Quote Originally Posted by Galen Nycroft View Post
People don't understand what Hickman tried to do with characters like Moira, Doug Ramsey, Goldballs/Egg...he literally took characters who were somewhat innocuous (in terms of powerset) and transformed them into powerful "main characters" with a purpose. The entire Krakoan era started off with the elevation of many underused or poorly realized characters in the X-Men universe.

Sadly, due to an awful editor, and some mediocre writers and talentless diversity hires the entire era crashed and burned immediately after Hickman left. Characters like those mentioned above, especially Moira, had to be handled with a bit of care and nuance, something absent in the skill sets of most of the writers who took over after Hickman left. Only Gillen was able to keep some of that nuance and character work (IMO).
At least with Moira, he took one character and utterly replaced her with another. Ignorant or not caring of the terrible implication, while robbing the X-Men themselves of agency.

You list 3 characters that Hickman uplifted, but Doug was already pretty popular, Moira's been destroyed as a character and Egg just happens to be...there.

"The entire Krakoan era started off with the elevation of many underused or poorly realized characters in the X-Men universe."

...like who?

The Quiet Council were all popular and existing characters. So were most of he X-Men characters that he used. What third stringers did he uplift?

I do appreciate that he resurrected a bunch of characters, but most were just there, of little consequence.

Hickman wanted to do a mutant vs. machine plotline, and just railroaded everything to get there.