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  1. #61
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    Uncanny X-Men #186 Oct 1984
    Storm has been taken to the Dallas, Texas home of mutant inventor Forge following an ordeal
    where her powers have been stripped from her by a weapon of Forge's own invention.
    Unaware of this fact, the former mutant has lost her will to live and has spent her time in Forge's company refusing to eat.
    Forge's attempts to help her fail and he becomes frustrated and acts as though he gives up on her.
    Watching a holographic display of the incident earlier when Henry Gyrich blasted her,
    Forge is surprised when Storm comes out of the guest room and tells him that he was kind, but should have let her drown.

    While at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, the Professor tries to track Storm
    through Cerebro after he detected her pain caused by the neutralizer device.
    However, he tells Nightcrawler that he cannot.
    Whatever caused the pain has severed their psychic rapport, but he insists that she is still alive somewhere.

    Storm, meanwhile, is spending time with Forge.
    She learns that Rogue has escaped government capture and comes to terms with the fact that she no longer has powers.
    She finds the holograms that make Forge's home seem to be suspended in mid air unnerving.
    Later when Forge is swimming in his pool, Storm decides to join him and they race across the pool.
    Storm gets to the other side first and is shocked to find that Forge is a cyborg,
    as his artificial hand and leg have been left by the side of the pool.
    When Forge comes out of the pool he shows her the scars down the side of his body
    and tells her that his injuries were a result of his missions during the Vietnam War.
    He explains to her that after the accident he too lost his will to live,
    but with time and healing he learned to move on with his life.

    In Caldecott County, Mississippi, Val Cooper and her colleague Philip are winding down after their mission.
    Their search for Rogue being a dead end after Storm's depowering caused their mutant detector to short out.
    When Phil goes to his car to drive home, he is attacked by a Dire Wraith who quickly kills him and takes his form.
    The Wraith disguised as Phil then leads its fellow Wraiths to Val's hotel room.
    Gaining access through Val's trust in Phil, the creatures attack her with the intent of replacing her with a Dire Wraith.
    Before they can, Rogue enters the room, having tracked down Cooper to sort out her problems with the government.
    Val learns from the Wraith disguised as Phil that they intend to take over the world.
    Rogue kills one of the Wraiths and Val is forced to shoot the alien posing as her dead colleague in the head.
    As Val flees, Rogue strikes the last Wraith with her bare fist absorbing some of its memories
    and she is instantly, violently disgusted by the vile alien thoughts she has absorbed.

    This is detected by the Professor in New York, who suffers a mild psychic backlash from trying to read the alien thoughts in Rogue's mind.
    As Val tries to flee the scene, Rogue, under the influence of Dire Wraith's thoughts, attempts to "replace" Val,
    however only succeeds in absorbing some of her memories with her mutant powers before she stops herself.
    She ends up absorbing all the plans that the Department of Mutant Affairs have
    been plotting and how their Neutralizer stripped Storm of her powers.
    Horrified, Rogue flees the scene vowing to make the government pay if
    Storm was badly hurt and leaves to reunite herself with her fellow X-Men.

    While back at Forge's home, Storm prepares to have a supper with Forge and decides to try on a dress he had delivered for her.
    When both become nervous over their emerging feelings, Storm changes into something more comfortable.
    As they are eating, Storm hears a thunderstorm outside and Forge turns on the buildings holographic projector to show her.
    She is upset by this and Forge turns it off. Storm then confides in him about her recent changes from a “weather goddess”
    to a darker and adventure seeking personality and how this recent change has affected her as well.
    The two share a kiss, finally letting their emotions come forward. Their supper is interrupted when the phone rings.
    When Forge answers it he tells Storm that it's business and leaves to take the call in another room.
    Storm decides to take this as a moment to call the X-Men on the other line and tell them that she is okay.
    She accidentally picks up the line that Forge is on and overhears Henry Gyrich telling Forge about how Rogue has been sighted.
    She overhears them talking about the Neutralizer and Storm learns that Forge was the one who invented it.

