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  1. #1
    Ultimate Member Mister Mets's Avatar
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    Default Controversial Spider-Man Opinions

    This was an interesting discussion on the old board.

    The question is simple. What are controversial opinions you hold on Spider-Man?

    Here were some of mine...

    David Micheline wrote a lot of weak Spider-Man stories. He also never hit the heights of Lee, Conway, Stern, Bendis, JMS or Slott.

    Ultimate Spider-Man #1 is the most important comic book published in the last twenty years. Brian Michael Bendis is Marvel's most significant writer since Stan Lee.

    Writers should be more concerned about leaving the franchise intact for their successors.

    A major factor in complaints about the current "feel" of the Spider-Man comics is that the character is no longer written mostly by baby boomers who dominated the series from 1972 to 2007.

    Under most circumstances, it would be a really bad idea to go back to Amazing Spider-Man as a 22 page monthly.

    Joe Quesada has been better for Spider-Man than Jim Shooter.

    Mark Millar's twelve issue run of Marvel Knights Spider-Man is exceptional. As is James Owsley/ Mark Bright's Spider-Man VS Wolverine.

    Peter Parker is more important than Spider-Man.
    Thomas Mets

  2. #2
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    His webs looked better when they looked like webs rather than tangled threads.

    Ok, not terribly controversial.

  3. #3
    All-New Member The Amazing Spider-Man's Avatar
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    Gwen Stacy's death is more important to the character than Uncle Ben's.

    His uncle's death taught him what happened when he failed to act, her death taught him what happens when he does act.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mister Mets View Post
    David Micheline wrote a lot of weak Spider-Man stories. He also never hit the heights of Lee, Conway, Stern, Bendis, JMS or Slott.
    Not so sure about that--his role in creating Venom pretty much cements his status to me. The iconic church scene with Brock getting the symbiote was referenced in a movie, for example. Nothing by Stern, JMS or Slott has been really referenced in that way yet (though I suppose Hobgoblin in the 90's cartoon counts for Stern). I think Michelinie's Spider-man work is just as memorable as Lee's or Conway's work, though perhaps not as emotionally hard-hitting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mister Mets View Post
    Mark Millar's twelve issue run of Marvel Knights Spider-Man is exceptional. As is James Owsley/ Mark Bright's Spider-Man VS Wolverine.
    I don't think you'll get a lot of argument from anyone on that.

  5. #5
    Amazing Member Sentry-Mann's Avatar
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    I actually loved the Clone Saga, and was okay with the idea that Peter was the clone.
    Last edited by Sentry-Mann; 05-12-2014 at 05:22 PM.

  6. #6
    Amazing Member Darth Howie's Avatar
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    1. Everyone J.M. DeMatteis killed should've stayed dead.

    2. The case for One More Day still hasn't been made as even Superior could've been done with a married Peter Parker and, if anything, would've been MORE dramatic because of it. WAY MORE. Also, if I could relate to a married Spider-Man when I was eight, so can modern kids.

    3. I think MJ knowing that Peter was Spider-Man was a good idea, though it could've been handled a lot better.

    4. MJ is more important to the comics than Aunt May.

    5. I don't think Anna Maria should be kicked out of the comic too quickly.

  7. #7
    Y'know. Pav's Avatar
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    Just to help get the ball rolling...

    1) The clone(s) of Gwen Stacy should get used more often.
    2) Kaine should start degenerating again.
    3) Ben should've never been killed off. (He also shouldn't have been made the "real" Peter but that's not so controversial.)
    4) The Demogoblin hasn't ever been utilized up to its full potential.
    5) "Slingers" should be THE group comic of the Spider-titles.
    6) The Venom symbiote is in love with Peter.

    -Pav, who just came up with these off the top of his head...
    You were Spider-Man then. You and Peter had agreed on it. But he came back right when you started feeling comfortable.
    You know what it means when he comes back

    "You're not the better one, Peter. You're just older."
    Closet full of comics? Consider donating to my school! DM for details

  8. #8
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    There has never been a wose villain for Spidey than Venom (or Carnage). Not even Big Wheel or Slyde. Totally wrong for the character

  9. #9
    Mighty Member oldschool's Avatar
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    Not sure how "controversial" this will be, but here is a baker's dozen of mine:

