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  1. #61
    THE MARK OF MY DIGNITY Superlad93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vordan View Post
    I dunno there are a ton of Batman BL books that are giving us takes on “classic” Batman while the mainline tries other stuff. I view this as an equivalent for Superman. Waid’s attempt to be “hip” with Champions sucked but his brief Dr. Strange run got good reviews. He might still have some spark left in him and I think he’s earned a shot off of his pedigree alone. If Jurgens can get another shot I think Waid is entitled to one as well, and we have young new bloods on Jon and Clark in the mainline. Plus Batman/Superman is usually just inconsequential side adventures, unless they were planning on turning this into a Jon/Jace book (and the most likely writer for that would’ve been Taylor who wouldn’t have done anything interesting with it anyway) having Waid tell adventures set in the past might still provide some benefit in spotlighting Clark’s Rogues in cool ways.
    Make no mistake, I'm not just staying away from retro/classic "meat and potatoes" Superman. I'm staying away from that stuff from all of DC. But the Waid get by DC I'm particularly against because he's the embodiment of it all. A classic fan favorite who is so stuck in his ways and his take that he's only going to do that, and they're going to make room in the comics specifically for that now of all times. He can keep whatever spark he has left to himself and to those who care to see it excursively applied to 400th time Clark and Bruce figure out a classic Joker or Lex trap or Clark grapples with his no killing code. I'm good. I don't care if he's figured out a way to make it .0000000000001% different. I don't care if it's spotlighting fucking Atomic Skull or Metallo in some small new variation that'll be forgotten as soon as the issue's done. I just don't.

    And make no mistake, it's not at all about the Waid being an old head from back in the day. It's 100% about his attitude and total unwillingness to play ball unless it's the ball he grew up with. So, yeah, I'm good. This doesn't get my support, but I hold no ill will towards whoever will get it.

    Also they give his old ass Dan Mora!? The artist that's quickly defining the new slick look of DC's future is going onto the retro book because Waid doesn't want the retro book to look like the retro book that it is? Ridiculous.
    Last edited by Superlad93; 12-26-2021 at 09:18 PM.
    "Mark my words! This drill will open a hole in the universe. And that hole will become a path for those that follow after us. The dreams of those who have fallen. The hopes of those who will follow. Those two sets of dreams weave together into a double helix, drilling a path towards tomorrow. THAT's Tengen Toppa! THAT'S Gurren Lagann! MY DRILL IS THE DRILL THAT CREATES THE HEAVENS!" - The Digger

    We walk on the path to Secher Nbiw. Though hard fought, we walk the Golden Path.

  2. #62
    Invincible Member Vordan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superlad93 View Post
    Make no mistake, I'm not just staying away from retro/classic "meat and potatoes" Superman. I'm staying away from that stuff from all of DC. But the Waid get by DC I'm particularly against because he's the embodiment of it all. A classic fan favorite who is so stuck in his ways and his take that he's only going to do that, and they're going to make room in the comics specifically for that now of all times. He can keep whatever spark he has left to himself and to those who care to see it excursively applied to 400th time Clark and Bruce figure out a classic Joker or Lex trap or Clark grapples with his no killing code. I'm good. I don't care if he's figured out a way to make it .0000000000001% different. I don't care if it's spotlighting fucking Atomic Skull or Metallo in some small new variation that'll be forgotten as soon as the issue's done. I just don't.
    Totally fair. I personally have no interest in Waid writing the main Superbooks for similar reasons, I don’t think he would have anything interesting to bring to Jon and I’m sure he loathes the current status quo for Clark. I guess why I’m interested in this and his BL book is that he’s someone who did a lot for DC once upon a time, had interesting ideas on what to do with Superman, yet got blocked from trying them out because of editorial bullshit. Clark has a gap between standalone origin stories and standalone endings which I’d like to see filled and Waid seems eager to write. If he succeeds great, Superman benefits from having more standalone recs set after his origin, which makes me personally happy. Ideally I think there should be a type of book for everyone at DC, and this will fill a niche for those who aren’t going to give Taylor and PKJ a chance because the set up of their books simply doesn’t appeal to them.

