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  1. #1066
    Incredible Member DearMachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by From The Shadows View Post
    I know Gail loves her women so i hope she doesn't make Gambit the butt of jokes in the upcoming comics. She said she makes fun of her favorites but not to take it too personally. I guess I can see that from her past twitter (like Wolverine and Gambit smelling, saying Wolverine is Scurvy etc.). But I am genuinely excited for this cast. So, I hope her humor about the characters is in small bits.
    She likes to make fun of them on Twitter. I can't see her writing anything like that in her books. She's the person responsible for turning Catman from the butt of a mean joke into a compelling and likeable character. Catman is the stand-out Secret Six character.

    I cannot see going out of her way to dunk on either Gambit or Wolverine.

    Trust me, I have read so much of her work over the years, and her approach is much more like KT, in that she is very aware that every character is someone's favorite and she wants to respect that.

    I haven't seen the new episode yet, which says something in itself. I normally set my alarm for 5 to watch it before my kid wakes up, but I did not today. It seems like I made a good choice.

  2. #1067
    Incredible Member Nox Noctes's Avatar
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    Maybe what DeMayo meant was that Gambit and Rogue were the OTP of season 2.

    I think the scene where Rogue wakes up and Kurt's like, "He's alive" and Rogue replies,"Remy?" is a hint he's coming back. Anyone follows DeMayo on X/Twitter? I saw on IG a screenshot of him giving a hint ("I can feel you") for the next episode

    What if the original Remy is in Sinister's lab and the buried Remy is a clone?
    end of spoilers
    Gambit. Rogue. Repeat.

  3. #1068
    Amazing Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sparta View Post
    It's pretty clear that Gambit died (or they removed him from these last four episodes) for Rogue to make this heel turn. Unfortunately her character arc hasn't been well executed. Like Malachi said, a lot of bad choices. If Gambit is to return this season, the platform is there now that Rogue's reached her lowest point. Hopefully the finale is a longer episode because we're really running out of time here.

    Just noticed Lenore tweeted #Justice4Remy about an hour ago, I don't get it. Joining Magneto is betraying Remy, not avenging him. I guess I'll let it play out and see what happens next week.

    Silver lining from a Romy perspective in this episode is that she clearly loves Remy a lot more than Erik (she didn't seem to care much about him "returning to life") and she joined Magneto for political reasons, her trauma and bitterness helped with that decision.
    end of spoilers


    This a good side of this episode, Rogue ignore the MAgnu's Return of the life.
    I Like this series, but he lost the part of the sense and the emotion for me

    end of spoilers

  4. #1069
    Incredible Member NicoPony's Avatar
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    Crazy ride! I dunno, I didn’t think it was rushed and I liked the pacing. A lot of the episodes have a lot of exposition up front, then finish with intense action. This one had balance throughout. Of course, I’m tickled over Rogue reviving and the first word out of her mouth is: “Remy?” That’s how I wake up too, every morning. Her wearing his coat and being all huddled in it protectively was such a sweet touch, but when she took it off I felt that was a signal that she was figuratively leaving him behind and almost betraying his memory. I am sure she will change her mind again just as quickly, and realize her mistake. Not surprised she left for Magneto’s side, she’s pissed and almost committed murder last episode. Plus her name is Rogue, so off she goes. Okay other plot happened, yadda yadda, but when Jean and Sinister were facing off all I could think was: oh, I hope Jean got blasted through the wall to Sinister’s lab so we could have a clue about Gambit potentially being alive. But no, bowling alley.

    Alas, Remy Revival will have to be a cliffhanger for next episode!

    In other news, if Jean and Rogue get their hair blasted off, there’s a backup wig in a glass case with their old uniforms!
    end of spoilers

  5. #1070
    Incredible Member Sparta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nox Noctes View Post
    Maybe what DeMayo meant was that Gambit and Rogue were the OTP of season 2.

