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  1. #1
    Extraordinary Member Derek Metaltron's Avatar
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    Default Create Your Own Star Wars: What If? Season?

    Basically create a synopsis for a season like Marvel's What If consisting of nine to ten episodes with alternatives for the Star Wars Universe you'd most like to see! Here's mine...

    Episode 1: What If... The Master Survived Instead of The Apprentice?

    When Obi-Wan is separated by Maul from his Master Qui-Gon, his death leads to a different path for young Anakin as he grows into maturity.

    Episode 2: What If... Rogue One Had Maintained A New Hope?

    Captain Andor, K2-SO and Jyn Erso manage to escape the destruction of Scarif, only to find themselves enveloped in the destines of a Farm Boy, Smuggler and Princess.

    Episode 3: What If... The Force Had Awakened in Finn Sooner?

    Discovering his connection to the Force on Starkiller Base, a surprised Finn journeys with Rey to search for Luke Skywalker, putting him at odds with Kylo Ren.

    Episode 4: What If... The Chosen One Still Knew His Future?

    As the Son of Mortis unleashes his power in the galaxy, Anakin grapples with his destiny and the lure of the Dark Side alongside a troubled Obi-Wan and Ashoka.

    Episode 5: What If... Han Solo Had Learned Order Instead Of Rebellion?

    Forged into an exemplary Imperial Pilot, Commander Solo is attached to the rising ISB Agent Gideon, putting him into the crosshairs of both a former lover and the Mandalorians.

    Episode 6: What If... Ben Solo Had Never Been Shown The Dark Side?

    As the New Jedi Order prospers, Ben Solo faces his final test alongside Master Skywalker as an old evil rises alongside his granddaughter.

    Episode 7: What If... Count Dooku Had Activated Order 66?

    A simple decision sees Dooku and Ventress united against his old master instead of against each other, twisting the Clone Wars into a different outcome as the Skywalker family stands united.

    Episode 8: What If... Luke Had Joined His Father?

    Turned on Bespin by Lord Vader, Luke and his father prepare for a coop against the Emperor while his secret sister uncovers a new destiny.

    Episode 9: What If... The Force Had Never Prospered?

    In a galaxy bereft of Jedi or Sith, the war between Empire and Rebel still marches on as Emperor Tarkin and Grand Moff Thrawn seek the destruction of the Ghost and its crew.

    Episode 10: What If... The Force United All Together?

    As the shadow of Mortis threatens every universe, the Force calls a group of heroes from many worlds to oppose the power of the Dark Side.

    Christmas Special (Hour Episode): What If... Fives Had Saved The Galaxy?

    Fives is able to get the truth and intentions of Order 66 out to the public, forcing Palpatine into a new directive as the Jedi moves against him.


    I tried to get a mix of eras and concepts, but I think these would all be interesting. I figured since Order 66 failing is so popular a concept it deserved its own special extended episode.

  2. #2
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    Nice idea! I might go a little crazy on some…

    What If?… Maul slew Ben Kenobi?

    Instead of Kenobi winning the single-stroke battle, Maul wins it, attacks the Lars Homestead to capture Luke, and raises him for a decade as his own twisted, bitter dark side weapon. Yoda senses it, and goes to Alderaan to train Leia, while Luke’s emergence with Maul as a rival to Palpatine and Vader ends with Vader discovering their relationship, with he and Luke trading kills of their masters. Leia, trained as a Jedi and accompanied by Yoda, leads the Rebellion against Vader, gets “I am your brother!” from Luke, but manages to win Luek back to the light, with Vader allowing himself to die after being rejected.

    What If?… Jango Fett escaped Geonosis?

