I still kinda can't believe we are about a month away from the end of one of the most exciting experiments to ever happen in corporate superhero books.

I was completely off of Marvel because I was done after Secret Wars (save for Thor), but when I heard that Hickman was going to be the architect of the X-Men there was no way I was going to sit this one out. This was one of the only times I ever kept up with monthlies since Aaron's Thor.

On that note what were your greatest memories from this tenure?
Will we ever again get this kind of hype on a X-Book in the next decade or so, if yes which writer can bring the heat that Hickman brought?
What was your favorite arc?

For me my greatest memory was that it made me feel like a kid back in the 90's picking up Lee's X-Men #1 and how exciting that was, not knowing what will happen next.
Not to be too pessimistic, but I don't think we will get something at this level again for a long time.
My favorite arc was the Nimrod being "born" saga and how much it involved Mystique and Destiny.

What about y'all?