    I don’t expect that to convince you otherwise and I’m totally fine with you passing on it. I have no guarantee that Waid won’t fall flat on his ass with this but I hope he can ride off into the sunset having written some enjoyable Superman stories as a way to sunset his career.
    And make no mistake, it's not at all about the Waid being an old head from back in the day. It's 100% about his attitude and total unwillingness to play ball unless it's the ball he grew up with. So, yeah, I'm good. This doesn't get my support, but I hold no ill will towards whoever will get it.
    Hm he was willing to play ball with Birthright and his Legion reboot. Neither were his ideal, both had to give concessions to editorial demands, so I’d say he can be flexible (or at least could be once). I feel like there’s a difference between Waid, who is more like Morrison in trying to recapture the spirit of the old stories or revamp the ideas behind the old stories, and Johns for example who just straight up brought the old Legion back with the “Retroboot” and just shoved in pieces of other Superman media into Secret Origin in a way that didn’t provide any story purpose.
    Also they give his old ass Dan Mora!? The artist that's quickly defining the new slick look of DC's future is going onto the retro book because Waid doesn't want the retro book to look like the retro book that it is? Ridiculous.
    I’d love to see Mora on Jon’s book but who knows how long he’ll stick around? Besides maybe he just doesn’t care about the new guys and wants to draw the OGs, wouldn’t be the first. Before this though he was drawing Bruce Batman in Tec, so he wasn’t contributing to the new generation anyway. Frankly he’d probably be on Batman proper if he wasn’t on this.
    For when my rants on the forums just aren’t enough:

  3. #63
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    The Post-Crisis World Finest take sucked and what little significance it had was purely because of the Pre-Crisis connection. Waid is right not just about them being friends but also about the role tragedy plays in Clark's life. Clark doesn't exist to be Bruce's opposite.

    Of the new kids' that were suppose to get pushed with Future State or G5 or whatever the hell it was called the only one that had an honest chance at sticking was Jon and that's only because the Post-Crisis Superman has zero personality and IIRC Jon was basically suppose to be a Superman without all of his potential sapped away like the Post-Crisis Superman had become.
    Last edited by The World; 12-27-2021 at 05:44 AM.
    Rules are for lesser men, Charlie - Grand Pa Joe ~ Willy Wonka & Chocolate Factory

  4. #64
    Astonishing Member Yoda's Avatar
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    The Birthright follow-up actually makes me pretty worried this will similar to Rucka's Lois Lane run. Meaning we'll get the eyerolling version of the moralizing Waid from Champions. I say that even though I agree with probably 95% of their politics. I haven't really clicked with Waid's writing in a long long time.

    World's Finest sounds like it should be fine. Mora's artwork is the real draw there. Hope we get as much of Superman's supporting cast as we apparently will be seeing of Batman's.

  5. #65
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    I'm not going to deny that Waid is a very "classic" writer with similar sensibilities, but I feel like of any old school writers he at least tries to keep his work up-to-date and contemporary rather than make it come off as a period piece, and as a writer he usually has the skill to pull it off. Like, there's no way his Daredevil run should have worked as well as it it did, but he pulled it off. And the man knows how to write Superheroes.

    That's not to say I agree with all his opinions on franchises and I'll be the first to say he was never that great a Spider-Man writer, but he's passionate and can cop to his mistakes more often than not and I don't think this run is out to retread anything even if it's depicting familiar status quo's

    I think this is basically going to be like the Batman: Brave and the Bold cartoon of being a fun, modern, team-up series with a bit of a Silver Age-pastiche. And I don't think there's anything wrong with that.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vordan View Post
    Other stuff I forgot:
    -He loves Supergirl’s updated Post Crisis origin where she was sent to take care of baby Kal but because of shenanigans ended up arriving years later than he did
    I think that's near unanimously accepted at this point. It's been part of most of her modern origins.
    -He thinks Clark needs to know about Krypton because it’s an element of tragedy in Kal’s life. Waid sees Krypton as analogous to Earth but they prioritize science over morality whereas Earth is the reverse. Reiterates that in his ideal canon the Kents are dead
    That checks out on Krypton.

    I'm guessing we won't see the Kents in this run outside flashbacks.
    -The big comic that first made Waid really “get” how writing works was the old Action #500 issue where Clark tells his life story and talks about how much finding Krypto meant to him because it meant he found another being who could fly. That really made Waid realize how important it is to get in the character’s head and figure out what they want.
    I feel that .
    -Says he doesn’t have any other big Superman projects coming up yet, but he’s had talks and he certainly doesn’t have any trouble coming up with Superman ideas. My guess is DC wants to wait to see how his current projects are received before going all in on him.
    Fair enough.
    -Every character he does want to get keeps getting picked up by Tom King first such as Human Target and Adam Strange (says he’s a fan of King’s work)
    I wish Waid had gotten Adam Strange.

