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  1. #2596
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    Made me laugh.

  2. #2597
    Astonishing Member DochaDocha's Avatar
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    I'm not arguing that the promo image was good, but I feel like there's no image that WB could release these days that would get 51% approval rating. Superman topics have become like French elections when nobody gets close to a consensus victory.

  3. #2598
    Ultimate Member Last Son of Krypton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DochaDocha View Post
    I'm not arguing that the promo image was good, but I feel like there's no image that WB could release these days that would get 51% approval rating. Superman topics have become like French elections when nobody gets close to a consensus victory.
    I think Brandon Routh in the Kingdom Come inspired suit got a 90% approval or close.

  4. #2599
    Incredible Member Jeffrey2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laser_Man View Post
    This is not a PR win. What is the use of people talking about it if they are trashing it left and right?
    The poor quality of the first image is troubling. Does that tell a tale about the film? One's eye is drawn to the purple orb in the sky and not to Superman who should have been the focus. Does Gunn care? I say this as I feel Gunn wrote the script so he could get the studio head job and sees Superman as being basically one and done then he can moves onto his toybox with his second-tier characters - as in he'll likely do a JLI and not JL and not doing a WW film early on - even though WW is arguably a billion-dollar franchise.

    Gunn wants an upbeat Superman who makes audiences feel good and the first picture of Superman has him looking depressed! Is Gunn zooming us when the complaint about Snyder (valid IMO) was his Superman never smiled and allowed thousands to die in the battle with Zod. And what does Gunn start with - a depressed looking Superman nonchalantly putting on his boots while Metropolis is under attack outside the window.

    PR? The photo won't get non-Superman fans excited about the film and w/o them the film can't succeed. WBD made a shrewd move in changing the title to Superman as anytime someone searches for a Superman comic, toy, message board, TV show, past film of Gunn's film the aggregate total makes it seem like Superman has more interest than it actually does. Google trends shown a bump with the announcement but not especially large in comparison to some other films. Only WBD knows the true "buzz" based on social media metrics (and other factors) for Superman, but my bet is they aren't all that good. LOL - maybe they purposely put out a bad/poor quality image believing that all publicity is good publicity, and it would generate a backlash as it has. But hey at least social media is abuzz with how how weird it is.
    Last edited by Jeffrey2; 05-10-2024 at 10:54 AM.

  5. #2600
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    I think I get conceptually what they were going for...but it wasn't implemented as effectively as a first look should've been.

  6. #2601
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    I'm not really into the costume. The trunks are good the rest is fine or not my thing. I don't really like anything about the new 52 outfit so all the elements from that I could do without.

    The S shield, just give him the classic S. It's not that the new one looks bad, but I just would prefer the classic logo to any alternative.

  7. #2602
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vordan View Post
    Because they’re not trashing it? I’m seeing plenty of fanart for the suit. It’s got its fans. Here’s a tweet that got 16k likes being positive about the suit. You are so annoying always trying to whip everything up into hysterics. But to use your example, BvS had a great start, people were extremely excited and wanted to go, it was only after people saw the movie and realized how awful it was that it crashed. The memes prior to its release didn’t hurt it, word of mouth about the quality of the movie itself did. If Superman attracts the same kind of interest it will be good since I expect a far higher level of quality from Gunn than Snyder is capable of. Gunn managed to make the only successful Marvel movie last year because of how good the word of mouth for GOTG 3 was.

    The general sentiment is still leaning on negative on this suit. Of course there will be people who like it but it was not a slam dunk that Gunn was expecting. It has been a rude awakening for him.

    Jeffery, Laser_Man, and All Star Superman have all been hating on this movie from the start. Even when we got something that was received universally positively, like Corenswet getting casted, All-Star and Jeffery tried to spin it as a negative (see the Corenswet thread for proof). I wouldn’t say they’re trolls, just people who were never going to give the movie a chance and are always looking for any indication that it’s doomed. Well maybe Jeffery and Laser_Man are trolls since they only ever post to talk about how Superman is doomed, All-Star Superman just hates Gunn.
    I don't have anything personal against this movie. Its just that DC has taken the same wrong decisions which they already took with DCEU.

