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  1. #16
    Extraordinary Member
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    I did love Norman Osborn as an Avengers villain. It was just when I was getting into comics, and it was grand.

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kusanagi View Post
    Mighty Avengers is the best Avengers

    The Fantastic Four should break up until someone really has a good direction for them.

    X-Men should be banned from all Time Travel/Alt universe stories for like a decade, way too many future sons/daughters/alternate past (future) characters.

    The fringe titles not connected to any events are the best books marvel makes.
    SO agreed.

  3. #18
    Ultimate Member sifighter's Avatar
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    I actually like the mystery of the new Thor
    I don't really care if the Inhumans become bigger then the X-men or the FF, as long as I get some good stories with good characters I'm fine.
    I've actually enjoyed the past few events
    I don't hate any of the character changes or retcons that have happened over the past year(Scarlet With and Quicksilver not being Magneto's kids, Superior Ironman, Old man Steve Rogers and Captain Falcon, Inverted Sabertooth, Doc Green, and etc.)
    "It's fun and it's cool, so that's all that matters. It's what comics are for, Duh."
    Words to live by.

  4. #19
    Brought to you by CarlsJr SickAlice's Avatar
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    Mine? All of them.
    I make love, you make me sick.

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by SickAlice View Post
    Mine? All of them.
    You liked the recon of Same Wilson's past and Carol Denver's rape baby?

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosebunse View Post
    You liked the recon of Same Wilson's past and Carol Denver's rape baby?
    What retcon of Falcon's past?

    I'd forgotten about the rape baby. God, that was bad.

  7. #22
    Brought to you by CarlsJr SickAlice's Avatar
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    My opinions. Not everybody elses. Why would I have everyone elses opinions?
    I make love, you make me sick.

  8. #23
    All-New Member
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    The X-Men ruined mutants with their "no more mutants" event. They have never recovered
    The new mutants in the Uncanny X Men are underused, except for Eva and are dull as dishwater. Have Triage, Hijack, Morph and Goldballs done anything recently except just be bystanders?
    Quentin Quire should be in the main XMen team.
    The NuHumans are currently more interesting than the mutants. Crystal isn't that missed and Medusa is twice the leader her backstabbing husband ever was.
    Dazzler would be a great leader of the XMen.
    Synch wasn't that interesting when he was offed in "Gen X". Mondo should never have been introduced. M should have been an only child.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emma's Midriff View Post
    What retcon of Falcon's past?

    I'd forgotten about the rape baby. God, that was bad.
    The one where he was a pimp or something? The one even Remender couldn't let stand because it was so racist?

  10. #25
    Moderator Frontier's Avatar
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    I liked Carol's old Ms. Marvel costume (though I also like the current outfit as well). Same goes for Spider-Woman.

    I enjoy having Spider-Man and Wolverine on the Avengers.

    I haven't really been enjoying Spider-Man post-Superior. The writing quality and momentum feels like it's gone, and Slott's characterization and handling of Peter could be a lot better. The Peter in Learning to Crawl was handled a lot better than he is in the modern book, and he's a teenager there!

    I'm perfectly happy seeing minorities and female heroes getting a push, but I'd rather it not come at the expense of another hero by taking over their identity even if I'm happy to see guys like Sam getting that exposure.

    Kieron Gillen's Iron Man run was meh to okay (not sure how unpopular or controversial that is).

    I actually enjoyed Mark Waid's Hulk run, even if it wasn't anything amazing or something to write home about.

    Not the biggest fan of the current direction of the Avengers books and how dark, complex, and convoluted they've gotten under Hickman, even if I understand why people enjoy that.

    I think Marvel could do better by both the X-Men and the Fantastic Four.

    I enjoyed Uncanny Avengers even if I now see why some people had issues with it and Remender's writing.

  11. #26
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    Marvel mismanaged :

    The Giffen DnA cosmic era- Should have been pushed better by marvel and more talent should have been retained.
    Young Avengers..Heinberg's series was great, but the show needed to roll on without him. It derailed everything by waiting to do Children's Crusade.
    New Warriors..I think killing them off in Civil permanently soured teen heros. It needs to be undone on a big stage.
    Avengers: The Initiative: this book should still be going today.

    I don't know if this is controversial but what happened to the Ultimate the line imploded, how we never got the great Ultimate V 616 crossover that would have been bigger than Civil War..It really bothers me how it all went down. I honestly think folks should have been canned for this, and the folks responsible actually seem to have gotten promoted?
    Last edited by THANOSRULES; 03-02-2015 at 09:19 PM.

  12. #27
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    To be fair, we don't know what's going to happen to the Ultimate Universe when it meets with the 616 Universe. We may get that giant showdown.

