Welcome to the dawn of The Age of Marvels: New Universe with a collection of all new fan-made #1 issues assembled by our own Age of Marvels (AOM) Bullpen, launching us full throttle in to a new Marvel continuity. This is the New Universe! There has never been a more excelsior time to climb aboard, as a reader and/or a contributor here on the CBR Forums. AOM is Marvel Comics your way! So sit back, read away and immerse yourself in this new Marvelous world.

Which #1 issues interest and excite you? Let us know by posting which of these #1 issues you'd pick up in the virtual AOM Store on this solicitation thread. You can pull as many as you'd like, but also consider your "virtual budget" when making your selections, as sales are used to reward our titles and plotters.

Please also participate in the monthly poll to help us shape the New Universe as we move forward. This month's question is whether you would like to see AOM: New Universe split the titles/solicits up in to lines or brands (Some Examples might be: Heroes, Mighty, Knights, Uncanny, Cosmic, etc.)

If you want more information on Age of Marvels: The New Universe or are interested in taking part yourself, please visit us at AOM Bullpen. So From all of us at AOM ...Enjoy and Excelsior!

Special Message:
We'd also like to pay respect to Stan "The Man" Lee (RIP) who inspired generations of pro and amateur creators such as ourselves. There would be no Marvel Universe, no Cinematic Universe, no mainstream "geek/nerd" acceptance as we know it today without his Fantastic foresight, Incredible creativity, Amazing way with words, Mighty kindness and Uncanny charisma that transcended the medium. We can gather here on CBR, talk comics 24-7, see our favorite heroes on TV and at the theater, read new issues on our mobile phones or smell the finely printed pages of today's comics, pick up a plethora of collected editions in bookstores across the globe, talk about it around the water-cooler, proudly wear superheroes on our tee-shirts or sneakers, play them in video games, have thousands of toys and licensed items for purchase just a click away....and it is accepted, more than that....encouraged. Comics are cool. For everyone. Much of that can be attributed to Stan Lee's contributions, his legacy and enduring impact on this thing we love. Thanks Stan, you were...are....forever, undeniably The Man!