    Jango’s jetpack kicks on just in time for him to lift off and escape Mace’s reach… only for Dooku to have seized Boba as an insurance policy against Jango giving away too much information. Jango then ends up being both Dooku/Palpatine’s main agent under duress, but also the main target of a Jedi manhunt headed by an increasingly bitter Anakin (since Jango was the one hired to try killing Padme.) The Clone Wars shifts entirely once Jango joins up with Maul in an attempt to free his son, accelerating the breakdown between Maul and Vizsla woth Jango becoming the reluctant head of the Death Watch after a duel, but his involvement also meaning the Separatists, Jedi and Republic get fully involved in the Mandalorian plot…

    What If?… Luke was captured on the Death Star?

    Luke gets blasted non-lethally by a savvy stormtrooper when freaking out at Obi-Wan’s death. Vader takes him prisoner, discovers who he is, but Obi-Wan’s Force Ghost manages to keep Luke from falling. Vader, meanwhile, is furious at Palpatine’s deception and standing on a Death Star, so with Tarkin orders the Death Star to Coruscant, leading to the capital being destroyed as Palpatine and his guards attack the Death Star, with Vader dying in a mutual kill with Palpatine. Leia manages to convince Han to rescue Luke thanks to Han’s guilty conscience, so it turns into a simultaneous attack run on the Death Star by all Galactic Forces that fear Tarkin too much to let him reign (so imagine Piett and some Grand Admirals backing up the Rebellion) while Han and Leia lead a rescue attempt that doubles as assassin of Tarkin… with Yoda arriving as a last minute reinforcement.

    What If?… Vader won the Duel on Mustafar?

    …This one’s just the ending from the old ROTS Video Game played through. Vader kills Palpatine, becomes the Emperor, and takes his place in the OT.

    What If?… Rey were Luke’s Daughter?

    This is a two-part season finale that also sort of breaks the rules, since we’re altering something huge before TFA, but letting TFA play out otherwise, save for the ending:

    - Instead of being quiet at the end of TFA, Luke ends it by saying in a quiet, shocked and horrified tone of voice: “…Daughter?!?”

    - Rey opens TLJ being shocked at the reveal, and when Luke haltingly and guiltily explains that he thought she and her mother had died years ago, Rey freaks out, her abandonment issues rising to the fore, and her sorrow, anger, and horror at being abandoned and being related to Kylo cries out across the universe… changing the rest of the movie from shit to gold!

    Finn feels it and it keeps him motivated away from a stupid regressive plot that ignores his TFA character arc, so we skip the entire crappy plotline there and end up with him encouraging Poe to do something more productive than a lame-ass “Mutiny On The Bounty” plot, with them instead infiltrating the First Order’s Unknown Region bases, crossing the Knights of Ren, and discovering Finn’s Force power + discovering Rey’s mom, Mara Jade, who’s been captured and put in a coma.

    Kylo, also alerted by Rey’s Force scream, throws a hissy fit at how having a cousin messes with his fragile insecurities, and actually trains under Snoke… but he and Rey *so* connect via Snoke teaching him how to reach out in an attempt to find this other Skywalker (because Palpatine is scared). This backfires, because Kylo attempts to mentally attack Rey, allowing her to again invade his mind, but also uncover how Snoke is manipulating him with visions, leading to Kylo turning his rage for the death of Han against Snoke.

    Thus, while Finn begins the plotline for a Stormtrooper Rebellion, with the Space Chase being completely ignored (Thank God!), Rey has a rough training time with a more believably broken Luke, where in she has more empathetic reasons to be tempted to the dark side, as she agrees to help Kylo kill Snoke after separating from her father… while fully intending to kill Kylo after, like a normal person would instead of a piece of arm-candy for the villain. Snoke is killed aboard the Supremacy, but Rey’s attempt to backstab Kylo fails, as he defends himself by brutally beating her, goes darker, and she barely escape his mad, frothing-at-the-mouth rage when Luke projects to save her. Rey is reunited with Finn and her mother, but he can tell she’s much darker herself than before, making her feel even worse and putting a more believable romance between Rey and Finn in jeopardy…

    …And we end with Kylo confronting Palpatine directly afterwards using his increased dark side powers, stopping a Force Lightning barrage in midair, and slaying the old man, being possessed by the Sith but now also a far more believable main villain.

