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  1. #31
    Amazing Member shugahfree's Avatar
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    Shame we didn't get any artwork along with the semi-confirmation that Monet is joining Uncanny

  2. #32
    Grizzled Veteran Jackraow21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grunty View Post
    Looking back it feels like Cable often gets singled out for having an overly complicated and difficult to understand backstory, because of how it unfolded on panel over time and through the various writers trying to steer and expand it, rather than how it now looks from a distant.

    Because in terms of key points, it's all relatively simple. 1. Son of Cyclops and a Jean Grey clone. 2. Infected with techno-organic virus. 3. Send into a future in the hope he can be cured there. 4. Comes back as hardened soldier trying to change the timeline.

    Which is basically how '97 has done it and it seems the casual audience certainly wasn't confused by it.

    Essentially at this point it's arguably more the reputation of his backstory being problematic which has taken a life on it's own. Potentially making it a neat excuse on why to leave him out.
    Agree with you that it feels like more of a copout, particularly in Bishop's case as he's the less complicated of the two. I think the reality is they had no good plans for these two heading into the new era, which is very much a "back to basics" approach so perhaps there's a general feeling that they don't fit with that; so they left them out for now, at least until they get a good pitch for one or both of them.

    As a big Cable stan, I'm actually okay with that. I've watched the character's lackluster solo book performance and attempts to reframe the character time and time again, and none of them have really worked for me. Once he stopped Apocalypse's ascension in the late 90s after the whole Twelve Saga, they did some cool stuff with him... first in Cable/Solider X and then in Cable/Deadpool, where they leaned into him taking on this "psychic soldier messiah from the future" schtick whereby he just wanted to use his future knowledge, combined with his powers and skills, to build a better world. That was fun. Then Messiah Complex came along and they gave him a new mission. Once again, history repeated itself because, when that mission was done, they didn't know what to do with him anymore. Wolverine had taken over his team, to widespread acclaim in the case of the Kyle/Yost and Remender X-Force runs. His little girl was grown up and had restarted the mutant race by the end of AvX (which he was sidelined for anyway in a coma). So they leaned into the time travel, which I believe was a mistake. First making him some sort of "time cop" in his own right, and then having his younger self -- also acting in that role -- kill his older self. Now it's to the point where the powers that be at Marvel can't even decide which version they like better and want to use anymore, so they used them both in his most recent mini series which just finished last week.

    Bottom line? A cooling off period for the Askani'son while waiting for someone to come along with a great story idea for him ain't the worst thing in my book. It will make his appearance in the next era, whenever that may be, much sweeter and hopefully more well thought out. I suppose the same goes for Bishop, though as I said he's the simpler of the two and hasn't had nearly the number of chances (nor been as diminished by some of the weaker ones) as Cable has.
    “Not as good as I once was… but I’m as good, once, as I ever was.”

  3. #33
    Astonishing Member Johnrevenge's Avatar
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    Kinda saw it coming that X-factor would be related to the goverment. Wonder if Val Cooper will appear there (or maybe Stevei Hunter as the last time she appeared she was a congresswoman).

  4. #34
    Astonishing Member Malachi's Avatar
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    I don't want to dump on JDW but this is just a more interesting interview. I might not agree with everything Tom says or does but these interveiws gives me a much better understanding on the behidn the scenes thinking.

    Top three tidbits:

    1). We knew JDW was planning the next phase, the post-Krakoa phase. Have the change to Tom saved him from the fallout of ending Krakoa? If he stayed on he would be blamed the same way Tom is being blamed. Now it feels like Krakoa=JDW, which is a flattering narrative for him since Krakoa is still remembered with a pink shimmer.

    2). The rule that affects Bishop and Cable isn't making much sense if you pick it apart. We still have Betsy and Kwannon running around, maybe the key here is that their complicated history will be streamlined and not mentioned much.

    3). The fact that he reached out to retailers is nothing new. What is new is that he didn't have a compiled and ready to use list sitting on his desk waiting for him. According to previous interviews, not necessarily from Tom, the X-office knows what the retailers says and uses it to tailor who they publish. So it feels... well not a big lie but definitly it doesn't add up completely. Unless they didn't share pre-existing gathered information with Tom or he felt it was prudent to do it again since he is new in the X-office. I just feel that this has been used before to argue why certain characters get the spotligt and others don't, especially if we fans consider them to be viable but they aren't being published.
    Last edited by Malachi; 05-06-2024 at 07:31 AM.

