Quote Originally Posted by Darth_Caedus View Post
I hated it but it really wasn't that big of a deal that fans try to blow it out of proportion. We also had hints of Scemma in the beginning but I think after Scott and Jean went to live in the treehouse, they had moved on from other romantic entanglements. I don't see it mentioned in the upcoming relaunch either, considering that they already swept it under the rug.
Problems are not hidden Jacen, they must be talked about and solved, that is the problem with Scott and Jean, everything happens off-panel, it is terribly annoying that Jean invades Scott's mind but he is not aware of what she is doing, ( X-men 97) + happened a couple of times in the Claremont retcons of X-men Classic, and even though Scott knows something about it, Jean has never put a definitive stop to Logan's interests.
And as I said before, Jean fans only tolerate Scott because he is a main character, days before NearlyEnough found comments towards Cyclops, now the words of the same account (Twitter /X) have changed for convenience and hypocrisy.