    Storm screams and tries to flee the building. Hearing her, Forge tries to follow after her to explain.
    Rushing through his home, the holographic projector switches to a simulation of the Vietnam conflict.
    Storm is disorientated and cannot find her way around and in a panic calls out to her goddess to help her.
    Just then a lightning bolt strikes the side of Forge's building blasting open a wall to the outside balcony.
    Storm rushes out there where Forge finally confronts her.
    He tries to explain to her that the Neutralizer was not meant to be used the way it was and that he was only doing his job.
    She refuses to believe him, and when he tells her that he too is a mutant,
    she is horrified that one of her own kind could create a device against mutants.
    She lashes out at him, rejecting his offers to help and cure her.
    She punches him in the face, knocking him down and tells him that he's sold out of his race
    and that he lives in his tower alone and unaware of how his indifference effects those around him.
    She leaves, telling him that while her feet may never leave the ground again, she will someday fly again.

    Story by Chris Claremont. Art by Barry Windsor-Smith and Terry Austin.

  2. #62
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    Uncanny X-Men #188 Dec 1984
    "Legacy of the Lost!"
    Following their supposed victory against the Dire Wraiths, the X-Men and Forge find
    themselves besieged by a manifestation of Shadowbeings that threaten to swallow them up.
    As they struggle to free themselves from being assimilated, Storm uses the gun that
    Forge gave her to shoot off his mechanical leg so he can get away and find some help.
    As Forge calls out to Nazé, he is unaware that his tribe's shaman has been replaced by
    a Dire Wraith who now is casting an evil spell in the inner sanctum of Forge's penthouse.
    The Wraith-Nazé calls for a mystical being to aid the Dire Wraiths and offers the entire Earth in exchange.
    This powerful nether being scans "Nazé's" body and learns the truth and mystically
    strikes him down dead, finding that killing this pretender suits his purposes better.

    Meanwhile, just above the Dallas/Fort Worth airport, Amanda Sefton is working her job as
    an airplane stewardess when suddenly Nightcrawler appears and teleports her away onto the Blackbird.
    He explains to her the X-Men's dilemma that the X-Men need her aid.
    They quickly teleport into Forge's Eagles Next and Amanda goes to work.
    With one mystical blast she frees the X-Men but fails to destroy the Shadowbeings.
    Rogue transforms into a Dire Wraith due to her mutant absorbing powers and battles with Colossus.
    Just then, Colossus's sister Magik appears and uses her Soul Sword to change Rogue back to normal
    while Amanda unleashes her full power to mystically snare the Shadowbeings so
    that Illyana can destroy them with her Soul Sword. However, they prove too powerful.
    Realizing that a Wraith must still be alive, Storm remembers the one she locked up on the roof.
    Forge and Nightcrawler teleport there and Forge finds and terminates the last Wraith, ending the threat of the Shadowbeings inside.

    With the X-Men recover from the battle, Forge goes looking for Nazé and finds what he believes to be his old friend’s unconscious body.
    Storm enters the room and tells him that the X-Men are leaving. Forge tries to stop her but she threatens to shoot him.
    She tells him that he should not worry, as they will meet again. However she tells him he might regret it, and she leaves.

    Meanwhile, out in deep sea near the Bermuda Triangle, Lee Forester's fish
    crew is at work when they spot a man in the water being attacked by sharks.
    Lee manages to fend the creatures off with a rifle and pull the man aboard the ship.
    Getting a better look at the man she saved, she is shocked to see that it is Magneto.
    The master of magnetism remembers her from their previous encounter and tells her that he is indebted to her.

    While at the X-Mansion, Storm and the other X-Men have returned to the mansion from Dallas.
    Storm is coming out of the pool after a swim and is met by Nightcrawler.
    Kurt comes to tell her that the Professor has called a meeting for the X-Men.
    Storm tells Kurt that since she is no longer a mutant she doesn't feel like she is part of the X-Men and declines to join.
    However Kurt manages to convince her to join.

