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    Default Batman FAQ: Best Comics for New Readers, Batman v Superman, Current Titles & Recent Events

    Hi. This is a thread for all questions, advice or opinions on Batman trade collections or monthly series. If you've never read a Batman comic in your life; or if maybe you've read a few and are wondering where to go next; if you're interested in picking up the monthly comics or just looking for general recommendations, begin here. And with that...

    The best Batman comics for new readers...

    ^ this is them!

    Pretty much every fan here was introduced to the character through movies and TV; then one day we picked up a comic book and fell into a deeper, richer, crazier Gotham City with a history stretching back to 1939. Interested? I think you are. But what the hell am I supposed to read first?

    Fortunately there is a standard answer to this question - ask around and you'll see the same handful of comics invariably referred to as the classics, the bedrock of the lore, best primers on the continuity or simply just essential reading when it comes to Batman on the page.

    Year One The definitive origin of Batman and the industry-wide landmark event by Frank Miller (Sin City, 300). The stylistic basis for the Batman Begins film
    W: Frank Miller A: David Mazzucchelli (1987)
    READ NEXT: Scott Snyder's modern companion Batman Vol.4: Zero Year - Secret City (2013)

    The Dark Knight Returns The game-changing epic featuring an older Bruce Wayne in a nightmare future setting, redefined the Batman concept and the comic book medium in general, again by Frank Miller. Dark, dense and critically celebrated, the major influence to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
    W: Frank Miller A: Frank Miller (1986)
    READ NEXT: Frank Millers The Dark Knight Strikes Again (2003), All Star Batman & Robin (2005)

    The Killing Joke The iconic Joker origin from Alan Moore (Watchmen, V for Vendetta), also notorious for its treatment of Jim Gordon and his daughter Barbara and highly influential to The Dark Knight film.
    W: Alan Moore A: John Boland (1988)
    Note that recent editions feature very different colours - for originals look for the cover pictured above and not the 2008 Deluxe Edition with white text

    READ NEXT: Alan Moore's Watchmen (1986) / Scott Snyder's follow-up Batman: The Black Mirror (2011) / Current series Batgirl Vol.1 Batgirl of Burnside (2014)

    Hush A hugely popular and best-selling "summer blockbuster" style event featuring a huge cast of traditional villains and Bat Family and recaps of major lore; an excellent introduction to the "classic" Batman universe; big, brash and fun.
    W: Jeph Loeb A: Jim Lee (2003)
    READ NEXT: Jeff Loeb's The Long Halloween (1995) / Return of Jason Todd continues in Under the Hood (2005) / Scott Snyder's modern Hush-child Batman Eternal (2013)

    Batman & Son: New Edition
    First chapter of the recent and groundbreaking epic from Grant Morrison (All Star Superman, New X-Men), introducing the fourth Robin Damian Wayne along with Batman Incorporated, SPYRAL and many other key concepts to the current lore.
    W: Grant Morrison A: Andy Kubert, JH Williams (2006)
    Note that previous editions are titled The Black Glove: Deluxe Edition - it's the exact same book
    READ NEXT: Grant Morrison's Batman Saga (2006-2014) / Legacy series Grayson Vol.1: Agents of Spyral (2014), Robin: Son of Batman #1 (2015)

    Batman Vol.7: Endgame
    The latest major arc in the current series features Batman vs the Justice League, the return of a meaner and scarier Joker and an unlikely alliance of heroes and villains to face him down. Bold, innovative and contemporary, key events from Batman 35-40 set the stage for the current line of Batman titles.
    W: Scott Snyder A: Greg Capullo (2015)
    READ NEXT: Current arc "Superheavy" in Batman #41

    Do I need to read them in order?
    Not at all! Each of the above is self-contained and does not ANY require earlier reading. While they do take place at various stages in Batman's fictional timeline, this chronology is at best a loose framework for interpreting separate stories and not an actual reading requirement. Generally speaking, it's best to not over think timelines or continuity at all; just read whatever looks interesting and you'll figure it out as you go.

    Singles & Trades
    There are two basic formats for reading comics - monthlies and trades. Monthlies are the thin 24 page single issues published in print but also online - many people prefer reading a story in real time, anticipating the next events and waiting for a new issue. Trades are the catch-all term for a variety of "thicker" formats, short for trade paperback and often confused with a Graphic Novel. A trade collects a sequence of single issues; for instance Batman 404-407 originally published in 1986 is now available in trade as Batman: Year One. A graphic novel is a self contained original story that was never released in singles, for example The Killing Joke was first published in 1988 as a standalone "one-shot". Trades are perfect for discovering past story lines and classic lore, or for getting up to speed with current events.

