Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
I am intrigued by the notion of the X-folk interacting in some way with the Serpent Society. The Serpents have had multiple mutant members for quite some time (Slither and Puff Adder for sure, but also Rock Python and Black Racer, perhaps?), and none of them seemed even a little bit interested in Krakoa, which piques my interest. What motivation did they have, if any, to avoid Krakoa / stick with their non-mutant teammates? Did one or more Serpent Society mutants actually spend time on Krakoa, as a sort of 'non-extradition hideout' from their criminal activities and end up overstaying their welcome / abusing the privilege?
Good thoughts. It would indeed be great to know why the mutant members of the Serpent Society/Squad, never joined the other mutants on Krakoa.