    - The TROS equivalent begins with Rey still tainted by the dark side and in denial of it, refusing to talk to her father’s Force Ghost, while Mara Jade kind of takes some of Leia’s place in the story for Rey, having her own complicated relationship with her daughter. Finn ends up Leia’s confidante, as she helps train him and gives him an understanding for how Kylo was brainwashed like he was, but isn’t strong enough to break from that and possession. Rey and Finn also have an unresolved romantic tension between them because of her darkness.

    Kylo, meanwhile, is freakin’ nuts, and a terrifying “final boss” of the Saga, displaying his full Skywalker-level power, and specifically being treated as the “curse of Vader” given form, so there’s some symbolism to what Rey has to defeat without succumbing to herself. He uses those Death Star Destroyers to launch an assault upon the Galaxy that culminates in a duel between himself with his knights against Rey and Finn after Finn triggers a Stormtrooper Rebllion that gives the Galaxy the reinforcements it needs. Cue an epic duel where Finn manages to defeat some Knights of Ren, but gets smashed by Kylo, triggering Rey and Kylo’s final, mostly mental battle.

    Rey successfully overcomes her issues, which allows Luke and Anakin’s Force Ghosts to join her in excoriating Palpatine’s spirit and healing Ben’s mind. Ben is horrified into near catatonic state… but when the ship explodes, he survives in marooned exile, Rey and Finn hook up to form the new Jedi, and people stop pretending that The Last Jedi was a healthy film for the series.

    …Maybe I went a bit too far on that last one.
    Like action, adventure, rogues, and outlaws? Like anti-heroes, femme fatales, mysteries and thrillers?

    I wrote a book with them. Outlaw’s Shadow: A Sherwood Noir. Robin Hood’s evil counterpart, Guy of Gisbourne, is the main character. Feel free to give it a look:

  3. #3
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    Dark Horse actually did do a What if?-esque Star Wars series, the Infinities trilogy.

    A New Hope was basically What if the Death Star destroyed the Yavin base?

    ESB was What if Luke died on Hoth?

    ROTJ was What if they seriously botched Han's rescue?

    It even had some action figures.

    Nothing for the prequels though (although the OT stuff did incorporate recent revelations from the prequels, such as Boba Fett being a clone, Vader slaughtering the sandpeople etc.)

    You might have seen the "Vader the white" image around; that's where they came from.

    One of the ideas for Battlefront III was going to be something like this as well, with Sith Obi-Wan, Luke, Mace etc and Jedi Vader. Concept art is around on several sites.

    Seriously though this could be a cool idea, especially since they're willing to do some experimental animation with Star Wars (Visions)

    My own twist to the TPM idea would be if Qui Gon and Obi-Wan both survived. Qui-Gon takes Anakin as his apprentice but Obi-Wan is still somewhat bitter about the whole thing, and could fall under Sidious's sway, taking a role similar to Dooku.

    Also to the Vader wins Mustafar becomes Emperor thing-what if he managed to get off the planet with Padme alive and raise the twins? Padme of course wouldn't be happy but perhaps would work against her husband with the fledgling rebellion, and the twin's loyalties would be tested. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

  4. #4
    Extraordinary Member Derek Metaltron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by godisawesome View Post
    Nice idea! I might go a little crazy on some…

    What If?… Maul slew Ben Kenobi?

    Instead of Kenobi winning the single-stroke battle, Maul wins it, attacks the Lars Homestead to capture Luke, and raises him for a decade as his own twisted, bitter dark side weapon. Yoda senses it, and goes to Alderaan to train Leia, while Luke’s emergence with Maul as a rival to Palpatine and Vader ends with Vader discovering their relationship, with he and Luke trading kills of their masters. Leia, trained as a Jedi and accompanied by Yoda, leads the Rebellion against Vader, gets “I am your brother!” from Luke, but manages to win Luek back to the light, with Vader allowing himself to die after being rejected.