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    Mighty Member nepenthes's Avatar
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    Batman v Superman > Suicide Squad

    A number of books are excellent background to the upcoming films:

    The Dark Knight Returns

    The impact of DKR to the evolution of Batman is difficult to over-exaggerate; however with director Zack Snyder being himself a serious geek who strives for faithfulness in his film adaptions (i.e Watchmen), it's not a huge surprise that DKR is obvious as the defining influence to the Batman v Superman film. Iconic imagery and themes lifted straight from its pages include; a broken and weary Batman leading other heroes against Superman; the infamously brutal final street battle; the tragic legacy of a fallen Jason Todd and an impeccable 1980's glam Joker. If you read only one book leading up to June 2016 (or re-read!) - this needs to be it.
    W: Frank Miller A: Frank Miller (1986)
    READ NEXT: Frank Miller's Batman: Year One (1988),
    All Star Batman & Robin (2005), The Dark Knight Strikes Again (2003), The Dark Knight III: The Master Race (2015)

    All Star Superman
    Very simply the most acclaimed, brilliant and well-loved Superman saga ever told. In the dying days of his life Superman embarks on a series of Herculean labours in a tale that unifies and celebrates the entire history of Superman lore from across the ages; from mythic grandeur to utopian sci-fi and bizarre crack absurdity, and to ultimately, a profoundly human and inspirational embodiment of everything the original superhero represents.
    W: Grant Morrison A: Frank Quitely (2006)
    READ NEXT: Grant Morrison's Wonder Woman: Earth One (2016), Batman & Son: New Edition (2006), New X-Men Vol.1 (2001), JLA Vol.1: New World Order (1997), The Invisibles Vol.1: A Revolution (1996)

    Superman: Red Son
    What if baby Kal-El's rocket crash landed in Communist Ukraine instead of the good old USA? This alternate-universe tale is arguably the best representation of Lex Luthor's humanist perspective, where Superman-the-Soviet Saviour is a friendly yet terrifying alien fascist force on humanity's self-determination. Also featuring diplomat Wonder Woman and a ragged freedom fighter Batman in key roles, with adapted imagery directly apparent in the Batman V Superman "dictator Superman" scenes, Red Son is one of the most imaginative and insightful portrayals of both the Lex Luthor vs Superman and Batman vs Superman dynamic.
    W: Mark Miller (Kick Ass, Kingsman, Wanted) A: Dave Johnson (2003)
    READ NEXT: Alternate future classic Kingdom Come (1995) / Popular Superman origin Superman: Birthright (2004)

    Superman Unchained

    An ultra-modern and highly-accessible blockbuster style epic designed to bring Superman back into the big time alongside 2013's Man of Steel, Unchained is a massive force of sound and fury from two of the biggest names currently working in comics. Cleverly modernising the origin and major lore, and featuring key appearances from Batman and Lex Luthor; this is as about good as it gets for contemporary "beat em up" style hero comics.
    W: Scott Snyder A: Jim Lee (2014)
    READ NEXT: Scott Snyder's Batman Vol.7: Endgame (2015), Batman: The Black Mirror (2011) / Jim Lee's All Batman & Robin (2005), Batman: Hush (2003)

    A depraved and disturbing journey into Gotham's seedy underworld, told from the point-of-view of a naively ambitious Joker henchman, Johnny Frost (also appearing in the Suicide Squad film). More crime noir than comic book and featuring relatively "realistic" Nolan-style portrayals of Killer Croc, Harley Quinn, Penguin and Riddler; Joker is a violent, drug-fuelled, darkly-funny rampage that's the closest you'll find to either the Ledger or Leto portrayals on page.
    W: Brian Azzarello A: Lee Bermejo (2008)
    READ NEXT: Brian Azzarello's Wonder Woman Vol.1: Blood (2014), Luthor (2005), Dark Knight III: The Master Race (2015) / Sniper Joker in Gotham Central Vol.2: Jokers and Madmen (2003)

    Suicide Squad: Discipline & Punish
    Starring maniacs Harley Quinn, Deadshot, James Gordon Jr and King Shark, this is the smartest, funniest and most dementedly disturbing four issues from Suicide Squad that exist. It needs to be said...there really is a lack of truly great 'Squad comics out there (for new readers at least), however Discipline stands up with the best of modern black-ops from any other publisher. Best to grab the four issues 20-23 on Comixology (or be ready to ignore the terrible Harley Quinn and Deadshot origins that are included in the printed trade)...and if you're still after decent 'Squad stories, your best shot is actually its spiritual successor Secret Six.
    W: Ales Kot A: Patrick Zircher (2014)
    READ NEXT: Deadshot, Bane and Wonder Woman in Secret Six Vol.2: Money and Murder (2009) / Harley Quinn in Mad Love & Other Stories (1994) and Harley & Ivy (2007) / Ales Kot's Secret Avengers Vol.1: Let's Have A Problem (2014) / Original 80's Squad Suicide Squad Vol.1: Trial by Fire (1987)

    Comics You Should Own: Secret Six
    Ten Most Memorable Moments from the Secret Six
    Five Need to Read Squad Comic Books
    The Greatest John Ostrander Stories Ever Told!
    Best Deaths of the Suicide Squad
    Squad Members Explained

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    Mighty Member nepenthes's Avatar
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    The current monthly comics...