  13. #28
    Scarlet Witch~4~LIFE!!^_^ CJStriker's Avatar
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    * The Dark Ages of Comics where not the 1990's, but from Late 2004 threw 2012 during the Famed Heroes vs. Heroes and Schism Era!
    * I don't Believe in Hating Hero Characters in any Form; but not being interested, bored or just not liking some make Sense!
    * I Really Like Rogue as an Avenger and an X-Man!
    * Death has become Boring, a Bad Plot Surprise Ploy and near meaningless since their is always a way to Comeback!
    * Scarlet Witch was a Target and Victim of one of the Worst Character Assassinations in the most Lazies of Ways I have ever Seen! It Ignored over 15 Years of Character Development and just ignored it did not happen!
    * Scott Summers is Not Evil and was Misused in AvX!
    * Possession is Possession!
    * Mind Control is Mind Control!
    * Every character can and should come back from Bad Story Writing and Usage!
    * All the Build Up for Hope Summers over the Years was Completely Botched and Wasted in AvX!
    * SpiderMan 3 was Not That Bad of a Movie, I Enjoyed it, it just Wasted Venom's Use the Most!
    * Avengers and X-Men Divides of the teams should not exist in a shared universe!
    * I enjoyed AvX, But allot of Heroes where really OOC, Especially Captain America and Cyclops!
    * While it is good to engross in all dialogue of a Story; Bad Ideas, Mis-staments and Holes Happen and if forgotten by future stories should be seen as such!
    * Recons are a Double Edge Sword, but a Necessary to Save Characters and Stories form Bad Choices!
    * All Heroes and Their Fandom's should have Equal Rights in being Respected for who the Fan Likes!
    * The 1990's where Extreme and Gimmicky, but not as bad at times as it gets blamed for being!
    * Heroes vs. Heroes was one of the worst ideas to Befall Marvel and all comics in general!
    * The Schism in X-Men Needs to End!
    * Villains should be Villains, not replaced by Schisms, Family/Friend Feuds or Heroes vs. Heroes!
    * It does Fall Victim to plot holes and early bad writing, but Uncanny Avengers is a Fun and Exiting Book! It is a Good Read!
    Last edited by CJStriker; 03-02-2015 at 09:53 PM.
    "By Earth and Sky, By Craft and Hex -- By The Past and The Future – I Call HOPE Forth From The DARKNESS! I Speak The Words We Made Into MAGIC! Let THEIR Power Augment Our OWN! To Strike ONE BLOW From Our HEARTS and SOULS – From ALL THAT WE ARE! Let The CALL Go Forth -- AVENGERS! ASSEMBLE!" Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff ~~ From Avengers #689!

    Come Join and Learn about Wanda Maximoff at: The Scarlet Witch Appreciation Thread 2023!

  14. #29


    Comics from the '60s and '70s weren't actually all that great. They're vastly better today than they were back then.

    Cyclops' arc over the past 20 years has been one of the best long-term character arcs in comics, and I dread the day he goes back to his old status quo. I've always loved Cyclops, I think he's been one of the most interesting members of the team right from day one, but I'd rather see him dead than back to what he used to be.

    The worst problem faced by comics is nostalgia, and the refusal of too many readers to try anything they haven't already been reading for 30 years.

    Age of Ultron was an underrated event, with a genuinely interesting and well-told story.

    Marvel continues to suffer systemic sexism and racism, particularly when it comes to writers. They give important titles exclusively to white men, and put women and people of colour on more minor titles that aren't expected to last very long.

    Marvel continues to have a piss-poor record with LGBT characters.

    There are a lot of characters who are essentially rapists, but who never get called out on it because they're not committing forceful assaults. I'd like to see the fact that Rape By Deception is still a form of rape get addressed.

    Bendis is a better writer than Hickman. Yeah, I went there.

    The X-Men's Schism has been a fantastic idea, and rather than being brought to an end, it should be expanded, with more teams having their own ideas on how to address the conflict between humans and mutants.

    Related to that, actually: Xavier did more harm to the cause of mutants than Magneto did. Magneto laid forth a manifesto, and one could agree or disagree, but he was visibly making a statement. Xavier, by keeping his students hidden away, only emerging to fight other mutants, and then slipping back into the shadows without laying out a real case for coexistence, ensured that Magneto's view was the only one actually seen. The entire idea of the X-Men having secret identities was idiotic, and Cassandra Nova forcing them out of the shadows and into the public's eye was the absolute best thing that could have happened.

    Claremont, while he did a lot of amazing stories, did a crap job at the minority metaphor aspect. Bendis handled that stuff far better than Claremont ever did.
    Last edited by Tiamatty; 03-02-2015 at 11:24 PM.

  15. #30
    Wakandan Kaiju robreedwrites's Avatar
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    Hmm. I'll bite (though I'm not sure how exactly controversial any of these are):

    The MLK/Malcolm X metaphor for Professor X and Magneto really disservices both Civil Rights leaders.
    Namor is better as a villain than he was as a hero (but please don't make him crazy evil).
    Carol's Captain Marvel uniform is better (and yes, sexier) than her Ms. Marvel outfit.
    Storm and Wolverine is/was more forced than Black Panther and Storm.
    Legacy characters are great, so long as the original hero doesn't come back (or takes up a new name if he/she does).
    The Punisher is a character that should be given one last good run and then put on the shelf for a decade or two. Same with Wolverine.
    The X-Men and Fantastic Four are not in danger due to anything to do with their film rights.

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