    Quote Originally Posted by Superlad93 View Post
    Also they give his old ass Dan Mora!? The artist that's quickly defining the new slick look of DC's future is going onto the retro book because Waid doesn't want the retro book to look like the retro book that it is? Ridiculous.
    I mean, if any artist could pull off a modern retro vibe, it's Mora.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vordan View Post
    You have a much more optimistic view on whether comic readers would've “taken their medicine” so to speak than I do . I’m unsure how long 5G would’ve lasted, 5 years at most like the New 52 is my guess. Maybe I would’ve been surprised, Tynion has shown there’s a hunger for new characters. But I see your point regardless.
    I think at best it would've lasted as long as the New 52, at worst ANAD Marvel (and wasn't that about 2-3 years? Give or take).
    Waid would never be at DC if Didio hadn’t gotten fired and the way Didio was approaching 5G is what caused him to be fired. Yara is getting fucked over. Jace… yeah he’s getting screwed but the chances of DC ever committing to retiring Bruce are nonexistent. Bruce pretty much singlehandedly keeps them in the black, I am very skeptical that DC could survive the backlash they would face at replacing Bruce permanently. For Jace to work you pretty much have to kill or retire the rest of the Batfamily, there’s simply too fucking many of them now for a newcomer like Jace to feasibly just take the mantle and be Batman. Whether these new characters survive comes down entirely on whether or not they get picked up for adaptions. If we get a Jace Fox HBO Max show or they decide to make Jace the next DCEU Batman to replace Keaton then Jace will endure. Otherwise it looks grim.
    Is Yara really being screwed over? I mean, her creator can barely keep her comic coming out consistently and she's not getting a show, but she is getting published and I don't think people mind her being Wonder Girl (aside from Cassie fans).

  6. #66
    Better than YOU! Alan2099's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superlad93 View Post
    I allow myself one of these a year because otherwise it's cringe: shut up old man.

    This book is more or less the embodiment of a lot of what I don't appreciate about DC and the people that work there now.

    Not going to begrudge anyone for enjoying it, but I'm gonna pass super hard on it and probably even Waid's BL Superman book. Just doesn't sit right with me to support it.
    Okay. You've said your one. Now you can forget about it and move on. You've went on for several posts and seem unnaturally angry about the whole thing existing. There's just this long rant about how this isn't the book you like so it shouldn't exist.

    It comes across like you don't understand that there are people that might actually prefer an old school take on the character.
    Let people enjoy what they want. There's room for classic Superman and whatever the garbage they're doing in the books right now is.

    edit: rephrased because I thought the initial post came across as too rude.
    Last edited by Alan2099; 12-28-2021 at 11:34 AM.

  7. #67
    THE MARK OF MY DIGNITY Superlad93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan2099 View Post
    Okay. You've said your one. Now you can shut up about it. You've went on for several posts and seem unnaturally angry about the whole thing existing.

    You also don't seem to understand that there are people that might actually prefer an old school take on the character. Is the idea that some people DON'T like the current status quo but still enjoy and want to read about the characters that hard for you to grasp.

    Let people enjoy what they want. There's room for classic Superman and whatever the hell that garbage they're doing in the books right now is.
    I'm sorry, but wasn't I having a conversation with someone? And said conversation was a respectful back and forth that even started with that said someone replying to a lone one-off comment that I was just going to leave at that. You're also being incredibly hyperbolic. Your "several pages" was three posts my guy.

    And apparently in your strange and childish policing of my conversation you seemed to miss where I said I'm not begrudging anyone who will buy this. What's funny is I actually say that a few times. It's even in the post you quoted lol

    So what then, your beef is ultimately that I'm not thrilled by this direction or comic, and that I had a short conversation with someone about?? Like, seriously?
    Last edited by Superlad93; 12-28-2021 at 12:03 PM.
    "Mark my words! This drill will open a hole in the universe. And that hole will become a path for those that follow after us. The dreams of those who have fallen. The hopes of those who will follow. Those two sets of dreams weave together into a double helix, drilling a path towards tomorrow. THAT's Tengen Toppa! THAT'S Gurren Lagann! MY DRILL IS THE DRILL THAT CREATES THE HEAVENS!" - The Digger

    We walk on the path to Secher Nbiw. Though hard fought, we walk the Golden Path.