    Out with New 52 and in with DC YOU

    September 2011 saw DC Comics embark on a historic relaunch of its entire line-up; dubbed THE NEW 52 this initiative aimed to streamline over 70 years of history to help make the DC Universe more accessible to new and old readers alike. It was a moderate success however also attracted criticism for binding the DC universe to a stricter continuity and a very standardised look and feel across the line. In June 2015 the experiment of The New 52 was abandoned and the company-wide branding switched to DC YOU, with many titles relaunching again and a new focus on creativity and diversity - of genre, style, characters and above all, comics for every type of reader.

    Does this mean all the old Batman stories are thrown out?
    Not exactly, in fact the Batman corner has been pretty much left intact. All the broad outlines are still there, barring a few changes in the background stories of characters like Barbara Gordon and Stephanie Brown. Overall you can assume that unless an event from the past is explicitly contradicted, it all it still happened.

    How many titles do I have to read to follow the main story? Do the titles crossover?
    Read only what you want; each series in the line-up is telling its own story and doing its own thing. They may occasionally namedrop or even guest star characters from other titles, but that's only because they're all inhabiting a shared universe - part of the fun of comics ; )

    Download here
    Another important shift is the increasing move towards digital comics. You no longer need to travel to your nearest bookshop; same-day release in digital and print means it's now almost too easy to follow all of these stories whenever you like just by heading over to comixology on any device (buy on the website, read in the app). Take a minute to set up a billing account and you'll have the whole line at your fingertips in an easy-to-use and visually immersive format wherever you go.

    August, September, October Which series are most popular? See voting on monthly Batman solicits as a rough guide

    the flagship title balances action, horror and comedy in a vibe not too different from the Arkham gaming series. Best selling, fan favourite and easily accessible to new readers, the most recent arc Endgame is widely seen as the crowning moment of a creator run that kicked off back in 2011. You don't need to read the whole thing, Endgame spanning Batman 35-40 is a reasonable jump-on point with key developments including; the return of the Joker weirder than ever before, new Bat Family allies in Julia Pennyworth and Duke Thomas, the dismantling of Waynecorp and the apparent death of Batman himself; all leading into the next arc Superheavy beginning JUNE Batman #41. Meet the GCPD's new-and-improved Dark Knight: the cigarette smoking, mohawk strutting, crime-fighting legend...Jim Gordon!
    W: Scott Snyder A: Greg Capullo
    The previous Snyder/Capullo run is collected in
    Batman Vol.1: The Court of Owls, Batman Vol.2: City of Owls (optional tie-ins in Night of the Owls), Batman Vol.3: Death of the Family (optional tie-ins in Joker: Death of the Family), Batman Vol.4: Zero Year - Secret City, Batman Vol.5: Zero Year - Dark City , Batman Vol.6: Graveyard Shift; Batman Vol.7: Endgame trade available SEPTEMBER

    a new era for DC's most iconic dashing-daredevil sees Dick Grayson as an agent of the shadowy super-spy organisation SPYRAL. Child of the circus, original Boy Wonder, leader of heroes as Nightwing and one-time heir to the Dark Knight legacy, Dick goes deep underground in a mind-bending labyrinth of oddball mystery and espionage, costarring a reimagined Helena Bertinelli aka Huntress and co-scripted by former CIA employee. Acclaimed for rich characterisation and conceptual inventiveness, the series is quickly establishing a new A-League status for the second leading man of Batman comics. Current arc begins JUNE Grayson #9 as Dick faces down the man who killed him, Lex Luthor - however with intricate plotting and deep backgrounds it's strongly recommended you start this one from the beginning.
    STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: Grayson Vol.1: Agents of Spyral (1-4, Annual, Origins 1); Grayson Vol.2 (5-9, FuturesEnd 1) due JANUARY
    RECOMMENDED: Batman & Robin Vol.1: Batman Reborn Grayson's debut as Batman / Batman Incorporated Vol.1 intro SPYRAL

    Robin: Son of Batman relaunches the brat-assassin Damian Wayne on a global quest to redeem a savage past. With vivid artwork, dense scripting and a heavy Conan the Barbarian vibe, the series is a perfect introduction to the mythology of the loveable Al Ghul terror and cleverly recaps all you need to know from his short yet heartbreaking past. Also, giant Ninja Man-Bats. The Year of Blood commences JUNE Robin: Son of Batman #1
    W: Patrick Gleason A: Patrick Gleason
    RECOMMENDED: Batman & Son: New Edition intro Damian Wayne