    What If?… Jango Fett escaped Geonosis?

    Jango’s jetpack kicks on just in time for him to lift off and escape Mace’s reach… only for Dooku to have seized Boba as an insurance policy against Jango giving away too much information. Jango then ends up being both Dooku/Palpatine’s main agent under duress, but also the main target of a Jedi manhunt headed by an increasingly bitter Anakin (since Jango was the one hired to try killing Padme.) The Clone Wars shifts entirely once Jango joins up with Maul in an attempt to free his son, accelerating the breakdown between Maul and Vizsla woth Jango becoming the reluctant head of the Death Watch after a duel, but his involvement also meaning the Separatists, Jedi and Republic get fully involved in the Mandalorian plot…

    What If?… Luke was captured on the Death Star?

    Luke gets blasted non-lethally by a savvy stormtrooper when freaking out at Obi-Wan’s death. Vader takes him prisoner, discovers who he is, but Obi-Wan’s Force Ghost manages to keep Luke from falling. Vader, meanwhile, is furious at Palpatine’s deception and standing on a Death Star, so with Tarkin orders the Death Star to Coruscant, leading to the capital being destroyed as Palpatine and his guards attack the Death Star, with Vader dying in a mutual kill with Palpatine. Leia manages to convince Han to rescue Luke thanks to Han’s guilty conscience, so it turns into a simultaneous attack run on the Death Star by all Galactic Forces that fear Tarkin too much to let him reign (so imagine Piett and some Grand Admirals backing up the Rebellion) while Han and Leia lead a rescue attempt that doubles as assassin of Tarkin… with Yoda arriving as a last minute reinforcement.

    What If?… Vader won the Duel on Mustafar?

    …This one’s just the ending from the old ROTS Video Game played through. Vader kills Palpatine, becomes the Emperor, and takes his place in the OT.

    What If?… Rey were Luke’s Daughter?

    This is a two-part season finale that also sort of breaks the rules, since we’re altering something huge before TFA, but letting TFA play out otherwise, save for the ending:

    - Instead of being quiet at the end of TFA, Luke ends it by saying in a quiet, shocked and horrified tone of voice: “…Daughter?!?”

    - Rey opens TLJ being shocked at the reveal, and when Luke haltingly and guiltily explains that he thought she and her mother had died years ago, Rey freaks out, her abandonment issues rising to the fore, and her sorrow, anger, and horror at being abandoned and being related to Kylo cries out across the universe… changing the rest of the movie from shit to gold!

    Finn feels it and it keeps him motivated away from a stupid regressive plot that ignores his TFA character arc, so we skip the entire crappy plotline there and end up with him encouraging Poe to do something more productive than a lame-ass “Mutiny On The Bounty” plot, with them instead infiltrating the First Order’s Unknown Region bases, crossing the Knights of Ren, and discovering Finn’s Force power + discovering Rey’s mom, Mara Jade, who’s been captured and put in a coma.

    Kylo, also alerted by Rey’s Force scream, throws a hissy fit at how having a cousin messes with his fragile insecurities, and actually trains under Snoke… but he and Rey *so* connect via Snoke teaching him how to reach out in an attempt to find this other Skywalker (because Palpatine is scared). This backfires, because Kylo attempts to mentally attack Rey, allowing her to again invade his mind, but also uncover how Snoke is manipulating him with visions, leading to Kylo turning his rage for the death of Han against Snoke.

