About time Frenzy got an appreciation thread.

Former villain who was hated by many. Mostly due to her killing Sharon Friedlander and at the time perhaps one of the last likable Acolytes.

She was a hardliners and then.... AGE OF X happened, where she was a hero and the lover of Cyclops.

After Age of X was over, she was one of the few who kept her memories of that time/dimension.

She became part of the mutants living on Utpia and aided in several battles on the heroes sides.

During the Krakoa era the space program S.W.O.R.D. was reformed as a mutant organization by Abigail Brand, and Frenzy was recruited as their ambassador extraordinary for Earth.

And the she was elected for the first time to be an actual X-Men member, only to be killed by Nimrod.

Currently she is leader of the Dead X-Men team, who play a crucial role against the war against Orchis.

Today it was revealed Frenzy will remain a hero, as member of the new incarnation of X-Factor.