    Batgirl with dark days now firmly behind her Barbara Gordon enjoys a new life as a grad student, party-girl, AI engineer and celebrity vigilante in Gotham's most too-cool-for-school inner-city neighbourhood. We can say it: she's turned full-on raging hipster. Recognised as the series that spearheaded and inspired the DC YOU nu-wave of innovation and inclusiveness; this is a smart, finely balanced, self-aware and ultra-modern book that celebrates all the incarnations of Barbara Gordon that have come before. Latest arc teases the return of something called Oracle in JUNE Batgirl #41
    W: Brenden Fletcher & Cameron Stewart A: Babs Tarr
    STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: Batgirl Vol.1: Batgirl of Burnside, kicks off the New Batgirl run (35-40)

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    Free 8-page issue in every Sneak Peek

    Gotham Academy a new cast of plucky teenage students unravel spooky mysteries in an old and prestigious (i.e. very haunted) boarding school. Hogwarts meets Gotham City with latest arc featuring Damian Wayne in JUNE Gotham Academy #7
    W: Brenden Fletcher & Becky Cloonan A: Mingjue Helen Chen
    Gotham Academy Vol.1: Welcome to Gotham Academy collects 1-6

    Catwoman as Gotham's new Queen of Crime Selina Kyle's fair and compassionate nature is challenged more than ever by the ruthless demands of managing an underworld empire while nobly attempting to rebuild a devasted city. Beginning JUNE Catwoman #41 she realises her catsuit can not yet be hung up for good.
    W: Genevieve Valentine A: David Messina
    Batman Eternal Vol.1 shows Selina's rise from cat-thief to kingpin

    We Are Robin a movement of hoodrats and Tumblr punks armed with smartphones and homemade costumes are taking up the red yellow & green; the newest recruit being Duke Thomas, previously glimpsed in a Batman flash forward as a future-timeline legit Robin, hoverboard and everything. Series begins JUNE We Are Robin #1
    W: Lee Bermejo A: Rob Haynes & Khary Randolph
    Batman Vol.7: Endgame present-day intro of Duke Thomas

    spinning out of Grayson is your favourite black-leather masochist and advanced connoisseur of creative carnal decadences. The first openly gay man to headline a DC comic and the baddest Batman analogue taken to unrepressed extremes. Whatever you're thinking, the answer is likely yes (but with punching) in JUNE Midnighter #1
    W: Steve Orlando A: Aco
    RECOMMENDED: Grayson Vol.1: Agents of Spyral intro Midnighter vs Grayson / The Authority Vol.1 the groundbreaking 1999 series starring Midnighter + Apollo

    Black Canary spinning out of the new Batgirl by same writer and with a lo-fi punk thrash vibe, lapsed hero Dinah Lance is now the lead singer of an popular indie band though seems to end her every show fist-fighting in the crowd. When their guitarist is kidnapped her gaggle of super-chill musicians must become battle-ready mission ops, in JUNE Black Canary #1
    W: Brenden Fletcher & Annie Wu
    RECOMMENDED: Batgirl Vol.1: Burnside intro Brendan Fletchers modern Canary

    Harley Quinn the crazy capers of the Clown Princess of Crime get truly of out hand in a zany and demented style reminiscent of adult cartoons on helium and crack. As the highest selling Bat Family book outside of the Bruce Wayne titles, the series is largely done-in-one and easy to jump on at any issue. Including appearances from girlfriend Poison Ivy and the Gang of Harley's in JUNE Harley Quinn #17 and SEPTEMBER Harley Quinn Road Trip Special
    W: Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti A: Chad Hardin
    RECOMMENDED: Harley Quinn Vol.1: Hot in the City collects 1-6 / Suicide Squad: Discipline & Punish standout arc feat Deadshot & Gordon Jr / Mad Love & Other Stories classic origin and debut

    Gotham By Midnight
    a team of midnight-shift cops investigate bone chilling supernatural crimes led by Detective Jim Corrigan and Attorney Kate Spencer; fortunately for them Corrigan is also host to the cosmic Spirit of Vengeance, The Spectre! New case opens JUNE Gotham By Midnight #6
    W: Ray Fawkes A: Juan Ferrerya
    Gotham By Midnight Vol.1: We Do Not Sleep collecting 1-6 / Batman Eternal Vol.1 intro Corrigan to GCPD / Classic GCPD in Gotham Central Vol.1: In the Line of Duty (2003)

