Quote Originally Posted by Huntsman Spider View Post
She also fought Star-Lord in the Guardians of the Galaxy spinoff period where everyone was stranded on Earth.
Where she also killed someone.

I hated the Queenpin era.
Quote Originally Posted by WebLurker View Post
Yeah, there was no coming back from that, much less everything else she did in her evil phase. IMHO, her being written as an antihero again after that does not work in-universe and has to be taken the writers backtracking a bad idea (e.g. "yeah, it doesn't make any sense but lets just pretend it never happened and move on). Maybe the Powers That Be should've thought that through before rubber-stamping Slott's pitch in the first place, but it is what it is.

Personally, I don't have much use for Black Cat (IMHO, she's just a cheap Catwoman ripoff, except Catwoman actually works as a love interest for her franchise's star), so, while I respect that she has her fans who didn't like that status quo, it honestly never bothered me in and of itself.
You should check out her solo, it's great .