    Getting an edgy director who wasn't interested in Superman and convince him to direct a Superman movie? Check.

    Stuffing a Superman movie with a bunch of superheroes to set up the new DC Cinematic Universe? Check.

    Introducing Superman with a photo of him looking all serious and solemn? Check.

    DC executives haven't read the definition of insanity.

  8. #2603
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    I don't think Gunn is excessively edgy even if he tackles that kind of material at times. But his work can be surprisingly wholesome.

    Though I think the photo was meant to be less serious and solemn and more a day in the life of a guy constantly on the clock.

  9. #2604
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeffrey2 View Post
    The poor quality of the first image is troubling. Does that tell a tale about the film? One's eye is drawn to the purple orb in the sky and not to Superman who should have been the focus. Does Gunn care? I say this as I feel Gunn wrote the script so he could get the studio head job and sees Superman as being basically one and done then he can moves onto his toybox with his second-tier characters - as in he'll likely do a JLI and not JL and not doing a WW film early on - even though WW is arguably a billion-dollar franchise.

    Gunn wants an upbeat Superman who makes audiences feel good and the first picture of Superman has him looking depressed! Is Gunn zooming us when the complaint about Snyder (valid IMO) was his Superman never smiled and allowed thousands to die in the battle with Zod. And what does Gunn start with - a depressed looking Superman nonchalantly putting on his boots while Metropolis is under attack outside the window.

    PR? The photo won't get non-Superman fans excited about the film and w/o them the film can't succeed. WBD made a shrewd move in changing the title to Superman as anytime someone searches for a Superman comic, toy, message board, TV show, past film of Gunn's film the aggregate total makes it seem like Superman has more interest than it actually does. Google trends shown a bump with the announcement but not especially large in comparison to some other films. Only WBD knows the true "buzz" based on social media metrics (and other factors) for Superman, but my bet is they aren't all that good. LOL - maybe they purposely put out a bad/poor quality image believing that all publicity is good publicity, and it would generate a backlash as it has. But hey at least social media is abuzz with how how weird it is.
    I agree. Everything about this DCU seems like Gunn was more interested in projects like Peacemaker and Creature Commandos where he can write his OCs which just share name and costume with licensed characters. He even brought over everyone from Peacemaker series even though DCU was supposed to be a fresh start. Now the continuity is a mess even before the first film.

    And yes, the non-Superman fans have not been impressed. Most of them saw this photo in memes than actual reveal. Gunn has successfully made Superman into a meme before he even started.

  10. #2605
    Incredible Member Jeffrey2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laser_Man View Post
    I agree. Everything about this DCU seems like Gunn was more interested in projects like Peacemaker and Creature Commandos where he can write his OCs which just share name and costume with licensed characters. He even brought over everyone from Peacemaker series even though DCU was supposed to be a fresh start. Now the continuity is a mess even before the first film.

    And yes, the non-Superman fans have not been impressed. Most of them saw this photo in memes than actual reveal. Gunn has successfully made Superman into a meme before he even started.
    I feel bad for Corenswet. That image hurts his effort to establish himself successfully as the new Superman. It's a tall order and, to be frank, even in manips of Corenswet in the suit that are AI generated and quite good, I don't get a Superman vibe from him. That is certainly true with this image. Clark I see him as - Superman not so much. That's leaving aside the Cavill (and Reeve) thing. He doesn't have their Superman presence. If I was Corenswet I'd be WTF with releasing this photo. Superman could break his career if it underperforms as happened with Routh and Bosworth who were set to be the next big young Hollywood stars had Superman Returns done well. Instead, their careers faded though they continue to work in the industry but not as big stars.

    This doesn't shout Superman to me:

    Last edited by Jeffrey2; 05-10-2024 at 06:41 PM.