    Thus, while Finn begins the plotline for a Stormtrooper Rebellion, with the Space Chase being completely ignored (Thank God!), Rey has a rough training time with a more believably broken Luke, where in she has more empathetic reasons to be tempted to the dark side, as she agrees to help Kylo kill Snoke after separating from her father… while fully intending to kill Kylo after, like a normal person would instead of a piece of arm-candy for the villain. Snoke is killed aboard the Supremacy, but Rey’s attempt to backstab Kylo fails, as he defends himself by brutally beating her, goes darker, and she barely escape his mad, frothing-at-the-mouth rage when Luke projects to save her. Rey is reunited with Finn and her mother, but he can tell she’s much darker herself than before, making her feel even worse and putting a more believable romance between Rey and Finn in jeopardy…

    …And we end with Kylo confronting Palpatine directly afterwards using his increased dark side powers, stopping a Force Lightning barrage in midair, and slaying the old man, being possessed by the Sith but now also a far more believable main villain.

    - The TROS equivalent begins with Rey still tainted by the dark side and in denial of it, refusing to talk to her father’s Force Ghost, while Mara Jade kind of takes some of Leia’s place in the story for Rey, having her own complicated relationship with her daughter. Finn ends up Leia’s confidante, as she helps train him and gives him an understanding for how Kylo was brainwashed like he was, but isn’t strong enough to break from that and possession. Rey and Finn also have an unresolved romantic tension between them because of her darkness.

    Kylo, meanwhile, is freakin’ nuts, and a terrifying “final boss” of the Saga, displaying his full Skywalker-level power, and specifically being treated as the “curse of Vader” given form, so there’s some symbolism to what Rey has to defeat without succumbing to herself. He uses those Death Star Destroyers to launch an assault upon the Galaxy that culminates in a duel between himself with his knights against Rey and Finn after Finn triggers a Stormtrooper Rebllion that gives the Galaxy the reinforcements it needs. Cue an epic duel where Finn manages to defeat some Knights of Ren, but gets smashed by Kylo, triggering Rey and Kylo’s final, mostly mental battle.

    Rey successfully overcomes her issues, which allows Luke and Anakin’s Force Ghosts to join her in excoriating Palpatine’s spirit and healing Ben’s mind. Ben is horrified into near catatonic state… but when the ship explodes, he survives in marooned exile, Rey and Finn hook up to form the new Jedi, and people stop pretending that The Last Jedi was a healthy film for the series.

    …Maybe I went a bit too far on that last one.
    These are all really interesting concepts! And don't worry about the Rey as Luke's Child one being weird, I suggested an episode where the Force and all the Jedi and Sith don't exist after all (whilst still suggesting the Empire would be a thing). I think the difficulty with Sequel era What Ifs is that Disney would probably take issue with any indication that story was better than what we got (or at least Kathleen anyway)...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Derek Metaltron View Post
    These are all really interesting concepts! And don't worry about the Rey as Luke's Child one being weird, I suggested an episode where the Force and all the Jedi and Sith don't exist after all (whilst still suggesting the Empire would be a thing). I think the difficulty with Sequel era What Ifs is that Disney would probably take issue with any indication that story was better than what we got (or at least Kathleen anyway)...
    I actually don’t think Kennedy herself is actually very sensitive about the ST (or, more accurately, what TLJ did to the ST.) The pivot she put the company on once Solo crashed into Filoni and Favreau shows her more formidable business instincts, and while I thinks he likely was initially thrilled with Johnson and TLJ, she strikes me as unsentimental and less likely to be in denial… which I think some of LFL’s staff may be in, judging from how guys like Pablo Hidalgo or Jason Fry (two dudes I otherwise respect) seem to get their hackles raised when people (like John Boyega, for instance) point out issues with TLJ.

    I think of Kennedy smelled money in a What If? Star Wars series, she’d do it and embrace whatever ideas they threw out.

    The Story Group members who showed they cared more about Ben Solo than Rey, Finn, Poe, Luke, or the rest of the story? They might have an issue…
    Like action, adventure, rogues, and outlaws? Like anti-heroes, femme fatales, mysteries and thrillers?

