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  1. #31
    Invincible Member
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    Yeah...tonight's episode of OC went straight for the schmaltz.

  2. #32


    A mini "The Practice" reunion! Though Steve Harris and Dylan McDermott didn't share any scenes together.

    It was like seeing an old friend. Steve Harris was playing Eugene Young in all but name. Now any defense attorney I see I think "will he/she go over to 'Law & Order: For the Defense'?"

    Seriously doubt Gina's dead. But poor Richie is gonna be used, unwittingly, to bring down his pops. But now we know how Richard feels about killing his own kids...

    Two more eps and that's it for the season? Ah well at least its coming back next season.

  3. #33
    Amazing Member
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    I have to mention this. Just read article about X-over of L&O universe and X-Files,
    But what is forgotten, L&O & X-Files also exist in the Simpsonverse!
    Homer, Bart etc. also exist in the same universe as L&O

  4. #34
    Astonishing Member
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    Since I know a fair amount about legal procedures and legal firearms usage - all the L and O shows were so off the mark and idiotic that it spoiled the show. Elliot and Olivia couldn't fight their ways out of a paper bag. Too many examples to list. Just one, whenever they have to breach, Olivia goes first and the ESU guys are behind her. Fat chance of a LT or Captain doing that. Haha.

    Sometimes the shows are interesting but Olivia fighting 'da system' gets old. Fat chance she got promoted.

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Smith View Post
    Since I know a fair amount about legal procedures and legal firearms usage - all the L and O shows were so off the mark and idiotic that it spoiled the show. Elliot and Olivia couldn't fight their ways out of a paper bag. Too many examples to list. Just one, whenever they have to breach, Olivia goes first and the ESU guys are behind her. Fat chance of a LT or Captain doing that. Haha.
    I wonder if a lieutenant or captain would be there at all, actually, until the coast is clear. Least of all a captain. I don't remember Cragen ever accompanying them.

    Sometimes the shows are interesting but Olivia fighting 'da system' gets old. Fat chance she got promoted.
    Since being the main person in charge, answering only to that deputy chief now, she's calmed down a bit though. Its different when she was a cowboy like Stabler but now she has people that answer to her who could get affected.

  6. #36
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    My classic idiot moments were:

    1. A guy is going to set his girl friend/wife (can't remember) on fire and Olivia loads her gun with rubber bullets so she doesn't kill him. Ok.
    2. Elliot is taken hostage. Dude had a shotgun. Now he usually has the gun behind Elliot. Elliot tells Olivia to take the shot (he is in a suicidal moment). She hesitates. Then, the dude put the gun barrel over Elliot's shoulder. Hey, that's when you take the gun. Forget your training, tough guy.
    3. Ice-T is facing a dude who has a knife to a woman's throat. Ice has his gun out and is about a foot from the guy with his gun pointed at the guy's head. So Ice, blab, blab, blab. Hey, take the shot. Now having a big old exploding head might be rude but your responsibility is to the hostage.

    Rollins getting preggy, again - yes, the actress did but her not marrying a couple of good guys and getting preggy twice. Come on. I know they want Carisi panting after her, yuck. However, have her married to the doctor and then never see him. Have the kid in day care, never to be seen.

    Kind of sick of Noah stories.

  7. #37


    I'd rather have Noah stories than Rollins stories, if we could pick our poisons that is. Its kind of annoying they don't know what to do with this character except have her have constant family problems. As for the guys in her life...I kinda get the doctor, he did cheat on her before she got pregnant with his child. I think that bothered her in the back of her mind. The old "I can forgive but I can't forget", basically. Murphy, though, is he still undercover in Serbia? wtf

    So we're just never going to see Carisi's girlfriend again until he finally breaks up with her to be with Rollins, I'm guessing.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Smith View Post
    My classic idiot moments were:

    1. A guy is going to set his girl friend/wife (can't remember) on fire and Olivia loads her gun with rubber bullets so she doesn't kill him. Ok.
    2. Elliot is taken hostage. Dude had a shotgun. Now he usually has the gun behind Elliot. Elliot tells Olivia to take the shot (he is in a suicidal moment). She hesitates. Then, the dude put the gun barrel over Elliot's shoulder. Hey, that's when you take the gun. Forget your training, tough guy.
    3. Ice-T is facing a dude who has a knife to a woman's throat. Ice has his gun out and is about a foot from the guy with his gun pointed at the guy's head. So Ice, blab, blab, blab. Hey, take the shot. Now having a big old exploding head might be rude but your responsibility is to the hostage.

