Figured we could use a thread where I can dump upcoming teases for Superman related stuff that I come across, and since I don’t know what’s a good title for that I choose to rip off the WW General Discussion thread. I would use the Superman Appreciation thread but no one ever bothers to read that.

Anyway, figured I’d start off by sharing some stuff from Clayton Henry who is seemingly working on something Superman related that involves Clark, Jor-El, and Mon-El?!? First I thought it was a Legion book but at this point I think the people who were saying it was for Superman must have been right. Based on the cover and Jor-El looking like his Secret Origins incarnation, it seems set in current continuity. Another mainline Superman book? A fill-in arc with Williamson? It’s got my attention for the sheer oddness of what would bring all these characters together (long as Taylor isn’t writing).