Have you ever read any significantly celebrated comic book titles or particular runs (be it contemporary or classic) that you found no enjoyment in and can't figure out what others saw that you didn't?

I sincerely loathe Watchmen and it's such a boring slog I had to force myself to power through and finish it.

What about any highly regarded creators who draw heavy praise from a large portion of the community while their contributions to a book usually means you'll be disappointed or just skip it entirely?

First one that springs to mind is Chris Bachalo. He's quite revered for his time on X-Men in particular, and I absolutely can't stand anything he's ever drawn, which is extra wack because he's had the pencil on quite a few runs that I've really enjoyed otherwise. Nonetheless, seeing his name or that of artists similar to his style (Humberto Ramos primarily) is a huge dip in my level of enthusiasm.

As I was typing up this post I had quite few personal examples of each question, and now I'm drawing a complete bank lol. i'll put some more thought into this and return with more answers. In the meantime let's see what you all have to add!