Quote Originally Posted by SturdyMike89 View Post
Carnage works fine as a bad guy who Spidey and Venom team up to fight every few years. He can't carry a book. There is a reason none of his books has ever gone past 25 issues. He is not a character you can root for because he is a truly evil monster with no redeeming qualities. And this whole "make him a god' angle not only does not work, but goes against what has been established about the character for over 30 years. Marvel really needs to stop trying to make fetch happen.
The one that lasted longest was the one by Gerry Conway, and that was about 15-16 issues. I think that one lasted as long as it did because it was smart enough to put the focus on the heroes trying to stop Carnage, such as they were. Kind of reminds me of how horror movie franchises will be titled after the villain/monster, but the focus in each installment is on those trying to survive against or stop the villain/monster.