    Detective Comics highlights Detectives Harvey Bullock, Renee Montoya and Maggie Sawyer of the GCPD, with a new arc featuring the RoboJim in JUNE Detective Comics#41. A new creative team and direction stars the modern Justice League in OCTOBER Detective Comics #45
    W: Michael Buccellato & Francis Manapul A: Fernando Blanco
    RECOMMENDED: Gotham Central Vol.1: In the Line of Duty the classic series feat Montoya, Bullock & Sawyer

    Red Hood/Arsenal the galactic misadventures of two very damaged sidekick bros Jason Todd and Roy Harper, all guns blazing in JUNE Red Hood Arsenal #1
    W: Scott Lobdell A: Denis Medri

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    The Grant Morrison Batman Saga

    Catching up to Batman Incorporated, Grayson and Robin: Son of Batman, 2006 to 2015...

    The recently concluded series Batman Incorporated portrayed the final stages of a brutal war between Bruce Wayne's Batman Inc and Talia Al Ghul's global supercrime organisation which were actually the culmination of an eight year epic beginning in the pages of the Batman title waaay back in 2006 with ongoing ramifications across the Batman universe today. To start at the *very* beginning you'll need to pick up Batman & Son: New Edition and go from there...

    Batman & Son: New Edition / Batman R.I.P. / Batman Reborn / Batman VS Robin / Time & the Batman / The Return of Bruce Wayne / Batman Must Die! / Batman Incorporated Vol.1 / Demon Star / Gotham's Most Wanted

    Why you should bother

    This storyline is kind of a big deal. In a densely woven multipart saga Batman and his world is rocked, deformed, broken down and built spectacular results.

    Massive in scope, impact and ambition, the Morrison run is widely regarded as arguably the most definitive, imaginative, and refreshing Batman stories of modern times. Highly controversial throughout its publication, some may disagree of course, but all will no doubt tell you it's nevertheless a hugely important and groundbreaking entry.

    As the driving force of Batman universe for eight years, major events originating from this run include the introduction of Damian Wayne; the death and return of Bruce Wayne; Dick Grayson acting as the new Batman; the rise of the global initiative Batman Incorporated and the reveal of the shadowy super-spy agency Spyral - all now key concepts in the current leading series' Grayson and Robin: Son of Batman.

    One of the most acclaimed achievements of the run was in celebrating and unifying the various conflicted portrayals of Batman across various media - from TV, games and film and in the many contrasting eras of comics publication. The run features stories in the style of the weird and wacky 1960's to the globetrotting James Bond-inspired thrillers of the 70's, the grim 'n gritty street noir of the 80's, blockbuster action crossovers of the 90's and everything in between.

    The saga is also widely credited for reversing the legacy of Frank Millers relentlessly bleak 1986 The Dark Knight Returns, a milestone publishing event which had the unintended effect of plunging Batman comics into a style of broody, angst driven "bat-jerk" storytelling that by the mid 2000's had long become weary and stale. The Morrison run immediately aimed to restore fun, humanity and a glorious sense of the absurd back into Batman while retaining the best of all the eras that came before.

    The whole thing is currently collected in ten trades.

    See also
    IGN's 25 Best Comic Runs of the Decade
    Building a Better Batmobile: Grant Morrison’s Batman vs. Frank Miller’s Dark Knight
    How Grant Morrison’s 7-Year Batman Epic is Becoming the Ultimate Definition of Batman
    IGN's Top 12 Moments from Morrison's Batman
    Did Grant Morrison Fix Batman? @ Robot 6
    Batman since Frank Miller
    The Stories that Informed Batman R.I.P.

    Batman & Son: New Edition (also printed as The Black Glove: Deluxe Edition) /// Batman R.I.P.
    Batman Reborn /// Batman VS Robin
    Time and the Batman /// The Return of Bruce Wayne /// Batman Must Die
    Batman Incorporated Vol.1 /// Demon Star /// Gotham's Most Wanted

    And once you've read the whole damn thing...Grant Morrison Batman Run: Expanded Reading ( never ends!)

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    Mighty Member nepenthes's Avatar
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    Long lists of Batman trades: release order
    Batman Board Top 75 Trades: Year Four Results of an ongoing poll All trades in reading order up to 2006
    Batman comics at Wikipedia An excellent general reference on story arcs, character bio's, publishing history

    Do I need to read everything in order?
    Not at all, although some people like to. The fact is that there is no concrete reading order - the continuity shifts, overhauls and contradicts itself all the time. Refer to any resources as a rough guide if you want, but don't feel that reading order is in any way necessarsy. Alot of the fun is in putting together the various stories and eras as you go - just read whatever looks interesting and make your own way from there.

    Major stories 2006 to current...