    I wrote a book with them. Outlaw’s Shadow: A Sherwood Noir. Robin Hood’s evil counterpart, Guy of Gisbourne, is the main character. Feel free to give it a look:

  6. #6
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    How about what if....Chancellor Valorum wasn't removed, or even if he was, the other two candidates won the Chancellorship? What would Palpatine do then? Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

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    Extraordinary Member Derek Metaltron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisIII View Post
    How about what if....Chancellor Valorum wasn't removed, or even if he was, the other two candidates won the Chancellorship? What would Palpatine do then?
    I have often wondered what might have happened if Padme, Mon or Bail had ended up being Supreme Chancellor… but Palpatine would probably just arrange after a short period of time for an accident to happen to the new Chancellor.

  8. #8
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    In Dark Horse's Vader and the Lost Command comic, Vader is shown visions of an alternate reality where Padme becomes Chancellor if Anakin had helped Mace kill Palpatine. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisIII View Post
    How about what if....Chancellor Valorum wasn't removed, or even if he was, the other two candidates won the Chancellorship? What would Palpatine do then?
    The boring response would be that it actually aligns Palpatine’s time table better, but by delaying them all a bit; that he simply has to maneuver to be Supreme Chancellor concurrent with the Clone Wars, but also doesn’t have to try and manipulate and emergency powers bill yet and worry about a term limit.

    But the more interesting response would be a new Chancellor being worried about the return of the Sith, giving the Jedi a mandate to find Maul’s body and kickstarting a new conflict when Maul is found alive, but insane, before Palpatine can get in position.
    Like action, adventure, rogues, and outlaws? Like anti-heroes, femme fatales, mysteries and thrillers?

    I wrote a book with them. Outlaw’s Shadow: A Sherwood Noir. Robin Hood’s evil counterpart, Guy of Gisbourne, is the main character. Feel free to give it a look:

  10. #10
    Extraordinary Member Derek Metaltron's Avatar
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    Since What If? Season Two wrapped I have decided to revisit my original list and see how a Clone Wars sized version of it could go. Let me know what you think!

    Episode 1-2: What If… The Master Survived Instead of The Apprentice?

    When Obi-Wan is separated by Maul from his Master Qui-Gon, his death leads to a different path for both young Anakin Skywalker and Qui-Gon’s own master…

    Episode 3-4: What If… Rogue One Had found A New Hope?

    Captain Andor, K2-SO and Jyn Erso manage to escape the destruction of Scarif, only to find themselves enveloped in the destines of a Farm Boy, Smuggler and Princess.

    Episode 5-6: What If… The Force Awakened in Finn Sooner?

    Discovering his connection to the Force on Starkiller Base, a surprised Finn journeys with Rey to search for Luke Skywalker, putting them at odds with Kylo Ren.

    Episode 7: What If… The Chosen One Still Knew His Future?

    As the Son of Mortis threatens to unleash his power in the galaxy, Anakin grapples with his destiny and the lure of the Dark Side alongside a troubled Obi-Wan and Ahsoka.

    Episode 8-9: What If… Han Solo Had Learned Order Instead Of Rebellion?

    Forged into an exemplary Imperial Pilot, Commander Solo is attached to the rising ISB Agent Gideon, putting him into the crosshairs of both a former lover turned crime lord and the Mandalorians.

    Episode 10: What If… Leia and Leida were Siblings?

    In a universe where Leia was adopted by Mon Mothma instead of Bail Organa, the teenaged senator in training faces resentment from her half-sister Leida and the impact of the emerging Rebellion by Cassian Andor.

    Episode 11-12: What If… Obi-Wan Kenobi uncovered a Jedi Survivor?

    Inspired by the resilience of the Hidden Path, Obi-Wan risks a journey to Jedda, uncovering a brave former Padawan named Cal Kestis and his allies as a threat from the High Republic returns, a former Inquisitor seeks redemption and Lord Vader seeks revenge.

