Oni Press has revealed the Nacelleverse will grow this July with new series Biker Mice From Mars. The series will be written by Melissa Flores with art by Francis Portela.

“We’re diving into the Nacelleverse!” said Flores, “The Biker Mice are a trio of Martian mice fighting to protect the home they love from being desecrated by an egoistic corporation. They are pushed to the limit and must decide how much of their lives they are willing to give up to save the world they love. Just three planets away, we’re going to show how complicated and nuanced these characters are, even if on the surface, they seem so different!”
Best friends Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie, just three anthropomorphic, motorcycle-riding mice who called Mars home . . . and were always bad to the bone. But when the ruthless Plutarkians stage a mass invasion to strip their planet of its precious resources, their antiauthoritarian streak is going to turn into a full-blown insurgency. Only the Biker Mice from Mars can prevent the mass destruction of Earth’s nearest planetary neighbor . . . and the freedom of our entire solar system may just hang in the balance.