    2006 to 2008 - One Year Later era
    Batman: Detective - Paul Dini (Detective Comics)
    (Batman and Son) - Grant Morrison (Batman)
    The Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul - Morrison, Dini, Nicieza, Milligan (Detective Comics, Batman, Nightwing, Robin)
    (Baman: The Black Glove) - Grant Morrison (Batman)
    Batman & Son: New Edition - Grant Morrison (includes The Black Glove, collecting two previously separate editions in one volume)
    Batman: The Heart of Hush - Paul Dini (Detective Comics)
    Batwoman Vol.1: Elegy - Greg Rucka (Detective Comics)
    Batman R.I.P. - Grant Morrison (Batman)
    (Final Crisis) - Grant Morrison not actually a Batman story but if you want to read it, it belongs here. These events are also recapped in trade Time and the Batman
    Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader? - Neil Gaiman (Detective Comics, Batman, Secret Origins, Black & White)
    Battle for the Cowl - Tony Daniel, Fabien Nicieza / Various (BoTC 1-3, Gotham Gazette 1-2 / BotC one-shots)
    Azrael: Death's Dark Knight - Fabian Nicieza (Azrael: DDK1-3, Tec & Batman Annuals 2009)

    2009 to 2011 - Batman Reborn era
    Batman & Robin Vol.1: Batman Reborn - Grant Morrison
    Streets of Gotham Vol.1: Hush Money - Paul Dini
    Batman: Life After Death - Tony Daniel
    Batman: Arkham Reborn - David Hine (BotC one-shot, AA:Reborn 1-3, Detective Comics)
    Batgirl (2nd series) Vol.1: Batgirl Rising - Bryan Q. Miller
    Batman & Robin Vol.2: Batman VS Robin - Grant Morrison
    Batman: Time and The Batman - Grant Morrison (Batman 700-702)
    Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne - Grant Morrison
    Batman & Robin Vol.3: Batman Must Die - Grant Morrison (B&R 13-16, Batman: The Return)
    Batman Incorporated Vol.1 - Grant Morrison (Batman Incorporated 1-8, Leviathan Strikes one-shot)
    Batman: The Black Mirror - Scott Snyder (Detective Comics 871-876)
    Batman: Gates of Gotham - Scott Snyder, Kyle Higgins (GoG 1-5)

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    2012 to 2014 - The New 52
    Batman Vol.1: The Court of Owls - Scott Snyder (Batman 1-5)
    Batman & Robin (New 52) Vol.1: Born to Kill - Peter Tomasi (B&R 1-7)
    Red Hood and the Outlaws Vol.1: REDemption - Scott Lobdell (RHatO 1-7)
    Nightwing Vol.1: Traps and Trapezes - Kyle Higgins (Nw 1-6)
    Batgirl Vol.1: The Darkest Reflection - Gail Simone (Bg 1-6)
    Batwoman Vol.1: Hydrology - JH Williams (Bw 1-6)
    Batman Vol. 2: City of Owls - Snyder, Tynion (Batman 8-12, Annual 1) non-essential Batfamily tie-ins are collected in Batman: Night of the Owls
    Batman Incorporated (New 52) Vol.1: Demon Star
    - Grant Morrison (Batman Incorporated 0-6)
    Batman Vol.3: Death of the Family - Scott Snyder (Batman 13-17) non-essential Batfamily tie-ins are collected in Joker: Death of the Family
    Detective Comics Vol.3: Emperor Penguin - John Layman (Tec 13-18)
    Batman Incorporated (New 52) Vol.2: Gothams Most Wanted - Grant Morrison (Inc 7-13, Inc Special 1)
    Batman/Superman Vol.1: Cross World - Greg Pak (B/S 1-4) MAY
    Batman Vol.4: Zero Year - Secret City - Scott Snyder (Batman 0, 21-24, Annual 2)
    Suicide Squad Vol.4: Discipline and Punish - Ales Kot (SS 20-23, Harley Quin 1, Deadshot 1)
    Batman & Robin (New 52) Vol. 4: Requiem for Damian - Peter Tomasi (B&R 18-23)
    Detective Comics Vol.4: The Wrath - John Layman (Tec 19-22, Annual 2)
    Forever Evil: Arkham War - Peter Tomasi (Arkham War 1-6)
    Batman Vol.5: Zero Year - Dark City - Scott Snyder (Batman 25-32)
    Harley Quinn Vol.1: Hot in the City - Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti (HQ 1-6)
    Batman & Robin Vol.5: The Big Burn - Peter Tomasi (Two-Face 1, Batman & Two-Face 24-28)
    Detective Comics Vol.5: Gothtopia - John Layman (Tec 25-29)