    I think the scene where Rogue wakes up and Kurt's like, "He's alive" and Rogue replies,"Remy?" is a hint he's coming back. Anyone follows DeMayo on X/Twitter? I saw on IG a screenshot of him giving a hint ("I can feel you") for the next episode

    What if the original Remy is in Sinister's lab and the buried Remy is a clone?
    end of spoilers
    He posted that "I can feel you" tweet a few hours before this episode aired, which was annoying because I thought something was going to happen today. I honestly don't know what he meant by it...

    I'm still expecting Deathbit at the end, but maybe he's a mutant prime sentinel in Sinister's lab? Trish was in ICU still alive at the mansion which means you can come back from it (initially I thought they couldn't, a bit like a zombie), but maybe there's a chance there for Remy, Xavier's vision in ep 6 had Gambit turn into a Sentinel. Interestingly enough, Cable is there, so maybe what Chris Potter said about bringing him back could actually mean that.

    You make a good point about Rogue. She's still hoping that Remy's alive, could be foreshadowing, we'll see.
    end of spoilers
    Last edited by Sparta; 05-08-2024 at 06:06 AM.

  6. #1071
    Extraordinary Member Purplevit's Avatar
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    At this point I think that Rogue will accepth that Remy is gone after final fight in ep 10 and will go to NOLA cemetery to say goodbye but will find only an open grave.

    Not sure if ressurected Remy or Deathbit will even appear next episode but I don't want best Gambit ever in ep5 to be just a clone so real one lying in Sinister basement.

    Maybe ressurected Remy from original body can lie in basement but I don't see how they will make it cool.
    end of spoilers

  7. #1072
    Incredible Member DearMachine's Avatar
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    What even is Rogue's storyline in this season? You didn't ultimately make the choice to lead mutantkind into a better future. You told Magneto that "some things are deeper than skin" and chose to be with Gambit and the X-Men. She was more consistently written when Carol kept taking over her mind.

    I love my avatar sometimes because that was my face watching every scene she was in this episode. I have no faith in this writing team doing right by either Rogue or Gambit or them as a couple at this point.

    Also, I want someone to remember that Storm and Gambit are friends. She does allude to knowing him well in '92. Just a moment of sadness. That's all I ask.

    Overall, it still feels like car crash tv to me. Each episode seems to be written around what is maximally shocking or earth shattering or, ick, social media worthy. There's no time to breathe and take in anything before we're onto the next crash.

    This post was brought to you by my grumpiness thanks to a midnight tornado siren that meant we had to wake our toddler and take him to the basement. I am so tired.
    end of spoilers
    Last edited by DearMachine; 05-08-2024 at 06:48 AM.

  8. #1073
    Incredible Member Jiminy_Cricket's Avatar
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    I have been firmly in the "Gambit is dead and not coming back" camp for a while now. However, the fact that Charles specifically mentioned "Remy should have been buried here with us" is giving me hope. It feels like the writers are making sure the audience knows that Remy's body isn't under the X-men's watchful eyes. Otherwise that line has no real purpose.

    Whoever mentioned Rogue going to find Remy's dug up grave, may well be on the money here.
    end of spoilers
    L'Enfer !

  9. #1074
    Fantastic Member staptik777's Avatar
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    First of all, sorry for my bad Engrish (I use Google Translate) I usually try not to write long texts, but I’m just a little upset and angry today and really wanted to speak out

    I like the show, and I liked today's episode, BUT I have a few complaints...

    Why is everyone so emotionally cold toward Rogue (except Kurt)? They were together on the team for five f-ing seasons, the death of Morph in the first season had a stronger impact on the team than Gambit's death, is it a pacing problem or does no one on the team care? The conversation between Charles and Rogue was just so-so, he could have said something like “he was a good man” or “I’m sorry for your loss” or anything like that, not just “we probably should have buried him here” wtf?

    As for Rogneto, I hate Rogneto, but okay, if you writers are going to write this relationship, then how about, well, you know, write it. You found some screen time to make fun of Bryan Singer, how about you find time for at least a short conversation between Erik and Rogue, "I'm joining you, but we're not together" or "I'm joining you and we're together" or something like that. If we removed this stupid love triangle from the plot, then what would even change? Rogue would literally be exactly where she is now ...