    As the X-Men are having their meeting, outside Rachel, Illyana and Sunspot try to listen in to what's going on.
    The Professor detects their presence and tells his young students to go to bed.
    Rachel declines to accompany the younger students and decides to stay up a while longer.
    Inside the Professor's study, the X-Men vent their frustrations over the United States government being responsible for stripping
    Storm of her powers and discuss what they should do about the coming Mutant Control Act that is being pushed through Congress.

    Nightcrawler airs his frustrations about the current state of human and mutant affairs
    and points that anti-mutant sentiments were the reason Jean Grey died.
    Hearing this from outside, Rachel lashes out telepathically, not willing to
    believe that her mother had died years before she was born in the future.
    The Professor manages to calm her down and Rachel explains the
    story about her past, which may or may not be the X-Men's future.
    She explains how when she was a young girl, anti-mutant forces gunned down most of
    the students and blew up the mansion and that she witnessed Charles Xavier being shot herself.

    How as an adult she was locked in a concentration camp for mutants and how the X-Men tried to save their future
    while Kate Pryde was sent back in time to prevent their future from happening and how all the X-Men had died.

    This vision from the future shocks all of the X-Men and the Professor is the most visibly shaken of them all.

    Rachel explains that when the X-Men failed to stop the Sentinels in her time she
    attempted to travel back in time, but found herself in a past that she does not remember.
    She pleads to Nightcrawler not to give up their struggle and to continue to fight for human mutant peace.

    Nightcrawler takes this to heart and agrees to keep on fighting.

    At a New York shipping yard, a man named Jaime Rodriguez is hard at work hauling
    crates of fish when one crate accidentally falls to the ground and breaks open.
    Examining the spilled fish he notices that one of them has a strange golden amulet stuffed inside it.
    Removing it, Rodriquez marvels at how much money he could get selling it when the amulet
    suddenly speaks, telling him that if he dons the amulet he will have the power to rule the world.

    Story by Chris Claremont. Art by John Romita, Jr. and Dan Green.

  3. #63
    Casual Comics Reader/Fan Londo Bellian's Avatar
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    Like Shirou on the Heaven's Feel path, the lifelong ideal of being a hero of justice that saves everyone was thrown away in exchange for the ideal of protecting something else first and foremost: mutants, just mutants. And if the rest of the world threatens mutantdom then...
    Genkai nante nai (No limits), Zettai nante nai (No absolutes)

    Thank GOD for X'97. Cautious about "From the Ashes". Please no more Blue vs. Orange.

  4. #64
    Extraordinary Member From The Shadows's Avatar
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    I remeber when people used to say how awful Xavier was all the time and I couldnt understand why and people would mentioned how he faked his death whith the 05 but because people never went in more detail I was even more confused. The X-Men also faked their deaths later leaving family friends and some X-Men to think thet were dead. I was like maybe he had no choice. Then more recently in the late 2000s (been reading since the 80s) I found out he did it to test them. I read the pages and his portrayal and boy was he cold. All the garbage they added to him afterward. Is he salvageable? Love the above pages.
    Last edited by From The Shadows; 12-25-2019 at 08:55 PM.

  5. #65

  6. #66
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    Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars #10 Feb 1985
    "Death to the Beyonder!"
    With the heroes of Battleworld preventing Galactus from trying to consume the planet,
    Galactus has no choice but to consume his own worldship for sustenance.
    The heroes quickly shield their eyes from the blinding flash of light.
    However as they witness Galactus consuming the needed energy they suddenly spot it being diverted back to Doombase.
    Captain Marvel quickly travels there at he speed of light to see what happened and witnesses Doctor Doom
    bombarding himself with the energies which he is filtering through special lenses made out of Klaw's body.
    She reports this new development back to the others via Professor X's telepathic link.
    With the process finished, Doom is revitalized by the sheer power he has absorbed
    and soon finds his perceptions have been enhanced beyond human comprehension.
    After acclimatings himself, Doom suddenly senses Captain Marvel's presence in his midst.
    When Xavier's psi-link is suddenly cut off the heroes all rush to the nearest shuttle, which is held aloft by Magneto's powers.