    Episode 13: What If… Ben Solo Had Never Been Shown The Dark Side?

    As the New Jedi Order prospers, Ben Solo faces his final test alongside Master Skywalker as an old evil rises alongside his granddaughter.

    Episode 14: What If… Fives Had Saved The Galaxy?

    Fives is able to get the truth and intentions of Order 66 out to the public, forcing Palpatine into a new directive as the Jedi moves against him.

    Episode 15-16: What If… Grand Moff Tarkin commanded the Chimaera instead of Thrawn?

    Decades after the disappearance of Tarkin and Ezra Bridger over Lothal, former Jedi Ashoka Tano flees a divided galaxy and Emperor Thrawn’s power to discover the truth about the lost Moff and Ashoka’s old ally…

    Episode 17: What If… Sabine and Obi-Wan Paved The Way Differently?

    In a universe where Obi-Wan left the Order for his love Sabine, a young apprentice named Din Djarin faces many trials alongside the elder Kenobi as threats emerge from many sources across Mandalore and beyond…

    Episode 18: What If… Luke And Vader Stuck Back against the Emperor?

    Turned to the Dark Side on Bespin by Lord Vader, Luke and his father prepare for a coop against the Emperor while his secret sister uncovers a new destiny.

    Episode 19-20: What If… The Force Had Opened A Door To The Past?

    Ezra’s interference’s in the battle between Ahsoka and Vader on Malachor via the World Between Worlds unwittingly brings both fighters to a critical point in their pasts… and their younger selves.

    Episode 21-22: What If… The Force United All Together?

    As the shadow of the Final Empress Rey threatens every universe, the Force calls a group of heroes to oppose the power of the Dark Side across all realities and times.

  11. #11
    Ultimate Member Ascended's Avatar
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    Love the idea. I vaguely remember the comics doing this back in the day, and I feel like I've seen it in a couple other places,, maybe?

    Anyway, I don't have a whole season's worth of ideas (yet) and what I do have isn't very inspired, but this is what I got right now...

    What If....Obi-Wan Kenobi died on Mustafar? Anakin gets the high ground in this timeline and kills Kenobi. Padme still dies in childbirth but Anakin is able to save the twins. Knowing Palpatine can't get his hands on them (for many reasons), Anakin hides them in plain sight; 'raising' them among the younglings put into the Inquisitor program (a slightly larger version here so the Skywalker kids can better hide in the crowd). Anakin has Force visions of a vague, troubled future that risks the entire galaxy, and is haunted by the voice of Obi-Wan (whether any of it's real or Anakin having a mental break is unclear), yet with the ranks of Inquisitors expanded and an undamaged Vader, the Empire is unstoppable. No act of resistance survives, much less grows, the Rebel Alliance never forms. And through it all Vader secretly plans and plots to kill Palpatine once the twins are old enough and the three of them will rule the galaxy as a family. Fifteen years after Mustafar, the time has come and together the Skywalkers cut down Palpatine. But the twins immediate turn on their father; raised fully in the dark side, they never planned to share the throne with him. And Vader realizes the true source of his awful future; his kids (inverting the usual 'family' troupes). Horribly wounded and hunted by the new Emperors and their Inquisitors, Vader flees into deep space searching for the small handful of dissenters to ever escape Imperial justice, hoping somehow to shape them into a real Rebellion.....

