Thought it was pretty decent. I actually liked much of America's Elite, particularly the Phoenix Guard storyline (think Marvel's "Thunderbolts" with popular Cobra agents such as Zarana and Firefly in the roles) and World War 3, which was the big finale. Cobra forms their own elite division ala the original 13 Joe Team called the Plague with their best agents from various divisions (Crimson Guard, Snow Serpent, Eel, etc.) Hama even returned to write the G.I. Joe team origin story (Declassified) which finally gave a face and name to former Marvel issue 1 in-joke character "Shooter." He also wrote a Storm Shadow ongoing.

My biggest beef with the DDP run was the "Red Shadows" arc. While the team name comes from the original UK Action Force adversaries, DDP reimagined them as an extreme 90's Rob Leifeld Image team, who were soooo badass they killed off fan favorite Lady Jaye and made Flint all emo loner loose Cannon. (Ugh.)