    A little about Rogue herself, first she dances with Magneto, but then she chooses Gambit, she wants to avenge Gambit, but then she regrets that she “killed” Trask (if I understood correctly), and then she joins Magneto, in the next episode we will most likely see Onslaught and she will return to X-Men, I’m not saying that she acts out of character, just sometimes i don’t understand her
    end of spoilers

  10. #1075
    Incredible Member DearMachine's Avatar
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    Sigh... Fatal Attractions is one of my absolutely favorite stories in the comics too.

    Last edited by DearMachine; 05-08-2024 at 07:23 AM.

  11. #1076
    Astonishing Member Malachi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by staptik777 View Post
    First of all, sorry for my bad Engrish (I use Google Translate) I usually try not to write long texts, but I’m just a little upset and angry today and really wanted to speak out

    I like the show, and I liked today's episode, BUT I have a few complaints...

    Why is everyone so emotionally cold toward Rogue (except Kurt)? They were together on the team for five f-ing seasons, the death of Morph in the first season had a stronger impact on the team than Gambit's death, is it a pacing problem or does no one on the team care? The conversation between Charles and Rogue was just so-so, he could have said something like “he was a good man” or “I’m sorry for your loss” or anything like that, not just “we probably should have buried him here” wtf?

    As for Rogneto, I hate Rogneto, but okay, if you writers are going to write this relationship, then how about, well, you know, write it. You found some screen time to make fun of Bryan Singer, how about you find time for at least a short conversation between Erik and Rogue, "I'm joining you, but we're not together" or "I'm joining you and we're together" or something like that. If we removed this stupid love triangle from the plot, then what would even change? Rogue would literally be exactly where she is now ...

    A little about Rogue herself, first she dances with Magneto, but then she chooses Gambit, she wants to avenge Gambit, but then she regrets that she “killed” Trask (if I understood correctly), and then she joins Magneto, in the next episode we will most likely see Onslaught and she will return to X-Men, I’m not saying that she acts out of character, just sometimes i don’t understand her
    end of spoilers
    As Jiminy_Cricket said the "buried here" conversation makes no sense except to point out that Remy is buried and it's not here where they can see the grave. When I watched that scene I just rolled my eyes, but this show is often not clever or subtle with it's foreshadowing. It's like: Oh I wish the ____ would not appear now. Then ____ appears just a second later. It's tongue in cheek but it's juvenile, I keep rolling my eyes.

    So atm everythign points towards a cliffhanger with Remy's open grave. I don't want it, but it's sure looks that way. The biggest sign is that no one except Rogue seems to care that he is gone. That plot has been put squarly on her shoulders for some reason.

    That reason is probably due to pacing. So much is squashed in here that we get bare bones of structure so we can go through a highlights reel of famous X-men moments and plots. Sometimes it works and sometiems it gets very obvious. Rogue really need more scenes, escpecially after she and Roberto joined up with Magneto. So those three could get united. Now they left, later "Blue team" leaves and Rogue is just flying in attacking her family. We can all piece togheter it, guess what is going through her head but it's not earnt for us viewers. It's not properly built up. It's rushed so we can get to the action, so we can get to: Logan without adamantium and birth of Onslaught.
    end of spoilers

  12. #1077
    Incredible Member Nox Noctes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiminy_Cricket View Post
    I have been firmly in the "Gambit is dead and not coming back" camp for a while now. However, the fact that Charles specifically mentioned "Remy should have been buried here with us" is giving me hope. It feels like the writers are making sure the audience knows that Remy's body isn't under the X-men's watchful eyes. Otherwise that line has no real purpose.

    Whoever mentioned Rogue going to find Remy's dug up grave, may well be on the money here.
    end of spoilers
    I thought that whole chat about Gambit's burial site incredibly weird. The show keeps doing that, just dropping seemingly random/odd comments, that I'm always led to believe (perhaps wrongly) that it's a hint or something. I am convinced that Gambit will be back, I just don't know how or when. Lots of theories, but nothing concrete.