    What If....Mace Windu Was Supreme Chancellor? When Windu learns that Chancellor Palpatine is a Sith Lord, he doesn't confront the man about it, or indicate anything's wrong at all. He simply walks up to the Chancellor and ignites his lightsaber through Palpatine's eye without a word. The Clone Wars stumble to a halt as both sides try to process the revelations that follow, the truth of Palpatine's machinations. The Jedi take control of the Senate, just until they can figure out who was helping the Sith knowingly and who was honestly duped. But Palpatine's leftover plots run deeper than anyone expected and the Jedi hold on government doesn't end. Windu is thrust into the galactic spotlight, a celebrity recognized in the most distant Outer Rim colonies and hailed as a savior. Yoda warned the Jedi that politics was a dark path, yet blinded by their victory over the Sith, few in the Order see the cliff they're marching towards. When Windu is elected the new Supreme Chancellor, Yoda has had enough and draws a line in the sand. It is the role of the Jedi to serve, not rule, and Yoda will not stand for it. Windu, whose been reading Palpatine's books and journals trying to work out his schemes (and hasn't fallen to the dark side, but has become friendlier with it), is not inclined to give up his new role, nor the good he can do with it. Words are said in anger, Yoda's labeled a dissenter of the peace, and he (along with some other like-minded Jedi) escape Coruscant with arrest warrants barking at their heels. Faced with the Republic's military, Yoda and his crew go to the only people they can; the Separatists, who see Jedi involvement in government much as Yoda does. And as the dust from the Clone Wars settles, the Jedi Civil War begins, and all across the galaxy, if you listen close, you can hear Palpatine's laughter.....

    What If....the Jedi Never Found Anakin? For whatever reason, Qui-Gonn and Obi-Wan never go to Tatooine, never meet Skywalker. The kid remains a unknown slave...until he wins his first pod race. That gets the attention of Jabba, who buys the Skywalkers' slave bonds, 'frees' them, and adds them to his household. Publicly, Anakin is a pro pod racer, famous and rich. In private, he's one of Jabba's best lieutenants. Life is great, like the first half of Goodfellas. But as the years go by, Anakin becomes more and more restless, feeling as if he's somehow missed his true purpose. Until he meets a fellow racer from a rival crime ring; Han of the Crimson Dawn. Anakin hits it off immediately with the younger man, who also feels trapped in a life he doesn't want, though Han's chain comes in the form of his wife and mob boss, Ki'ra, who is *way* less fun now that they're married. Together, the two of them cook up a plot to escape and take their freedom...but can they outsmart two of the biggest, most dangerous criminal organizations in a galaxy that's been in a civil war for decades?
    "We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another, as if we were one single tribe."

    ~ Black Panther.

  12. #12
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    May 2014


    Rumor is that Disney is actually considering something like this.

    The ROTS video game has an alternate ending where Obi-Wan is killed, and then Anakin kills Palpatine and becomes Emperor. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

  13. #13
    Extraordinary Member Zero Hunter's Avatar
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    Apr 2014


    What if ... Ahsoka had believed Maul? During their fight on Mandalor Maul tells Ahsoka that Anakin has been turned to the dark side and wants her to join him in killing the Emperor. What if in a moment of total clarity she reaches out and feels the darkness swallowing Anakin and joins Maul? Could the two of them take down the new created Vader before he is totally adjusted to his new body? Could they get close enough with them being both light and dark to confuse the Emperor enough to kill him? With Mauls rescorces could they gather the remaining Jedi and use his underground criminal empire to launch a full on assualt?

  14. #14
    Silver Sentinel BeastieRunner's Avatar
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    Southwestern, USA


    I think the only way Obi turns to the Dark Side is if Qui-Gon survives, keeps Anakin on a Light path, and Dooku turns him.

    And they kill Palpatine.

    It's the only logical turn IMHO.

    I would love to see that world.
    "When you've got so much to say, it's called gratitude /
    And that's right."
    -- Beastie Boys

  15. #15
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    I kind of wonder if Dooku was kind of intended as a bit of a dark mirror of the older Obi-Wan in a sense (although also he's meant to foreshadow Vader being a fallen Jedi and of course Dooku's cape closely resembles Vader's look). There is a bit of a physical resemblance.

    Tried looking up if Alec Guiness and Lee ever worked together but couldn't really find anything yet. Lee and Cushing were buddies though of course. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

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