  8. #68
    Ultimate Member SiegePerilous02's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superlad93 View Post
    Make no mistake, I'm not just staying away from retro/classic "meat and potatoes" Superman. I'm staying away from that stuff from all of DC. But the Waid get by DC I'm particularly against because he's the embodiment of it all. A classic fan favorite who is so stuck in his ways and his take that he's only going to do that, and they're going to make room in the comics specifically for that now of all times. He can keep whatever spark he has left to himself and to those who care to see it excursively applied to 400th time Clark and Bruce figure out a classic Joker or Lex trap or Clark grapples with his no killing code. I'm good. I don't care if he's figured out a way to make it .0000000000001% different. I don't care if it's spotlighting fucking Atomic Skull or Metallo in some small new variation that'll be forgotten as soon as the issue's done. I just don't.

    And make no mistake, it's not at all about the Waid being an old head from back in the day. It's 100% about his attitude and total unwillingness to play ball unless it's the ball he grew up with. So, yeah, I'm good. This doesn't get my support, but I hold no ill will towards whoever will get it.

    Also they give his old ass Dan Mora!? The artist that's quickly defining the new slick look of DC's future is going onto the retro book because Waid doesn't want the retro book to look like the retro book that it is? Ridiculous.
    Since this book is set in the past and his BL book won't be canon compliant (like all BL books are), I'd say he is playing ball by virtue of none of this disrupting the main books and their ongoing directions.

    It'd be a different story if this was a One More Day situation (and I don't agree with his opinions on the Spider-marriage at all), but this isn't that.

  9. #69
    THE MARK OF MY DIGNITY Superlad93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiegePerilous02 View Post
    Since this book is set in the past and his BL book won't be canon compliant (like all BL books are), I'd say he is playing ball by virtue of none of this disrupting the main books and their ongoing directions.

    It'd be a different story if this was a One More Day situation (and I don't agree with his opinions on the Spider-marriage at all), but this isn't that.
    In my personal opinion, that's not playing ball. That's closer to playing stick ball over to the side and pretending like MLB isn't a thing.

    It would be one thing if both were BL books. I'd still find it a bit childish that the man couldn't even TRY to do something with the new ideas and characters in the main continuity, but it would totally out of the way and fine. But one of these books is in continuity and seemingly taking up the "team up book" spot and it going to this just doesn't sit right with me. Not in a general sense, but in a timing sense. This book being a thing RIGHT NOW isn't playing ball to me.

    But like I've said before, my opinions are my own, and you're welcome to enjoy this book and others like it with no ill will from me.
    "Mark my words! This drill will open a hole in the universe. And that hole will become a path for those that follow after us. The dreams of those who have fallen. The hopes of those who will follow. Those two sets of dreams weave together into a double helix, drilling a path towards tomorrow. THAT's Tengen Toppa! THAT'S Gurren Lagann! MY DRILL IS THE DRILL THAT CREATES THE HEAVENS!" - The Digger

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  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superlad93 View Post
    In my personal opinion, that's not playing ball. That's closer to playing stick ball over to the side and pretending like MLB isn't a thing.

    It would be one thing if both were BL books. I'd still find it a bit childish that the man couldn't even TRY to do something with the new ideas and characters in the main continuity, but it would totally out of the way and fine. But one of these books is in continuity and seemingly taking up the "team up book" spot and it going to this just doesn't sit right with me. Not in a general sense, but in a timing sense. This book being a thing RIGHT NOW isn't playing ball to me.

    But like I've said before, my opinions are my own, and you're welcome to enjoy this book and others like it with no ill will from me.
    But what if he plays a very mean game of stick ball ?

    If you'd personally prefer a Jon/Jon or Jace/Yara team-up book be published, that's fair, although I think it's fair to say there's probably a sizeable audience for this kind of BM/SM book (and something with Bruce and Clark will sell better). I personally don't begrudge Waid for what he wants to write, especially if he does it well, although that's just me.