    1) Bill Mantlo's second stint on PP:SSM (early 1980's) is criminally overlooked and better than quite a few ASM runs.
    2) Roger Stern's run on PP:SSM is also very, very good; perhaps not the masterpiece of a run that his subsequent ASM stint was but still very good.
    3) If JMS left the title after roughly issue #50 (Vol 2), he would be one of the all-time greats; the majority of his work after that point was weak to just average.
    4) Denny O'Neil's ASM run wasn't bad; it was just really boring.
    5) The Kingpin should've never given Spidey such a hard time in those Lee/Romita issues; one punch should have put him down. He is not superhuman.
    6) With all the geniuses Spidey has come up against, someone should have gathered some of the webs he leaves all over town and analyzed them and come up with a counteragent to use against him in battle.
    7) Gwen is Peter's great love, not MJ.
    8) Aunt May should not be killed off; as his one remaining close family member, her presence is important. I am glad she is no longer frail and has a life apart from Peter, though.
    9) Peter needs to stay off teams; he works so much better as a street level hero. He also should stand in awe when in Thor or Cap's presence regardless of how many times they have fought together.
    10) I love it when Pete gets pissed; one of the reasons why the battle in "Superman vs Spider-Man" is so good. The Ross Andru art helps immeasurably but the pissed-off Peter walloping Supes (thanks to Luthor's Kryptonite power-up, of course) make that issue a blast to read and re-read. See also the Firelord battle.
    11) I think there should be an ongoing anthology title like "Webspinners" or "Tangled Web", two series that still contain some of the best post-2000 Spidey stories.
    12) J Jonah Jameson is the most important supporting character in the books.
    13) Dan Slott has introduced the best supporting characters in decades; Anna Maria, Max Modell, Sajani etc have the potential to stay in the book for many more years.

  10. #10
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    The Civil War Spider-Man stories were good.

    The Fantastic Four and especially Johnny Storm should not have been made close to Peter Parker as they are now. It feels totally wrong. That too when Daredevil still has his identity forgotten.

    Aunt May is essentially a plot device now.

  11. #11
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    I like the organic web shooters better
    Black Cat works better as a hero and I would like to see her detective agency back

  12. #12
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    Controversial, like OMD is Controversial ?

    Because that's my beef with Spidey.

  13. #13
    Nostalgia Fanwanker Pharozonk's Avatar
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    David Micheline is the best Spider-man writer.

    Mark Bagley is an underrated Spidey artist.

    The Lizard is the best Spider-man villain.

    ASN #700 and SSM are horrendous pieces of crap.
    "In any time, there will always be a need for heroes." - the Time Trapper, Legion of Superheroes #61(1994)

    "What can I say? I guess I outgrew maturity.." - Bob Chipman

  14. #14
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    dan slott has written characters out of character like mary jane and j jonah jameson.

    dan slott loves to kill characters. i mean just look at kafka. she was an important character in the spiderman universe and he killed her off randomly.

    some of dan slott's plot points don't add up and feels somewhat forced at times

    just to be clear with all of you i don't hate dan slott infact i enjoy his run on spiderman and i think he';s a really nice guy it's just that the writing is at times controversal and has so much problems like not giving us ways to sympathize with alpha like not developoing him enough nor showing us how he's the opposite of peter parker. i also don't like how he poorly executed some DC references like mentions of Lois Lane and jackal as commisioner gordon. oh, and Andy Maguire? really?

    also, people mention that spiderman acts more like a teenager than an adult especially from linkara. any thoughts?

    the web shooters weren't a problem with the raimi series. it's how raimi made peter mostly act like his 60s self. i can understand if that would fit his world of the story and how it would set up stories including to conenct with the characters and make him more human but peter has mostly act like a regular guy since romita took over and even had that characterization in every other media. so having him stuck like that in the movies just made it feel uncomfortable for me.

    people keep saying that andrew's peter parker is somewhat of an unlikable character when clearly the only few things he did that were unlikable were how he got into oscorp and even the aftermath of uncle ben's death. sure marc webb was paranoid about the people harrassing him pre release but you can't really do that to the character's essence. it's rather offensive to be honest. but still, there were only two things that made him a dick. everything else he did was nice and understandable bsed on emotions.

    people have also said peter acted and looked hip when he's actually one of those modern day geeks and nerds. i know modern day nerds aren't exactly what you expeted from peter but i met other nerds like him and his clothes don't really look all that hip
    Last edited by ShaggyB; 05-13-2014 at 10:38 AM.

  15. #15
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    Mysterio is a far greater potential Spider-Man arch-enemy. His costume is the best of the early bad guys and still holds up today. Everything Ock and Goblin has done to Spidey would have been better if Mysterio was the evil mind controlling mastermind.

    Ultimate Spider-Man was better at being Amazing Spider-Man than Amazing Spider-Man in the 2000's.

    MJ and Peter being married is more important to the book than Gwen Stacy being dead.

    Although I love Aunt May dearly her character is only good when she is holding Peter back from moving on in life. She is the matriarch that never wants her baby to grow up.

    Although I prefer Peter and MJ married they should never have kids. Spider-Man should not be a franchise. No clones, no kids, no multiple Spider-People running around at the same time.

    Todd McFarlane's drawings on Spider-Man were starting to get sloppy and I was glad he left. Eric Larsen was a fantastic artist for Spidey that never got the chance to fully get into a rhythm that Bagley was able to get into.

    Volume 2 still angers me.

    I'm old fashioned and want high numbered issues, not gimmicky #1's every few months/years

    Thanks, guys. I needed to get those out

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