Quote Originally Posted by From The Shadows View Post
Like I said, he admits to not following other peoples work and that annoys me as much as any writer. It doesn't matter if he is the one and only Chris Claremont. Why he brought Amanda/Jimaine back just to kill her in his series so he get romantic with someone else I will never know. Also, the Magik mini may be obscure, but it was a very good mini. If you are an Amanda fan or a Kurt fan. They got Kurts's voice down and made Amanda a capable leader of Limbo and a decent strategist.

His second series is nothing. During Storms X.S.E days you had Rachel, Betsy, Ororo and Night nurse, though nothing serious became of it. Like I said maybe it had to do with his being a priest not being that popular. I actually liked CC's priest portrayal of Kurt. And despite Kurts love of women, he was shown he can be celibate and took his vows seriously. Him pushing away Cerise and Stacy are examples. Of course, there is Kurt missing the touch of a woman under Austen. He just wanted Kurt out of the priesthood. He said he was going to be the one to finally do it, lol. No matter how poorly handled. After X.S.E Kurt wasn't in any romantic light for years. I believe Zsen and SS were the first women he has been with since then if I remember. Thats a long time. Not counting the AU with him and Meggan as an item. Maybe the priest thing never left him in spirit. I don't know or it was the lack of interest from the creatives and editorial. Anyway, I don't need to see Kurt with girls all the time. I think occasions that's not focused on is good for character growth. I like fun Kurt, but I don't want him to be someone note ladies' man the same as I don't want a one note religious character.
Claremont never seemed to know what to do with Amanda. He would bring her in occasionally but she never stayed around long enough to make much of an impact. With the real Magik back, it makes Amanda even more redundant now.

I agree with you he shouldn't be typecast as a religious celibate or as a ladies man constantly getting new and temporary love interests.