Quote Originally Posted by Vegeta View Post
With careful planning Baron Zemo was able to absolutely wreck the Avengers. I'd love to see him orchestrate a carefully planned attack on the X-Men. (He should probably have more heavy hitters than the T-bolts though. Maybe add the Enchantress, Absorbing Man and the Wrecking Crew.)
Zemo's a pretty clever guy, and he'd have to actually want something out of this, like access to Krakoan or Shiar tech. I think he'd be far more likely to engineer a fight between the Avengers and X-Men, so that the X-Men would be unwilling soldiers (or distractions) to mask his own objective (and, end up adding yet another group of heroes to his sizable enemies list!). Engineering a conflict between the humans and mutants of some made-up country like Sokovia, so that the Avengers are drawn in to protect the civilian populace from 'mutant terrorists' and the X-folk are drawn in on the other side to protect the innocent mutants from 'hate and persecution', while in both cases, the 'mutant terrorism' *and* the most egregious acts of anti-mutant prejudice, have been triggered and amplified in the media by Zemo and his agents directly, could be one way to keep them both off the board and allow him to run his true game without their interference. (But his true objective would have to directly involve mutant resources in some way, or else he'd have no justification to involve a potential *new* group of enemies! Perhaps seizing control by using a machine that doesn't just block telepathy but redirects the psionic energy and allows the wearer of the McGuffin to use the telepathy of those attacking him to control others? The hot second that Xavier or Emma or Jean attempts to mind-blast him, he locks on to their frequency and their power now works for him! He's already done some similar mind control shenanigans with the Overlord and Purple Man, so it wouldn't be out of his wheelhouse to attempt to usurp mutant telepathy similarly, perhaps hijacking some lesser telepaths like Third Eye as 'appetizers' to prepare for taking on the big gun X-telepaths...)