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Thread: Ghost Machine

  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by chachi View Post
    the one shot that comes out on Wednesday is huge. It has like 6 stories / previews and profiles of alot of the main characters. Its only $4.99, and 48 pages with a cardstock cover. It marvel was putting this out it would probably be like $8.99. Good book to pick up if you are interested in any of the Ghost Machine titles.
    I pre-ordered it. I'm hoping it's all bangers.

  2. #32
    Incredible Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by chachi View Post
    the one shot that comes out on Wednesday is huge. It has like 6 stories / previews and profiles of alot of the main characters. Its only $4.99, and 48 pages with a cardstock cover. It marvel was putting this out it would probably be like $8.99. Good book to pick up if you are interested in any of the Ghost Machine titles.
    Its actually 64 pages with eight stories. All for $4.99. It'd be stupid not to get this tbh. They are practically giving it away.

  3. #33
    Mighty Member chachi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wyokid View Post
    Its actually 64 pages with eight stories. All for $4.99. It'd be stupid not to get this tbh. They are practically giving it away.
    They are hooking up the LCS as well. They get 1 free copy for each copy they order. My LCS ordered 10 and got 20 for the cost of the 10. Image is really pushing this line. Its a good move on their part.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by chachi View Post
    They are hooking up the LCS as well. They get 1 free copy for each copy they order. My LCS ordered 10 and got 20 for the cost of the 10. Image is really pushing this line. Its a good move on their part.
    I stand corrected, they are literally giving it away.

  5. #35


    An early review is pretty positive.

    Cbr did an interview with John's, hitch and Fabok about their titles and tomorrow's one-shot.
    Last edited by the illustrious mr. kenway; 01-23-2024 at 04:46 PM.

  6. #36
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    Well, the preview book is finally out. I'll start off by saying the books themselves are fantastic. The covers are a nice heavy cardstock the paper is really nice, the colors pop.

    It starts off with what I thought were the weakest two entries Geiger and Redcoat. The art on both are great, but the stories are more of a recap/concept than an actual story.

    Next up is Rook Exodus. This one thankfully is an intro Story as apposed to a recap. The world itself is a nicer concept than I originally pictured, and it has the best art of Ghost Machine for my money. Really looking forward to this one the most. I think all 3 are written by Geoff Johns.

    Next comes the books by Peter J Tomasi.
    The Rocketfells is a fun story. Feels like a much older comic about a family. It's a fun introduction, with a splash of corny wholesomeness that feels refreshingly all ages, with even a gag about people not communicating anymore and staring at their phones.

    Hornsby & Halo is another family friendly comic (so far). They switched the parents of the two little kids who seem to be the stars. Not sure if this is a crack on religion, which would be unnecessary and sad.

    Hyde Street comes back to Geoff Johns, this time with Ivan Reis. I feel like this introduction to the comic is the opposite of the first two. Very little is explained, and it's the one not out until October so I feel it will be a long time before you can really judge it other than to say, like all the books the art is top notch.

    All in all I'm still really looking forward to all of these releases. The $4.99 price tag felt worthwhile to get a glimpse of what's coming out in a few months. I would say I am most excited about the Peter J Tomasi books being just fun, and of course Rook by Johns and Fabok.

  7. #37
    Mighty Member chachi's Avatar
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    I really enjoyed reading all the different entries. I have been reading all the unnamed books and have already added Geiger and Red Coat to my pull. I will give Rook Exodus a look as well, not sure on the other books. Hyde street we don't get a whole lot, and its 10 months away from its debut. Quality of the book with the heavy cover and good paper quality impressed me as well. As I said in a previous post, this would be a $10 book at Marvel and paper quality would not of been as good.

  8. #38


    I'm curious about the first 4 (gieger, Rook exodus, red coat and the rocketfellers) but Hyde street and Hornsby felt too lacking to catch my attention.

  9. #39
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    Geiger was the only one that interest me. The rest is meh...

  10. #40
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    I haven't read Geiger or Junkyard Joe, but the Ghost Machine news and momentum were exciting for me to at least check out the one-shot and see where I would fall. Overall from an artistic perspective, this is going to be an excellent art showcase that I think will be hard to beat. As for the stories themselves, if I were to rank them they would be as follows:

    Rocketfellers - I read about the premise before reading, but I loved this which surprised me. It had a good amount of page time for a huge cast to get over along with their plight that if you told me this was coming out right around the corner I would believe you which is a comment I'll expand on in a bit. This had a bit of a Mitchells vs the Machines vibes to it and I really dug this. Will keep an eye on this one to pick up.

    The Unnamed (Geiger & Redcoat) - I'm going to lump these together because this felt the most confident in its universe which makes sense with two books already out and a prequel mini just wrapping up. I'm usually not a war book person, but alternate history is fun as I'm currently re-reading Manifest Destiny and I loved Hickman's The Manhattan Projects. Geiger being the more serious of the two books while Redcoat is looking to have fun with the historical figures and unknown jumps when he dies is a good contrast. The extra pages on the characters, much like for some of the other books like Rocketfellers and Rook: Exodus, were fun reads but I could have done without Meltzer's page on President Nash as it doesn't mean much when setting up that book. Definitely makes me want to go back and pick up Junkyard Joe and Geiger.

    Rook: Exodus - the one I was most excited to check out and while I liked it, I didn't love it mostly because it was too short for what is setting up a sci-fi universe where clearly Rook will be going to other planets in time. This needed more pages, especially knowing this is coming out in April along with Redcoat and the Geiger ongoing that I found it odd that other books which are coming out much later got equal or more time. I see the potential here and Fabok is awesome, but this abruptly ended for me when it needed more time to breathe. Will still check out, but am more cautious.

    Hyde Street - I love horror, but this is another one that needed more pages. I get the Twilight Zone vibe its going for which can be fun, but the Devour story got one page and the rest of Hyde Street was just there for me. I did like the opening pages with the various items and creatures as that made me think about the various stories to come which saves it from being in the bottom for me. I definitely will need more to consider checking this universe out, but the Reis art is great.

    Hornsby & Halo - I appreciate a YA book being part of the line and Rocketfellers can be seen as a YA book too (for now in both cases), but this wasn't for me. How this had a slightly higher page count than Rook: Exodus is beyond me for a story that was just there. Good for the crowd that likes this in a Saturday morning cartoon vibe, but yeah this is a pass for me though if I knew someone really young I'd give that person this story to check out.

    The one shot was a nice collection of the genres and stories that the imprint is doing and will be about and for $5 you get a good sampler, but part of me wonders if it wouldn't have been better to have done essentially a Redcoat and Rook: Exodus zero issues here with a tease of the other stories like Rocketfellers and Hyde Street and then do a second Ghost Machine one shot in the summer to drum up excitement for the end of year books coming out that would have allowed time for the horror stuff to breathe more such as Devour, Soulless and Hyde Street, expand a bit more on the family books, and tease the next wave. Of course, the feasibility and cost of doing another one-shot is brought into question, but I'm not sure how you keep momentum going for the family and horror lines when those books are so far away, but overall I liked and/or am curious about most of the books here to check out the projects as they come out.
    Last edited by HellsRider; 01-27-2024 at 02:31 PM.

  11. #41


    Popverse did an interview with Geoff Johns.

  12. #42


    Ign did an article about ghost machine

  13. #43

  14. #44
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    Red Coat and Rook Exodus are the two titles jumping out at me right now

  15. #45
    Astonishing Member Steroid's Avatar
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    So far I'll be getting Geiger and Rook Exodus.
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