He is the worlds Greatest Marksmen, he is Clint Barton, he is...
H a w k e y e

Stuff that's been happening recently:
- Absolutely nothing as far as I am aware

What's next?:
- Black Widow & Hawkeye mini which I am very much looking forward to. I always enjoy them together and the premise is an intriguing contrast to the more frequent stories where he comes to her aid.
- There's a chance he'll appear in Avengers Twilight. We know he'll be a variant cover and while that doesn't mean much it would make sense for him to show up in one of these.

Personal Hopes:
- Maybe become a mainstay in a team book or a frequent guest in something that lasts longer than 4-6 issues.
Since Captain Marvel ended at #50 I'm as starved for some long form storytelling as I am for more Hawkeye stuff

Last years thread can be found here.