  11. #2606
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vordan View Post

    Because they’re not trashing it? I’m seeing plenty of fanart for the suit. It’s got its fans. Here’s a tweet that got 16k likes being positive about the suit. You are so annoying always trying to whip everything up into hysterics. But to use your example, BvS had a great start, people were extremely excited and wanted to go, it was only after people saw the movie and realized how awful it was that it crashed. The memes prior to its release didn’t hurt it, word of mouth about the quality of the movie itself did. If Superman attracts the same kind of interest it will be good since I expect a far higher level of quality from Gunn than Snyder is capable of. Gunn managed to make the only successful Marvel movie last year because of how good the word of mouth for GOTG 3 was.

    Jeffery, Laser_Man, and All Star Superman have all been hating on this movie from the start. Even when we got something that was received universally positively, like Corenswet getting casted, All-Star and Jeffery tried to spin it as a negative (see the Corenswet thread for proof). I wouldn’t say they’re trolls, just people who were never going to give the movie a chance and are always looking for any indication that it’s doomed. Well maybe Jeffery and Laser_Man are trolls since they only ever post to talk about how Superman is doomed, All-Star Superman just hates Gunn.
    Just as I thought the suit DOES NOT look good with the red underwear. They need to remove it.

  12. #2607


    Quote Originally Posted by Vordan View Post

    Because they’re not trashing it? I’m seeing plenty of fanart for the suit. It’s got its fans. Here’s a tweet that got 16k likes being positive about the suit. You are so annoying always trying to whip everything up into hysterics. But to use your example, BvS had a great start, people were extremely excited and wanted to go, it was only after people saw the movie and realized how awful it was that it crashed. The memes prior to its release didn’t hurt it, word of mouth about the quality of the movie itself did. If Superman attracts the same kind of interest it will be good since I expect a far higher level of quality from Gunn than Snyder is capable of. Gunn managed to make the only successful Marvel movie last year because of how good the word of mouth for GOTG 3 was.

    Jeffery, Laser_Man, and All Star Superman have all been hating on this movie from the start. Even when we got something that was received universally positively, like Corenswet getting casted, All-Star and Jeffery tried to spin it as a negative (see the Corenswet thread for proof). I wouldn’t say they’re trolls, just people who were never going to give the movie a chance and are always looking for any indication that it’s doomed. Well maybe Jeffery and Laser_Man are trolls since they only ever post to talk about how Superman is doomed, All-Star Superman just hates Gunn.
    Let's be clear here, friend: I did not hate on the movie. As many are quick to point out, I've not seen anything from the film.

    I don't hate Gunn, but I do have serious concerns about this man and his work. A few creative issues first:

    - His former comic book films have been deconstructions or have focused on the reluctant hero/anti-hero archetypes:

    Super, which outright trashes superhero fans and the superhero archetype.

    Brightburn: he produced and gave input on story.

    Guardians of The Galaxy: reluctant losers/oddballs who fall ass-backwards into being heroes.

    Suicide Squad: anti-heroes and outright villains.

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with losers becoming heroes, anti-heroes, or villains; these are all valid archetypes. However, Superman is THE superheroic archetype. He's not reluctant or "burdened" by his powers (Snyder's NotSoSuperman) and he's self-directed from an early age. His journey is not what David Goyer conjured up in his deconstruction, a hero's journey where the character has to discover their purpose. Clark Kent (and Bruce Wayne) know their purpose from an early age. Their stories are about discovering hte how of being heroes, not the why.

    Most concerning of all, however, are the descriptions of Superman Gunn has given since announcing he was writing this movie. These became even more alarming when it was announced he was also directing. He's said the following, which I'm paraphrasing here:

    - What makes Superman "great" is that he's a "big galoot" and that he doesn't kill. A galoot, by the way, is generally understood to be a large and oafish person who is not very intelligent.

    - He didn't want to direct until he found an angle: the dichotomy between Superman's Kryptonian "aristocratic" parents and his human farmer parents.