  11. #71
    Ultimate Member SiegePerilous02's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superlad93 View Post
    In my personal opinion, that's not playing ball. That's closer to playing stick ball over to the side and pretending like MLB isn't a thing.

    It would be one thing if both were BL books. I'd still find it a bit childish that the man couldn't even TRY to do something with the new ideas and characters in the main continuity, but it would totally out of the way and fine. But one of these books is in continuity and seemingly taking up the "team up book" spot and it going to this just doesn't sit right with me. Not in a general sense, but in a timing sense. This book being a thing RIGHT NOW isn't playing ball to me.

    But like I've said before, my opinions are my own, and you're welcome to enjoy this book and others like it with no ill will from me.
    That's fair and makes a little more sense as far as the team up slot goes though.

    Personally, it doesn't bother me because if Waid wasn't writing it and going for a true "World's Finest" dynamic (no dull as dirt "frenemies" BS), I'd probably wouldn't pay the book any mind even if it starred Bruce and Clark.

  12. #72
    THE MARK OF MY DIGNITY Superlad93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
    But what if he plays a very mean game of stick ball ?
    Like I keep saying, more power to the people that will like this, and enjoy this sort of thing. I know y'all are out there, and this'll do it for you.

    Quote Originally Posted by SiegePerilous02 View Post
    That's fair and makes a little more sense as far as the team up slot goes though.

    Personally, it doesn't bother me because if Waid wasn't writing it and going for a true "World's Finest" dynamic (no dull as dirt "frenemies" BS), I'd probably wouldn't pay the book any mind even if it starred Bruce and Clark.
    It is what is. Me personally, I'm well past praising writers or DC in general for doing something as simple as making Clark and Bruce friends in a comic, and Waid doesn't do it for me as a writer anymore. I'm personally in the market for something new with the IPs rather than adding in a slight tweak or two Atomic Skull's motivation, or how Metallo works, or 400th time Clark lets us know that powers don't make him Superman.

    I have literally no issue seeing that sort of thing is say a new cartoon (looking forward to My Adventures With Superman), but that's the specific context of animation. Adaptation and repackaging of older stories for a wider audience is the name of the game. But in comics? Comics that will soon have been running for 100 years? I don't think I need to see that again in the main continuity as often-- surely not as the focus of a whole book while whatever potential new stuff is kind of shuffled over to the side.

    I genuinely think there was a way to do this, and shockingly enough this book is the template for half of it. But that's another discussion.
    "Mark my words! This drill will open a hole in the universe. And that hole will become a path for those that follow after us. The dreams of those who have fallen. The hopes of those who will follow. Those two sets of dreams weave together into a double helix, drilling a path towards tomorrow. THAT's Tengen Toppa! THAT'S Gurren Lagann! MY DRILL IS THE DRILL THAT CREATES THE HEAVENS!" - The Digger

    We walk on the path to Secher Nbiw. Though hard fought, we walk the Golden Path.

  13. #73
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    For the above argument of a book with Bruce and Clark selling better, isn't Jon still selling better than Action Comics? Granted, it has the special circumstances of headlines with the title "SUPERMAN IS LGBT", but still selling better anyway.

    As for "nostalgia" vs "new stuff"... well, yeah, it's pretty funny that Waid insists this isn't just a nostalgia book when everything up to and including Waid himself as the writer points to it being a nostalgia book, but I don't see this as "taking away a spot in the line". But... Jace/Jon team-up wasn't going to happen anyway, given literally everything we've known about the two since Future State (including that event). I would still enjoy a Jon/Yara book, though. Get the kid out of Taylor's grasp.

    If there's anything that got taken away because of this, I would expect it to be Yang's Batman/Superman, which... not sure how to feel about that, because on the one hand Yang's first arc was fire and using nostalgia for great effect, but on the other hand, I still don't think much of Yang's attempts at writing the mainline version of Superman and that dynamic (and his last issue with the mainline versions was significantly weaker than the arc with the serials-inspired versions), so I don't think we missed much there, if he was going to do the mainline versions.

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superlad93 View Post
    It is what is. Me personally, I'm well past praising writers or DC in general for doing something as simple as making Clark and Bruce friends in a comic, and Waid doesn't do it for me as a writer anymore. I'm personally in the market for something new with the IPs rather than adding in a slight tweak or two Atomic Skull's motivation, or how Metallo works, or 400th time Clark lets us know that powers don't make him Superman.

