe jeopardy when the moon is quite literally – blown out of the sky?
    32pgs/Rated T.../$2.99


    Plotted by SHAGGY DOO
    Written by KEITH GIFFEN
    "Chasing Cars"

    Krypto has been very busy. He used his super-sensory to aid the JLA in locating the long missing Superman. He's establish a new base of operation in S.T.A.R. Labs for his team the LEGION OF SUPER-PETS as well as welcoming with some reluctance their first human member Ambush Bug. Now he's in a super-highspeed charity race with the living car named Speed Buggy and his driver Tinker who have been dominating the NASCAR circuit. Little does Krypto know his opponents can access the Speedforce, but is it the car, his driver or both that has this super-power. Also unknown to Krypto is team Speed Buggy's sponsor...LEXCORP!
    32 PGs./Rated T...$2.99
    Last edited by shaggydoo; 06-11-2018 at 10:09 PM.

  9. #9
    Mighty Member shaggydoo's Avatar
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    May 2014


    NEW DAWN PULL LIST! Additional titles may be added later


    Apokolips #1
    Orion #3
    New Gods #14
    The Forever People #14
    Legion #10


    Justice League Dark #39
    Mortal Kombat #4
    Spawn #7
    Hellblazer #43
    Sentinels of Magic #38


    Batman #45
    Cold Justice #44
    The Outsiders #25
    Devil in the Dark City #1 of 6


    Justice League of America #45
    Superboy and Robin #10
    Flash #45
    Legends of Tomorrow #29
    Legend of Wonder Woman #11
    Green Arrow & Black Canary #6
    Cyborg and Dynomutt #6


    Justice League: Earth 2 #25
    Justice Society: Earth 2 #25
    Elseworld #4
    Thunder and Lightning #2
    The Outsiders #2
    Green Arrow 3046 #2


    Superman #44
    Supergirl #25
    Krypto Unleashed #22

    Last edited by shaggydoo; 06-11-2018 at 10:17 PM.

  10. #10
    So Say We All! BaneofKings's Avatar
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    Apr 2014


    One of everything, please!

    I'm going to be wrapping up <i>The Flash</i> next issue, so if anyone wants to plot a Flash series featuring either Wally or Barry, feel free to do so.

  11. #11
    Astonishing Member Global Honored's Avatar
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    Apr 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by BaneofKings View Post
    One of everything, please!

    I'm going to be wrapping up <i>The Flash</i> next issue, so if anyone wants to plot a Flash series featuring either Wally or Barry, feel free to do so.
    Love the new Jef Costello av!
    Could the cold-eyed assassin of Le Samourai end up in one of your future series?

    Would you mind if Barry or Wally showed up in INCORPORATE?

  12. #12
    Mighty Member shaggydoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BaneofKings View Post
    One of everything, please!

    I'm going to be wrapping up <i>The Flash</i> next issue, so if anyone wants to plot a Flash series featuring either Wally or Barry, feel free to do so.
    I would like to plot the Flash after you end your excellent run BoK. I would be using Barry primarily. Global Honor, feel free to use either Flash in your series too.

  13. #13
    Astonishing Member Exciter's Avatar
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    Great stuff! Very excited for Incorporate! My pulls:

    Apokolips #1
    Orion #3
    The Forever People #14

    Justice League Dark #39
    Mortal Kombat #4
    Spawn #7
    Hellblazer #43
    Sentinels of Magic #38

    Batman #45
    Cold Justice #44
    The Outsiders #25
    Devil in the Dark City #1 of 6 (fantastic premise!)

    Justice League of America #45 (“an Editor-in-Chief that is also an a$$hole” had me lol)
    Superboy and Robin #10
    Legends of Tomorrow #29
    Legend of Wonder Woman #11
    Green Arrow & Black Canary #6
    Cyborg and Dynomutt #6

    Justice League: Earth 2 #25 (METAMORPHORRIFIC! Gasp!)
    Justice Society: Earth 2 #25
    Elseworld #4 (BotM!)
    Thunder and Lightning #2
    The Outsiders #2
    Green Arrow 3046 #2

    Superman #44
    Supergirl #25
    Krypto Unleashed #22
    Age of Marvels and DC Next Dawn - Monthly Fan Made Solicitation Competitions on these very forums, make your pulls now! Want back story? Check the Wiki!

  14. #14
    Astonishing Member Global Honored's Avatar
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    Apr 2014


    June purchases:

    • New Gods 14 (oh noes, Scoooottt watch out!!! He’s gotta escape this one)
    • Legion 10
    • JL Dark 39
    • Spawn 7
    • Mortal Kombat 14 (Shiva and Sub-Zero is one killer power couple)
    • Hellblazer 43
    • Bats 45
    • Cold Justice 44
    • Outsiders 25
    • Devil in Dark City 1
    • JLA 45
    • Superboy & Robin 10
    • Legends of Tomorrow 29
    • Flash 49
    • JL Earth 2 25
    • Elseworld 4 (I also have Flex dreams, is that odd?)
    • Thunder & Lightning 2
    • Green Arrow 3046 2
    • Supes 44
    • Krypto Unleashed 22

  15. #15
    Mighty Member
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    Mar 2018


    Orion #3
    Superman #44
    Thunder and Lightning #2
    JLA #45
    Legends of Tomorrow #29
    Superboy and Robin #10
    Spawn #7
    Imagine being proud to have negative traits. I can’t relate.

    DC: Justice League, The Flash, Justice League Dark, Superman, Action Comics, Green Arrow, Justice League Odyssey, The Terrifics, Teen Titans, Titans, Brimstone, Female Furies, Damage, Heroes In Crisis

    Marvel: The Punisher, Cosmic Ghost Rider, Venom, X-23, Cloak and Dagger, Jessica Jones, Sentry

    Indies: Unnatural, Jeepers Creepers, Project Superpowers, Black Hammer, Ninja-K

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