    I was also hoping Jean crashed into Sinister's lab, but nope. I really think Sinister's actions will have an effect on the story somehow. You can't just drop something significant like that (Sinister having access to mutant DNA or whatever) and not reference it again.

    Because I'm petty, I liked the fact Rogue was seemingly indifferent to Mags surviving. I understand that it doesn't quite make sense, but meh. *shrugs*

    I took Rogue removing Gambit's coat as a sign he might be needing it soon.
    end of spoilers
    Gambit. Rogue. Repeat.

  13. #1078
    Incredible Member NicoPony's Avatar
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    I wonder if Rogue will use her powers to put Wolvie’s skeleton back in his body?
    end of spoilers

  14. #1079
    Extraordinary Member Purplevit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by staptik777 View Post
    First of all, sorry for my bad Engrish (I use Google Translate) I usually try not to write long texts, but I’m just a little upset and angry today and really wanted to speak out

    I like the show, and I liked today's episode, BUT I have a few complaints...

    Why is everyone so emotionally cold toward Rogue (except Kurt)? They were together on the team for five f-ing seasons, the death of Morph in the first season had a stronger impact on the team than Gambit's death, is it a pacing problem or does no one on the team care? The conversation between Charles and Rogue was just so-so, he could have said something like “he was a good man” or “I’m sorry for your loss” or anything like that, not just “we probably should have buried him here” wtf?

    As for Rogneto, I hate Rogneto, but okay, if you writers are going to write this relationship, then how about, well, you know, write it. You found some screen time to make fun of Bryan Singer, how about you find time for at least a short conversation between Erik and Rogue, "I'm joining you, but we're not together" or "I'm joining you and we're together" or something like that. If we removed this stupid love triangle from the plot, then what would even change? Rogue would literally be exactly where she is now ...

    A little about Rogue herself, first she dances with Magneto, but then she chooses Gambit, she wants to avenge Gambit, but then she regrets that she “killed” Trask (if I understood correctly), and then she joins Magneto, in the next episode we will most likely see Onslaught and she will return to X-Men, I’m not saying that she acts out of character, just sometimes i don’t understand her
    end of spoilers

    Bad English? Please, your posts are always fun and brings joy.
    I think that Xavier told about grave just to remind that Gambit`s body is far away so grave could be empty for a long time already.

    Rogneto died in ep5 because Mags was that bad kisser. All other episodes Rogue are clearly only about Gambit for me.

    I think Rogue is in denial, so she is doing crazy stuff. When she will accept Remy`s death she will come to grave but it will be empty
    end of spoilers

  15. #1080
    Incredible Member Jiminy_Cricket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malachi View Post
    As Jiminy_Cricket said the "buried here" conversation makes no sense except to point out that Remy is buried and it's not here where they can see the grave. When I watched that scene I just rolled my eyes, but this show is often not clever or subtle with it's foreshadowing. It's like: Oh I wish the ____ would not appear now. Then ____ appears just a second later. It's tongue in cheek but it's juvenile, I keep rolling my eyes.

    So atm everythign points towards a cliffhanger with Remy's open grave. I don't want it, but it's sure looks that way. The biggest sign is that no one except Rogue seems to care that he is gone. That plot has been put squarly on her shoulders for some reason.

    That reason is probably due to pacing. So much is squashed in here that we get bare bones of structure so we can go through a highlights reel of famous X-men moments and plots. Sometimes it works and sometiems it gets very obvious. Rogue really need more scenes, escpecially after she and Roberto joined up with Magneto. So those three could get united. Now they left, later "Blue team" leaves and Rogue is just flying in attacking her family. We can all piece togheter it, guess what is going through her head but it's not earnt for us viewers. It's not properly built up. It's rushed so we can get to the action, so we can get to: Logan without adamantium and birth of Onslaught.
    end of spoilers
    I think we will get better pacing in the next couple of seasons. At the time they only has 1 season with 10 episodes to make their case for renewal, so they probably came out swinging. Now that they have another 20 odd episodes at least greenlit, they can afford to take their time abit.

    I have a hunch that they will use Season 2 to gear up for AoA in season 3.
    L'Enfer !

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