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  1. #16
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    DAVE MADE A MAZE (2017). This is a must see low-budget movie. Great producion design and inventive use of practical effects. The story is like an extrapolated version of one of the best COMMUNITY episodes. A visual treat.

  2. #17
    Invincible Member
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    Finally saw Avenging Friends and the Space Stones. Pretty much enjoyed it.

  3. #18
    Astonishing Member Arfguy's Avatar
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    Skyscraper. Dwayne Johnson is a movie superstar. His choice in making movies...leave a lot to desire. I think he should hire Keanu Reeves' agent. Skyscraper was a really sub-par action movie. The Rock deserves better!
    The Commuter. I don't know what the Hell that was. It was ok, but I'm not sure what the creative people were going for.
    Blade of the Immortal (Netflix) - I made the mistake of trying to watch this movie at around 2:30 am. I watched Skyscraper and the Commuter back-to-back and then tried to watch this as the third movie and started feeling sleepy about 40 minutes in. What I saw was pretty amazing. Need to finish it.
    Find me on Instagram and Twitter - @arfguy

  4. #19

  5. #20
    Astonishing Member stargazer01's Avatar
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    yesterday watched ALPHA and loved it!

    I really liked the trailers and I love dogs, so this looked interesting to me. It didn't disappoint, it was better than I expected. A solid and heartfelt coming of age story, and also about courage and true friendship. The visuals blew me away. Yes I cried too.

  6. #21
    Astonishing Member Arfguy's Avatar
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    Finished watching Blade of the Immortal. Loved it.

    Watched Black Panther. I really wish this movie got a few more months to clean up the CGI. It could have been so much better with more polish. This movie had great substance and subject matter, but the spotty CGI really hurts the movie in my eyes.
    Find me on Instagram and Twitter - @arfguy

  7. #22
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    Watched DIARY OF A COUNTRY PRIEST [JOURNAL D'UN CURÉ DE CAMPAGNE] (1951), directed by Robert Bresson--a pretty bleak but involving movie about a young priest who arrives in a country parish and struggles to be accepted by the petty locals who bad-mouth him and suspect he's a terrible human being, all the while he's caught in a crisis of faith and suffering from a serious illness that leaves him weak, surviving on a diet of stale bread and cheap wine, as anything else causes him pain.

    The black & white movie has these stark images that would be at home in a horror movie--and it is a kind of a psychological horror story, except that the pacing is so slow (yet with jumps in the narrative where you have to puzzle out what happened in between the frames) that it would never be considered a traditional horror. The lead actor, Claude Laydu, is compelling in his performance as the priest and the movie is both elevating and depressing for all that he experiences and suffers. At 155 minutes, in French (with subtitles), a lot of the movie is held together by the voice-over narration from the diaries of the country priest--not for the faint of heart.

  8. #23
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    Does Netflix count? then Year One with Jack Black.

  9. #24
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    Apr 2017


    Titicut Follies (1967)

    A documentary about the inmates at Bridgewater State Prison for the Criminally Insane.

    Last edited by Vegan Daddy; 08-29-2018 at 12:40 PM.

  10. #25
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    Hey, are there any youtube reviewers that do a good job of actually reviewing the movie? After I watch a movie I like to see what reviewers have said about it, but most of what comes up on youtube is the same two guys who both do schtick and even when they like a movie it's only an opportunity to try out their comedy act. Grace Randolph has been good of late--even when I don't agree with her--but only by comparison with those really snarky dudes, as she can be abrasive as well. Nobody seems interested in doing a straight review of a movie, where they look at what the movie tried to accomplish and how well it succeeded in doing that. Then again, this could be because solid reviews don't get enough likes and get buried--while histrionics are rewarded and rise to the top.

  11. #26
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    Ganja & Hess (1973)

    The best vampire movie I’ve seen.

  12. #27
    Amazing Member gordonm's Avatar
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    I walked out of the cinema for the very first time because of Slender Man. It's so, so bad.

  13. #28
    Mighty Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arfguy View Post
    Finished watching Blade of the Immortal. Loved it.

    Watched Black Panther. I really wish this movie got a few more months to clean up the CGI. It could have been so much better with more polish. This movie had great substance and subject matter, but the spotty CGI really hurts the movie in my eyes.
    if you haven't read the manga "Blade of the Immortal" then I think you'll enjoy it. if you have... then I agree. it was fun. the movie does remarkably well in spite of hacking out 60% of the story! (I'm glad that they kept Magatsu in there... because he was one of my favorites)

    it's also kinda fun to watch as a 'double-feature' with "13 Assassins".

  14. #29
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    TESTRÖL ÉS LÉLEKRÖL [Body and Soul] (2017), written and directed by Ildikó Enyedi (Hungary). It was nominated this year for an Oscar in the Foreign Language category. Set in a slaughterhouse, two people find out they have the same dream. A very good movie, my one problem was near the beginning they show some cattle being slaughtered and I had to skip past those scenes because I couldn't take it. The way animals are photographed in this movie you have great empathy for them. Interesting little detail I noticed is that in the cafeteria at the slaughterhouse no one eats meat, they all have vegetarian meals. I could see that happening, if you see where the meat comes from it could put you off eating it. At the end of the movie there's a note saying that while animals were killed in the making of the movie it was never for the movie but for the actual slaugherhouse in its regular operations.

  15. #30
    Reader of Stuff Hilden B. Lade's Avatar
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    where they filmed that one movie and half of that other one


    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Kelly View Post
    Hey, are there any youtube reviewers that do a good job of actually reviewing the movie? After I watch a movie I like to see what reviewers have said about it, but most of what comes up on youtube is the same two guys who both do schtick and even when they like a movie it's only an opportunity to try out their comedy act. Grace Randolph has been good of late--even when I don't agree with her--but only by comparison with those really snarky dudes, as she can be abrasive as well. Nobody seems interested in doing a straight review of a movie, where they look at what the movie tried to accomplish and how well it succeeded in doing that. Then again, this could be because solid reviews don't get enough likes and get buried--while histrionics are rewarded and rise to the top.
    One of my recommendations is GoodBadFlicks on Youtube. He generally does the "jokes as commentary" style reviews and behind-the-scenes videos for B-Movies, cult classics, and exploitation cinema but he also posts reviews for new releases which are nothing but his straight thoughts for the film. Not sure if he has done too many of those recently though for the big blockbuster pictures as not many have shown up in my Youtube feed.
    Last edited by Hilden B. Lade; 08-31-2018 at 09:49 PM.

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