    Along the way, Captain America makes a comment about Magneto living up to his "hype".
    This starts a heated exchange between the two about human mutant relations.
    When Cap says he is only standing by with Magneto due to the fact that the X-Men are vouching for him,
    Wolverine pipes up and berates Captain America for not doing as much for mutants as he does ordinary humans.
    When Wolverine becomes too heated, the X-Men pull him back to prevent a fight from happening.

    While back at Doombase, Doom is debating on what to do about the Beyonder,
    as he has power beyond compare but is it enough to stop the Beyonder?
    Doom holds council with the severed head of Klaw and decides that
    he must tempt fate and face the Beyonder even if it means his death.
    Utilizing his new found power, Doom constructs a new suit of armor and departs for space.
    The heroes soon arrive and find no trace of Doom and all their prisoners still locked in their cells.
    Spider-Woman finds Captain Marvel who has somehow been trapped in her light form.
    They also find the severed head of Klaw, and after a massive earthquake,
    the disembodied villain tells them that Doom is about to face off against the Beyonder himself.
    In deep space the Beyonder demands that Doom go back and not approach him,
    but Doom is more determined than ever to claim this ultimate prize.

    With the planet still shaking up, Mister Fantastic suggests that they try and revive Galactus and locates him in space on their monitors.
    Before they can act another shockwave hits, causing part of Doombase to collapse on some of the heroes.
    Amid the chaos, Colossus notices that Zsaji's village is in danger as well
    and wants to go out to her but knows that she cares only for the Human Torch.
    Colossus is shocked when the Torch is disinterested in helping her while trying to help Mister Fantastic from under the rubble.
    Insulted by this, Colossus is about to start a fight when suddenly the planet is rocked by another massive earthquake.

    While in space, Doctor Doom continues his attack on the Beyonder.
    While his foe continues doubling his power to match Doom's, the monarch of Latveria refuses to surrender.
    As a final effort, Doom beams an image of himself back to Earth and appears before the heroes.

    He asks those who wish to defeat the Beyonder to lend them their power offering them everything they could want and more.
    All they need do is take his hand. When Magneto reaches out to take it

    the Wasp, Hawkeye and Iron Man attack him.
    Magneto is kept at bay long enough that Doom cannot maintain the image anymore and disappears.
    After he is gone, Hawkeye tries to chastise the X-Men for trusting Magneto, but Captain America orders him to stand down.

    Doctor Doom has been defeated. His ravaged body now lays on the surface of Battleworld.
    However, soon he is enveloped in energy and his mind probed. Doom's life flashes before his eyes:
    his discovery that his later mother was a witch, how he became a famous defender of his people, the accident that ruined his face,
    his rise to power in Latveria and his endless quest to rescue the soul of his mother from the clutches of the demon Mephisto.

    Unwilling to die, Doom suddenly finds his body being recreated and his armor repaired by the energies swirling around him.
    This rebirth is causing more earthquakes that threaten to bring down Doombase around the heroes.
    Captain America orders an evacuation and goes to free their prisoners so they can escape themselves.
    The heroes regroup outside just as Doombase crumbles to the ground.
    Suddenly there is a blinding flash of light that appears above them and changes into a massive Doctor Doom.
    Doom announces that the Beyonder is dead, and shrinking back down to human size, Doom removes his mask and declares the Secret Wars over.

    Story by Jim Shooter. Art by Mike Zeck and John Beatty.

  7. #67
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    Uncanny X-Men #190 Feb 1985
    "An Age Undreamed Of!" Guest-starring the Avengers, the New Mutants and Spider-Man.
    The military has come to New York in full force after a strange mystical barrier has erected itself around
    the island of Manhattan, transforming the teeming metropolis into a Hyborean realm of barbarians and magic.
    In Washington DC, there is an emergency meeting with National Security at the White House.
    There, Valerie Cooper briefs those gathered of the situation going on in New York.
    She explains that anyone who crosses the mystical barrier into the city is
    transformed into a barbarian from a bygone era with no memory of their previous life.
    However, those who stumble out of the area are restored to normal.
    Intelligence has gathered that an evil sorcerer named Kulan Gath is responsible for the spell.
    Attempts to contact the Avengers and the Fantastic Four have failed.
    However Val confirms that a number of the Avengers, X-Men and Spider-Man have been spotted active in the city.
    All of them, with the exception of Spider-Man, have been transformed.

