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  1. #11
    Mighty Member ComicNoobie's Avatar
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    Jul 2022


    Quote Originally Posted by mysterio1989 View Post
    X-Men and Avengers are not friends and can never co-exist

    Uncanny Avengers was a mistake and should be forgotten

    The X-Men should be removed from the Marvel Universe and have there own line of comics without the need of "crossovers" and team ups. They have a large mythos in their library that makes them sufficient enough.

    The iron man x Emma wedding was a mistake. Having the two associated is disgusting. Tony can do better

    Magneto, Jean Grey and Xavier were better off 6 feet under
    This is an interesting opinion as I can see both pros and cons to the X-Men being separated from the rest of the superhero community. They can pull it off because most of the big stories with the X-Men and Avengers do not include the other team outside like AvX, which sucked anyway. But that's subjective.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sutekh View Post
    Dane's a victim of the same crap formula that fell on Scott Lang and Clint Barton before him. The formerly very competent and experienced and *respected* character, who has not only been a valued member of teams like the Avengers or Fantastic Four or Thunderbolts, but even *led teams,* suddenly being the 'Homer' and the butt of jokes and disrespected by the community and having to be led around and have his useless butt pulled out of the fire by a teen daughter (or, in Clint's case, Kate Bishop).

    They keep retelling that same damn story, and it sucks. Cassie Lang, for instance, is a fun character, as is Kate Bishop, and neither of them ever required Scott or Clint to become bumbling has-been losers to 'establish' their credibility as heroes in their own right. (And I certainly don't blame Cassie or Kate as characters for the utterly shit writing of Scott and Clint in any teamups with them.)

    I don't think Jacks required that either. She already had a built-in hook with the mutant angle, and could have featured *hugely* into the Krakoa narrative, as the new POV character being introduced to this new society and all it's wonders and sketchy elements. She would have been perfect there, and exactly none of that would have required Dane to be dragged through the mud the way Clint and Scott had been before him.

    But that's the idiot formula. Want to pump a new young character? Gotta trash the dad (figuratively, in Clint's case).

    I kind of dread Thor's daughter(s) ever coming into 616, since Thor's gonna likely become some sort of bumbling incompetent they have to save from his own ineptitude or 'helpless old guy' out-of-touchness, if that happens.
    Can't speak for Dane/Black Knight as I don't read much of his material but Scott has been 'Homerfied' since the MCU movies. Whatever respect he had with the Avengers was no longer there in Astonishing Ant-Man and it's been downward since then. I don't really think it's done anything to elevate Cassie though. She's been helpless damsel for a majority of Astonishing Ant-Man, is ignored in favor of Nadia to have adventures with Scott while not even acknowledging her hero persona, was taken offscreen in Secret Empire to motivate Scott because that's all she's good for, and in a series focusing on characters who grow giant she only gets one appearance at the end (though I love the Giant Man mini in War of the Realms) Only in the Zeb Wells run did Cassie ever look to be equal or better than Scott. And it's nowhere near as noticeable as how inferior they made Scott look to Nadia when they team up. At least with Cassie she gets the same disrespect from the Avengers as Scott does. The Lang's are losers in marvel.

    Clint and Kate is different. Clint's a mess but so is Kate in different areas. She gets in over her head loads of times. When it comes to Clint I feel the character has kind of peaked already. His leadership roles were outstanding but they don't lean on that aspect anymore, and now that every superhero is 'quippy' thanks to the MCU it's hard for him to stand out as Cap's rule breaking rival anymore. Still I think Clint and Kate have been dealt a much better hand than Scott and Cassie. Heck, Scott can't even be the 'dad' Ant-Man anymore because Hank/Nadia/Hope can now replicate and replace it. In What If.. Hank Pym was basically what comic Scott Lang once was. A well respected resourceful hero who had a daughter to care for.
    Last edited by ComicNoobie; 05-09-2024 at 10:12 AM.

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