    I have literally no issue seeing that sort of thing is say a new cartoon (looking forward to My Adventures With Superman), but that's the specific context of animation. Adaptation and repackaging of older stories for a wider audience is the name of the game. But in comics? Comics that will soon have been running for 100 years? I don't think I need to see that again in the main continuity as often-- surely not as the focus of a whole book while whatever potential new stuff is kind of shuffled over to the side.

    I genuinely think there was a way to do this, and shockingly enough this book is the template for half of it. But that's another discussion.
    Well, in the context of the comic it's going to be new adventures of Batman and Superman together even if it's set in an earlier period of their careers (and whatever he potentially does with Atomic Skull or Metallo could very well be new or additive depending on the execution/how well it's received). I haven't seen any indication that Waid is just going to regurgitate the same old stories aside from the expectations of him as an old school writer, but that's never held him back before in my opinion.

    Maybe it would've been more honest to call this an "Adventures" book set outside the main continuity but DC and Waid obviously saw some value in making it part of the main continuity, although that's such a malleable thing to not even really matter anymore at this point.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quinlan58 View Post
    For the above argument of a book with Bruce and Clark selling better, isn't Jon still selling better than Action Comics? Granted, it has the special circumstances of headlines with the title "SUPERMAN IS LGBT", but still selling better anyway.
    I forget which title has historically sold better between Superman vs. Action.
    As for "nostalgia" vs "new stuff"... well, yeah, it's pretty funny that Waid insists this isn't just a nostalgia book when everything up to and including Waid himself as the writer points to it being a nostalgia book, but I don't see this as "taking away a spot in the line". But... Jace/Jon team-up wasn't going to happen anyway, given literally everything we've known about the two since Future State (including that event). I would still enjoy a Jon/Yara book, though. Get the kid out of Taylor's grasp.
    Well, even just from an art perspective we see Mora kind of blending the old with the new from the art we've seen and Waid seems like he wants to put the characters in new situations beyond the familiar status quo he's working from.
    If there's anything that got taken away because of this, I would expect it to be Yang's Batman/Superman, which... not sure how to feel about that, because on the one hand Yang's first arc was fire and using nostalgia for great effect, but on the other hand, I still don't think much of Yang's attempts at writing the mainline version of Superman and that dynamic (and his last issue with the mainline versions was significantly weaker than the arc with the serials-inspired versions), so I don't think we missed much there, if he was going to do the mainline versions.
    I am reminded of Yang's book, especially with Dick there as Robin, although I think in terms of tone and style it'll be very reminiscent of Smashes the Klan.

  15. #75
    THE MARK OF MY DIGNITY Superlad93's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quinlan58 View Post
    But... Jace/Jon team-up wasn't going to happen anyway, given literally everything we've known about the two since Future State (including that event). I would still enjoy a Jon/Yara book, though.
    See, the thing about that is that a version of them WERE supposed to have a very specific dynamic. Jace (who was at the time supposed to be Luke) was supposed to mistrust Jon as Superman because Jon used to be friends with the now Leviathan leading Damian. It's a very large misconception that Future State was some sort of look at 5G. It wasn't. So nothing points to any of them having a dynamic because DC specifically removed the years of planning that went into building towards what that dynamic would've been about. Kneecapped before birth.

    Not just this new generation but the whole DCU is now more misshapen than ever. Whatever your feeling on the timeline, DC DID in fact have a solution to their continuity "what's in and what's out" issue they've been having for...well...ever. But now you've got people not even understanding if Morrison's Authority was even in continuity till like 2 or 3 months AFTER the last issue. They're trying to have their cake and eat it too, but they're just making more of a mess.

    Get the kid out of Taylor's grasp.
    Yup. Goes without saying. I don't care how well it's selling
    "Mark my words! This drill will open a hole in the universe. And that hole will become a path for those that follow after us. The dreams of those who have fallen. The hopes of those who will follow. Those two sets of dreams weave together into a double helix, drilling a path towards tomorrow. THAT's Tengen Toppa! THAT'S Gurren Lagann! MY DRILL IS THE DRILL THAT CREATES THE HEAVENS!" - The Digger

    We walk on the path to Secher Nbiw. Though hard fought, we walk the Golden Path.

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