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  1. #1
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    Default Fundraiser for Paul Jenkins

    Paul Jenkins, a very good guy and author of many comics stories we hold dear, needs our help. He has lost nearly everything to a nuisance, baseless "defamation" lawsuit brought against him by a lowlife ( ask around--same result) who is what one might call a "vexatious litigant"--someone who makes vast amounts of money by filing nuisance suits, shaking innocent people down, then rolling his proceeds into new lawsuits--all while cackling about his shakedowns on YouTube.
    (You may know him better as the copyright pirate who once crowdfunded a Star Trek movie he neither licensed nor delivered. If you lost money on *that* deal, now I really have your attention.)
    For three years, Paul's been fighting this predator *at the same time his wife has been recovering from brain surgery,* a fact well known to the litigant. To date, Paul is out nearly *three quarters of a million dollars* in legal fees. Let me say that again: THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION DOLLARS. Kids' college funds? Gone. Retirement? Gone. A way to keep up with the insane medical bills? Gone. All because Paul won't let a bully and (lawyers would like me to say "alleged") grifter win and keep hurting others.
    I'm asking you to help Paul out--not just because he's a good guy who's always there for others, but because this is just so brutally unfair. No one should be bullied for doing the right thing, no one should be allowed to abuse the legal system like this, but Paul just can't fight the good fight alone anymore.
    Please donate, please spread the word far and wide, and please help #stoptoxicfandom.

    Note: the above was edited from a Facebook post from a friend of Paul's. And there is a video in the link naming the horrible person doing this to him.

  2. #2
    Incredible Member
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    This is an interview done by Rob Burnett with Paul Jenkins about why these lawsuits have come about:

    And again, if you can give anything, please click on the link in my signature. Thank you!

  3. #3
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    Dean Newbury- the gentlemen who started the Go Fund Me for Paul - has a conversation about it and threats both Paul and himself have received:

  4. #4
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    An update on the fundraiser:

    by Dean Newbury, Organizer
    Good evening friends!

    I'm very excited to report that the GoFundMe has now topped $18,000! What a phenomenal achievement, thank you all for your donations and your sharing and your support! For this update Paul himself wanted to thank you all with a special message.

    From Paul:

    Hello everyone! I wanted to thank you for this amazing show of support. It is really heartening to see that people are willing to show how much they care about what's happening to me and my family. I don't think creators should have to endure such treatment - have their lives and finances turned upside-down - just because someone views them as "fair game" to be attacked and harassed. You've given my family and I - and also many creators of amazing comics, films, and video games - a real lift with your support. There is a way to fight back, and I am going to fight as hard as I can to get this awful person into a court of law.

    My sincerest thank you!

    Paul Jenkins

  5. #5
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    A holiday message from Paul:

  6. #6
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    by Dean Newbury, Organizer
    Happy almost New Year everyone!

    We are entering into 2024 on the back of our wildly successful GoFundMe! We crossed the $20,000 mark yesterday, and more donations have come in since. It is so wonderful to see the support Paul is getting, and now we are officially on the back half of our $40,000 goal! Thank you so much to everyone for your kind donations and your help getting the word out about this lawsuit.

  7. #7
    Incredible Member
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    I saw someone else with a Go Fund Me signature for writer Peter David so decided to add to mine as well. Didn't want to make a new post about it.
    Unlike the one for Paul, which is for legal fees , this is for health reasons and to pay medical bills.

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