    Rollins getting preggy, again - yes, the actress did but her not marrying a couple of good guys and getting preggy twice. Come on. I know they want Carisi panting after her, yuck. However, have her married to the doctor and then never see him. Have the kid in day care, never to be seen.

    Kind of sick of Noah stories.
    I'd agree except for 3. If the guy moves suddenly he'd probably end up blowing off the hostage's head-wouldn't be a good look.

  9. #39
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    Also, Finn did end up taking the shot to save the hostage and was sued by the mother for traumatizing her and her child. Even though things only wound up that way because the woman begged Finn not to report her husband to his probation officer despite him abusing her.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nate Grey View Post
    I wonder if a lieutenant or captain would be there at all, actually, until the coast is clear. Least of all a captain. I don't remember Cragen ever accompanying them.

    Since being the main person in charge, answering only to that deputy chief now, she's calmed down a bit though. Its different when she was a cowboy like Stabler but now she has people that answer to her who could get affected.
    It's because it's Benson and they have to show a strong female character and all of that, and remember that I don't think that Cragen was really one of the main characters and such and his best days were well behind him during his run...

  11. #41
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    Yeah, but it's still not realistic - haha. Given Olivia always made noise about the system, she never would have been promoted. Also folks don't stay in SVU that long - they burn out in the real world. I know it's a show but ...

    The current supporting crew are really crappy actors as compared to the older ones in the original L and O shows. Look at Mare with Kate Winslet - awesome female officer.

    I recall when Olivia was undercover in prison and fighting for her life with a corrupt guard. She had one handcuff on. I was saying - hey you have in impact weapon. In the real world, cops get bopped in with cuffs in situations like that. Did she - no, of course.

    My wife watches it, so I do and then complain - sigh. I regarded Noah as a sexist, my biological clock put down of professional women. Also a take on the white savior motif.

  12. #42


    Her promotion to sergeant was thanks to Cragan, kind of a parting gift from his retirement. Munch retired a few eps earlier so it was so the department wouldn't be without a commanding officer.

    Her promotion to lieutenant, well she simply took the lieutenant test but I think Dodds (the deputy chief played by Peter Gallagher) is implied to have pulled some strings.

    Her promotion to captain was all Dodds. Blowback from the rape case involving the Harvey Weinstein analogue. They wanted to "exile" him (i.e. demotion to traffic cop), he only agreed if Olivia would get promoted to captain.

    Now I wonder if the ultimate goal, if the show goes all the way to 30 years, is to get Benson in the deputy chief position.

    My only issue with that is they're not really positioning anyone to take her place. Kinda sorta Finn, but his promotion to sergeant seems to be an afterthought.

    Anyway...isn't promotion, especially the higher up you go, mostly political/bureaucratic anyway? Liv has more friends in brass than enemies.

    Now as far as Stabler ever getting promoted:

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Smith View Post

    I recall when Olivia was undercover in prison and fighting for her life with a corrupt guard. She had one handcuff on. I was saying - hey you have in impact weapon. In the real world, cops get bopped in with cuffs in situations like that. Did she - no, of course.
    I'm pretty sure she was cuffed to something that prevented her from using her cuffed hand.

  14. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Nate Grey View Post
    Seriously doubt Gina's dead.
    Yep I need to STOP trying to predict what's gonna happen on shows. Perfect score of zero.

  15. #45
    Invincible Member
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    I enjoyed tonight's episode of OC. Except the final scene. And I didn't hate it or anything, I thought it was well acted. It was just that...there's no reason these people would be having this conversation under these conditions...other than they're the main characters on a TV show setting up future conflict.

    Having said that, it was a solid finale to a season that started out shaky.

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