    2014 to 2015 - Batman Eternal Era
    Batman Eternal Vol.1
    - Snyder, Seeley, Fawkes, Tynion, Layman, Higgins (Eternal 1-20)
    Batman Vol.6: Graveyard Shift - Scott Snyder (Batman 0, 18-20, 28, 34, Annual 2)
    Detective Comics Vol.6: Icarus - Manapul, Buccellato (Tec 30-34, Annual 3)
    Batman/Superman Vol.3: Second Chance - Pak, Lee (BS 10-14, Futures End 1)
    Batgirl Vol.1: Batgirl of Burnside - Stewart, Fletcher, Tarr (BG 34-39)
    Batman & Robin Vol.6: The Hunt for Robin - Tomasi, Gleason (B&R 29-34, Robin Rises: Alpha, Omega)
    Grayson Vol.1: Agents of Spryral - Seeley, King, Janin (GR 1-4, Annual, Origins)
    Gotham Academy Vol.1 - Cloonan, Fletcher, Kerschel (GA 1-6)
    Batman Eternal Vol.2 - Snyder, Seeley, Fawkes, Tynion, Layman, Higgins (Eternal 21-40)
    Arkham Manor - Dugan, Crystal (AM 1-6)
    Catwoman Vol.6: Keeper of the Castle - Valentine, Brown (CW 35-40)
    Gotham By Midnight Vol.1: Midnight Shift - Fawkes, Templesmith (GBM 1-6)
    Joker: Endgame - Various (Academy, Batgirl, B&R Endgame tie-ins, Batman Annual 3) SEPTEMBER
    Batman Vol. 7: Endgame - Snyder & Capullo (Batman 34-40) OCTOBER
    Batman and Robin Vol. 7: Robin Rises Tomasi, Gleason (35-40, Alpha, Annual 3, Secret Origins 4) NOVEMBER
    Batman Eternal Vol. 3 - Snyder, Seeley, Fawkes, Tynion, Higgins (Eternal 35-52) DECEMBER
    Grayson Vol.2 - Seeley, King, Janin (5-9, Futures End) JANUARY
    Detective Comics Vol.7: Anarky - Manapul, Buccellato (Tec 30-40) JANUARY

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    2016: DC YOU Era
    Midnighter Vol.1: Out - Orlando & ACO (Midnighter 1-5) FEBRUARY
    Catwoman Vol.7: Inheritance - Valentine, Brown (CW 41-446) FEBRUARY
    Robin Son of Batman Vol.1: Year of Blood -
    Patrick Gleason (Robin 1-6) MARCH
    Batman Beyond Vol.1: Beyond the Batman - Jurgens & Garney (Beyond 1-5) MARCH
    Gotham Academy Vol.2 - Cloonan, Fletcher, Kerschel (GA 7-12) MARCH
    Black Canary Vol.1 - Fletcher, Wu (BC 1-5) MARCH
    Batgirl Vol.2: Tooth and Claw - Stewart, Fletcher, Tarr (BG 40-45) MARCH
    Gotham By Midnight Vol.2 - Fawkes - (GBM 6-11) APRIL
    Red Hood/Arsenal Vol.1 - Lobdell - (RHA 1-5) APRIL
    We Are Robin Vol.1: Vigilante Business - Bermejo, Haynes, Randolph (WAR 1-6) APRIL
    Batman Vol.8: Superheavy - Snyder, Capullo (Batman 41-46) MARCH
    Batman & Robin Eternal Vol.1 - Snyder, Tynion, Seeley, Fawkes (B&R Eternal 1-3) MARCH
    Batman & Robin Eternal Vol.2 - Snyder, Tynion, Seeley, Fawkes (B&R Eternal 14-26) JUNE
    Detective Comics Vol.8: Reunion - Manapul, Buccalleto / Tomasi (Tec 41-46) AUGUST