    When the talk focuses on members of the X-Men, a bunch of anti-mutant rhetoric gets passed around until a commanding military officer
    speaks up about how this is exactly the sort of bigotry that America fought against when they battled the Nazi's during World War II.
    Val breaks up the debate and tells them that she hopes the super-human community trapped within the mystical barrier can resolve their problem.

    Within the barrier, Storm of the X-Men has been transformed into a warrior woman aboard a passenger ship.
    She is awoken when her sleeping quarters is broken into by the Morlocks, who now are enforcers for Kulan Gath.
    They arrest her because her existence displeases their master and they are about to brand
    her with a hot iron collar, but Storm manages to break free, knocking over the hot coals.
    As the other Morlocks attempt to avoid the flames, Storm climbs up to the mast head, but Callisto follows after her.
    Unarmed, Storm is defenseless when Callisto slashes her stomach open with a knife.
    This causes her to briefly remember her previous identity.
    With the boat burning up quickly, Storm grabs Callisto and swings out to the water.
    Being sure that Callisto takes the brunt of the impact, Storm swims away from the blaze and passes through the mystical barrier.
    She and Callisto are restored back to normal and Storm retains all her memories.
    Swimming toward a military vessel, Storm wonders what Kulan Gath has done to her other friends.

    At that very moment, Kulan Gath is doing everything in his power to convert those who would stop him into his loyal slaves.
    To this end, he magically merges Professor X and Caliban into a single entity to better hunt his foes and has Sorcerer Supreme,

    Dr. Strange, mystically warped so that he cannot utter a magic spell or cast any with his fingers, rending him harmless.
    With these threats neutralized, Gath orders prisoners to be brought to them.
    The most recent prisoners are members of the New Mutants.

    However, while he is capable of transforming Wolfsbane, Cannonball, Sunspot and Mirage into his loyal slaves,

    his spell has no effect on Warlock who manages to escape. When it is explained that Warlock does not come from Earth
    and is immune to the Master Spell, Kulan uses his magical might to force Caliban/Xavier to deal with the Technarc.
    Gath is unaware that he is being spied upon by Selene who also has not been affected by the spell and has decided to overthrow him.
    Selene teleports into the city where she kills a number of Kulan Gath's minions in an attempt to recruit Rachel Summers and Magma to her side.

    Meanwhile, on the Hudson River on the other side of the barrier, Storm and Callisto are aboard
    a military ship trying to figure out what to do, now that they are locked up.
    They are contacted by Selene telepathically through Rachel to warn them that Kulan Gath intends
    to not only make his Master Spell permanent, but also to make it encompass the entire Earth.
    She tells Storm and Callisto that while she cannot prevent another transformation
    when they cross the barrier, she can at least make them remember their mission.
    Agreeing to do something, Storm picks the lock to the room that they were locked in and they jump ship, heading toward the barrier.

    Back on the other side, Spider-Man, one of the only people unchanged by the Master Spell, flees for his life.
    Hunted by the New Mutants, Spider-Man ducks into a tavern and tries to fight them off.
    Inside are the transformed Avengers, Captain America, Starfox and Wasp, as well as the X-Men Nightcrawler and Rogue.
    The New Mutants succeed in capturing Spider-Man when Mirage notices young Illyana and recognizes her as a foe of her master.
    Before she can take Magik prisoner, the Avengers step in and a fight breaks out.
    Nightcrawler and Rogue decide to join the fight and help the Avengers.
    As the battle rages, Colossus and Sunder enter the fray, turning the battle in a massive free for all.