    - Tom King provided notes on the script

    While I haven't seen the film, I can use Gunn's track record as detailed above and his quotes/comments on this film to make this conclusion: he does not understand Superman nor really love Superman the way that many other writers/filmmakers out there do. Superman is far more than his no-kill rule and he's far from a naïve oaf. Finally, he is never reluctant, at least not in iconic portrayals. Gunn's "galoot" seems, like Cavill's murdering dullard before him, to be reluctant about being Superman. Note that he's pulling on his boot somewhat solemnly, instead of being showing ripping his shirt open to reveal the shield or racing to the roof of the DP to save Metropolis.

    The bottom line is that Gunn is not right for Superman. I don't think he's a bad choice as a co-runner of the studio, as his filmmaking and narrative sensibilities are strong. He is, however, completely wrong for the ultimate inspirational and aspirational superhero. He can't take this archetype seriously and I have little doubt that Gunn's galoot will be seen as some country bumpkin reluctant to be a hero. It's been eleven years since the last live-action "Superman" movie, and that deconstruction was a dismal, angst-ridden dope who wasted time questioning his purpose in life because of his suicidal fear-mongering father. I doubt Gunn can do any better, as he's far too cynical to take Superman seriously. Brad Bird and Sam Raimi are just two filmmakers who love the character and would treat him faithfully while also using a fresh approach.

    If you don't agree with my take, fine, but don't complain and call me out because we don't share the same opinion.

  13. #2608
    Spectacular Member TaliaJoy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
    Though I think the photo was meant to be less serious and solemn and more a day in the life of a guy constantly on the clock.
    I agree. The image isn't dark or depressing, it's just dramatic. I expect this movie to have serious stakes, tension and drama. This image reflects that.

    Honestly, I'm just burnt out on the idea that Superman needs to be defined by positivity, good feelings and wholesomeness. There's more to him than that, and he can still have those traits and associations while also having more serious and downbeat moments.

  14. #2609
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
    I don't think Gunn is excessively edgy even if he tackles that kind of material at times. But his work can be surprisingly wholesome.

    Though I think the photo was meant to be less serious and solemn and more a day in the life of a guy constantly on the clock.
    I mean, Gunn himself said he thinks traditional superheroes are ridiculous and that was why he always gravitated towards screw-ups like GotG and Suicide Squad (plus Super and Brighburn if you want to count that).

    This is the first time in his two decades long career that he will be making a movie on a lead character who is supposed to be sincerely good.

  15. #2610
    Astonishing Member The Frog Bros's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
    I don't think Gunn is excessively edgy even if he tackles that kind of material at times. But his work can be surprisingly wholesome.

    Though I think the photo was meant to be less serious and solemn and more a day in the life of a guy constantly on the clock.
    Quote Originally Posted by TaliaJoy View Post
    I agree. The image isn't dark or depressing, it's just dramatic. I expect this movie to have serious stakes, tension and drama. This image reflects that.

    Honestly, I'm just burnt out on the idea that Superman needs to be defined by positivity, good feelings and wholesomeness. There's more to him than that, and he can still have those traits and associations while also having more serious and downbeat moments.
    I agree. I don’t see him depressed, dour, or whatever else in the image. I see him as preparing to do his job and being concerned and/or nervous, all of which is fine. It’s okay to like one’s job and not smile all the time; it’s okay to like a job that’s not easy. To borrow metaphorically from Tom Hanks in A League of Their Own, “… it’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard then everyone would do it. The hard it what makes it great.” Superman can do his job, love his job, and can be worried about doing at the same time. And he can (and should) show emotion, whether that’s being happy/smiling or worried/concerned.
    “Look, you can’t put the Superman #77s with the #200s. They haven’t even discovered Red Kryptonite yet. And you can’t put the #98s with the #300s, Lori Lemaris hasn’t even been introduced.” — Sam
    “Where the hell are you from? Krypton?” — Edgar Frog

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