  5. #35
    Astonishing Member Steroid's Avatar
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    I enjoyed this interview, but like others I feel that the Cable/Bishop answer makes zero sense when we have Rachel starring in a book. Also not exactly sure how to take the response to the Synch question.
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  6. #36
    Grizzled Veteran Jackraow21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnrevenge View Post
    Kinda saw it coming that X-factor would be related to the government. Wonder if Val Cooper will appear there (or maybe Stevie Hunter as the last time she appeared she was a congresswoman).
    Did he say it would be government related? If so, I missed that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Malachi View Post
    2). The rule that affects Bishop and Cable isn't making much sense if you pick it apart. We still have Betsy and Kwannon running around, maybe the key here is that their complicated history will be streamlined and not mentioned much.
    That's precisely what I'm expecting with regards to those two.
    “Not as good as I once was… but I’m as good, once, as I ever was.”

  7. #37
    Astonishing Member Kingdom X's Avatar
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    Seems like we’ll get those Wolverine and X-Factor creatives teams/ lineups this week or latest next. Guess Storm will be next month.

    Interesting to hear they have 3-4 more titles. 12 books is the max I think the line should get to.

    I frankly don’t agree with his wanting more solo books over team books. I love it when new teams book up and we get to explore new character dynamics. Also from a purely logistics standpoint, the franchise has enough characters to easily fill 10 team books. Then have less questions about “where’s my fave?!?”

  8. #38
    Extraordinary Member Uncanny X-Man's Avatar
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    I can't wait to get the skinny on Wolverine and X-Factor this week, although I'm pretty bummed we'll have to wait some more for Storm. I guess they're pairing her up with another title coming in October?

  9. #39
    Ultimate Member ExodusCloak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingdom X View Post
    Seems like we’ll get those Wolverine and X-Factor creatives teams/ lineups this week or latest next. Guess Storm will be next month.

    Interesting to hear they have 3-4 more titles. 12 books is the max I think the line should get to.

    I frankly don’t agree with his wanting more solo books over team books. I love it when new teams book up and we get to explore new character dynamics. Also from a purely logistics standpoint, the franchise has enough characters to easily fill 10 team books. Then have less questions about “where’s my fave?!?”
    Well if a solo lasts 10 months re 10 issues they can say they tried and move on.

  10. #40
    Astonishing Member ChronoRogue's Avatar
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    Really enjoyed the interview, it's fun seeing the thought process behind the creatives decisions. The Quetzacoalt in the preview is giving Tri-Sentinel beam PTSD though lol.

    Based on this interview, the X-Men leaders might clash a bit idealologically. Sounds like Cyclops is going back to his Rightclops era, while Rogue maintains the dream of co-existance. X-Factor is likely a government sanctioned book and the most dramatically opposed to Rightclops, so expecting some drama there between whoever the leader is in the book. Bit unsure on where Forge fits into the schema, but X-Force sounds like it's mostly doing it's own thing across the world

  11. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Rift View Post
    AIPT: [Laughs] Jordan would be very honest about there never being Hellion plans.
    Tom: Well, again, this is a whole new “From the Ashes” era. We’re no longer bound by the taste and opinions of Jordan White. You’re in the hands of a far more crass and terrible figure than he ever was. So maybe it’s time to have hope, but maybe be careful what you wish for. We’ll see.
    This feels like a joke that's not quite a joke, when it comes to the Jordan White part. Inkling of truth to it.

    Quote Originally Posted by JB View Post
    Like I said, an old beginning.
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  12. #42


    Interesting that X-Factor is going back to being a government book. Combined with the hint that mutants may well be a stateless people post-Krakoa, that has the potential to go to some real dark places.

  13. #43
    Astonishing Member ChronoRogue's Avatar
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    Hmm actually Uncanny has been described as mutant outlaws so maybe not the Xavier philosophy exactly lol.

    Kitty might be filling that role closer since the book seems to be about mentoring young mutants.

  14. #44
    Astonishing Member CaptainUniverse's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rift View Post
    AIPT: OK, and finally, this is a character I get questions about pretty much every week. Hellion.
    Tom: Um… heads just whipped around in the office as you said that. It got a reaction.

    AIPT: [Laughs] Jordan would be very honest about there never being Hellion plans.
    Tom: Well, again, this is a whole new “From the Ashes” era. We’re no longer bound by the taste and opinions of Jordan White. You’re in the hands of a far more crass and terrible figure than he ever was. So maybe it’s time to have hope, but maybe be careful what you wish for. We’ll see.

    Hell yeah! There's a chance I will live to see Hellion destroyed by editorial!

    Hellion will probably have to sell his X-Gene to Mephisto in order to save X-23's life or something like that.
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  15. #45
    Mighty Member Dipter's Avatar
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    I wonder if they’ll use the new X-Factor book to bring Valerie Cooper back into relevance. I’d like that because she’s been awesome in 97.

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