    Back on the other side, Storm and Callisto travel the Morlock Tunnels to the edge of the barrier.
    Without hesitation the two pass through, once more being transformed into warriors and are instantly ambushed.
    While above, the battle rages on until Magik begins using her magic.
    She realizes that her Soul Sword frees those from Kulan Gath's control when she strikes her brother Colossus with the sword.
    She is soon overwhelmed by attackers until Selene steps in and uses her powers
    to slay most of the warriors, forcing the New Mutants to retreat from the battle.

    With the fight over, Selene makes her presence known to the heroes and offers an alliance with them.
    She is attacked by an astral image of Kulan Gath who swallows her up, transporting her off to be his prisoner.
    He warns the gathered rebels to cease their quest to overthrow him, offering them pleasure
    beyond their wildest dreams and teleports away, warning them not to cross his path again.
    As Kulan Gath disappears, Storm and Callisto arrive and they and the others flee before the forces of Kulan Gath can storm the bar.
    When Gath learns that his enemies have fled, Selene mocks him. This causes her to be tortured.
    Gath then tells his minions that he wants all the rebels taken prisoner by sunrise and sends them back out into the city.

    Meanwhile in the Morlock tunnels, the gathered rebels camp out for the night and begin comparing notes.
    They all realize that Kulan Gath is their primary concern but worry that Selene's
    brand of evil is something to be dealt with when Kulan Gath is defeated.
    Deciding to work together, the heroes all call out "Avengers Assemble!
    Although most are gathered together in this rallied cry, standing off to the side are Rachel and Magma.

    Story by Chris Claremont. Art by John Romita, Jr. and Dan Green.

  8. #68
    Ultimate Member Phoenixx9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by coveredinbees View Post
    Does it ever say how old she is here? When's the last time you said 'daddy?'
    I am not sure that they ever stated an age, but it seemed that Rachel was between 17 and 21 years old.

  9. #69
    Astonishing Member TheRay's Avatar
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    24th is actually surprisingly low in my opinion.

  10. #70
    see beauty in all things. charliehustle415's Avatar
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    Does anyone else love the fact that Professor X is truly scary now. We don't really know his motivations and the fact that he constantly wears Cerebro you can't see his facial expressions makes him very unnerving.

    I love that in the past he was egotistical but now it beyond that, it may be megalomaniacal.

    Which of course leads always to downfall.

  11. #71
    Astonishing Member TheRay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdaqiBeauty View Post
    Didn't he betray the X-men?
    Can you betray a team that only exists because of you?

  12. #72
    Astonishing Member Zelena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charliehustle415 View Post
    Does anyone else love the fact that Professor X is truly scary now. We don't really know his motivations and the fact that he constantly wears Cerebro you can't see his facial expressions makes him very unnerving.

    I love that in the past he was egotistical but now it beyond that, it may be megalomaniacal.

    Which of course leads always to downfall.
    Hum, no… I don't like it. I liked him the way he was. Flawed but good.
    “Strength is the lot of but a few privileged men; but austere perseverance, harsh and continuous, may be employed by the smallest of us and rarely fails of its purpose, for its silent power grows irresistibly greater with time.” Goethe

  13. #73
    Ultimate Member Phoenixx9's Avatar
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    Every character is flawed. Why do fans expect Charles to be perfect? He is human and makes mistakes and has a dark side, just like we all do.

  14. #74
    Incredible Member pandafarmer's Avatar
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    I love that as a kid I thought Prof could do no wrong and he was the smartest and most perfect being... then when you grow older and reread the stories and you're like "woah yeah dude, you can be kind of an idiot sometimes"
    Team Yana Bachalo Fanboy Cyclops Was Right

  15. #75
    Astonishing Member Zelena's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenixx9 View Post
    Every character is flawed. Why do fans expect Charles to be perfect? He is human and makes mistakes and has a dark side, just like we all do.
    I like him flawed not shady.
    “Strength is the lot of but a few privileged men; but austere perseverance, harsh and continuous, may be employed by the smallest of us and rarely fails of its purpose, for its silent power grows irresistibly greater with time.” Goethe

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