If you could recommend only five runs for a character, which would you choose?

I was organizing my collection, and I had thought about which 5 runs of a character I would recommend to someone if they asked me. I was looking at my Wonder Woman titles and in two boxes I had Perez, Messner-Loebs, Jimenez, Rucka's first run, Simone, Azzerello and Rucka's second run for WW. Seven distinct runs, but if given the choice of only recommending 5, which would I choose?

Tougher question: For things like Teen Titans and Legion of Super-Heroes; could I recommend anything outside of New Teen Titans and Levitz's run on the Legion. Compared to filling out a list for Batman and Superman, that is easy-breezy compared to a lot of other long running DC titles.

Take some time and list your top 5 solo character and ensemble runs you feel present the best representation of the respective character.

Platinum Points to anyone who can list 5 Hawkman/Hawkgirl runs that are worthy and not a colossal waste of effort.