Quote Originally Posted by Robotman View Post
I like the idea of GLs in a gritty crime drama but I wouldn’t want them always portrayed as a police force. The occasional crime drama is fine by me though. One of the things I loved in the Green Lantern: First Flight animated movie was Sinestro doing a “Training Day” with the rookie Hal Jordan. Interrogating suspects and scouring dive bars (in space). Of course, Sinestro goes too far as he’s prone to being a totalitarian bully using fear as his main weapon.

Though overall I think Green Lanterns should be a peace corps. Stopping natural disasters and helping struggling civilizations. Not trying to impose the Guardians’ idea of morality on countless alien cultures. We’ve seen The Guardians start becoming overbearing fascists far too many times.
Yeah, I always find it a bit silly when they take the "space cop" metaphor so literally. It kind of dumbs it down too much and takes away the grandeur of it all. I also find King to be VERY hit-or-miss. I DO really like the GL Earth One stuff, so I'm not against that being an inspiration, though.

There's a part of me, despite comics being a huge part of my life since childhood, that feels really unexcited about a lot of the upcoming DC and Marvel stuff. Maybe that will change if the Superman trailer is amazing or something. I hope it does.