    Recent and Notable Miscellaneous
    Batman by Doug Moench & Kelley Jones Vol.1 - collects classic early 90's run for the first time (Batman 515-525, 527-532, 535-536)
    Absolute Batman Incorporated - both Inc volumes in oversize format, featuring new and corrected pages from series artist Chris Burnham
    Nightwing Vol.1: Bludhaven - reprinting the Chuck Dixon 90's run plus the Denny O'Neil mini for the first time
    Dark Knight, Dark City - Peter Milligan - the Riddler arc that created Morrison's Doctor Hurt; the classic early 90's Detective run
    Batman: Second Chances (The New Adventures) - Max Allan Collins - late 80's run inc first app Jason Todd & debut as Robin (Post Crisis)
    Legends of the Dark Knight: Norm Breyfogle Vol.1 - the great white whale of uncollected Batman, finally in trade! 520 pages
    Suicide Squad Vol.1 - John Ostrander - the original and the greatest Squad run feat Deadshot, Poison Ivy, basis for the film
    Batman: The Golden Age Vol.1 collecting the very first issues of Tec plus Batman together for the first time
    The Doom That Came To Gotham - the classic Cthulhu mythos Elseworlds from Mike Mignola (Hellboy)
    Shaman - Denny O'Neil - the rare pre-Batman era LotDK milestone arc
    Robin Vol.1: Reborn - Chuck Dixon - intro Tim Drake, reprinting A Hero Reborn
    Batman: The Golden Age Omnibus - reprinting the first 40 issues of Tec and Batman
    Dark Knight III: The Master Race - ending Frank Millers decade-spanning tour de force
    Batman by Ed Brubaker Vol.1 - parts of previously uncollected classic run from the early 00's, available FEBRUARY
    Azrael Vol.1 - the original Denny O'Neil series feat John Paul Valley of Knightfall fame in FEBRUARY
    Batman: Europa orginal graphic novel featuring Joker by Jim Lee and renowned European industry artists APRIL
    Dark Night: A True Batman Story original graphic novel based on personal reflections from classic creator Paul Dini JUNE
    Batman Arkham: Killer Croc - classic Croc stories JULY
    Elseworlds: Batman Vol.1 - classic alt-universe stories inc Holy Terror, Dark Allegiances, Dark Joker, Robin 3000; APRIL

    All questions and suggestions welcome
    Last edited by nepenthes; 12-23-2015 at 01:08 AM.

  9. #9
    Moderator joybeans's Avatar
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    Is Grant Morrison's Batman really a good starting point? I feel like a new reader would get lost halfway through the Black Glove story. I think Long Halloween would be a newbie-friendly title, as it stands alone, and it serves as the basis for The Dark Knight movie. I'd also argue that Court of Owls or Zero Year would be better starting points than Endgame, as the latter does refer back to Death of the Family and Graveyard Shift (a bit).

  10. #10
    Mighty Member nepenthes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joybeans View Post
    Is Grant Morrison's Batman really a good starting point? I feel like a new reader would get lost halfway through the Black Glove story. I think Long Halloween would be a newbie-friendly title, as it stands alone, and it serves as the basis for The Dark Knight movie. I'd also argue that Court of Owls or Zero Year would be better starting points than Endgame, as the latter does refer back to Death of the Family and Graveyard Shift (a bit).
    Believe me I've put alot of thought into which books should go up in that section . Ultimately I thought it should be an aggressively concise list of absolute top-tier picks, where each is also a portal to other similar storylines or directions.

    Court of Owls was massively hyped in promotional activity and marketed as a relaunch and even has a nice and friendly "Volume 1" on the cover, so of course a lot of people have read it. It's easy to get the impression that it's somehow "the beginning", but putting aside the hype there's actually nothing intrinsic to the story itself that makes it a better intro for new readers over anything else. It's meandering and bloated at two volumes, yet extremely narrow in scope; dud villains, doesn't really go anywhere, explores or introduces very little.

    I did have Zero Year up there in the previous FAQ, being a new origin and pretty great and everything, but now with the Endgame trade just around the corner it's such a better pick on many levels. Why? It's the Joker - Joker at his best in fact (unlike that prattling, irritating bore in Death of the Family). It's the classic rogues. All the Bat Family. Batman VS Justice League. It's contained in one single volume (and easily the best volume of the run) and it gets you caught right up to the current arc Superheavy. Sure it references Owls and Death of the Family a little bit but all you really need to know is that "some Owl guys exist" and "Joker has a history of doing awful shit". Nothing that demands you read six entire previous volumes just to get to that point.

    The Morrison run, yeah it gets trippy pretty quick but it's not like there's anything that can really prepare you for it. None of us had actually read any of the Silver Age stuff it references while the run was coming out - concepts like the international Batmen were already forgotten by the 70's and rediscovered only after Morrison bought them back. You either roll with it or you don't and if a person is the type of reader that needs their hand held and all the dots the joined for them then they're never going to click with it anyway. I'd say the bare minimum books that are helpful to have read beforehand are Year One, Dark Knight Returns and Killing Joke...but that applies in any case.

    Are there any other books you'd mention around Batman v Superman or Suicide Squad?

  11. #11
    Not a Newbie Member JBatmanFan05's Avatar
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    Batman Vol. 7: Endgame - Snyder & Capullo (Batman 34-40) OCTOBER
    Batman and Robin Vol. 7: Robin Rises Tomasi, Gleason (35-40, Alpha, Annual 3, Secret Origins 4) NOVEMBER
    Batman Eternal Vol. 3 - Snyder, Seeley, Fawkes, Tynion, Higgins (Eternal 35-52) DECEMBER
    This can't be quite right given how Endgame ends. Endgame is after Eternal and RR certainly.

    I've read that something with Ra's in Eternal suggests that Robin Rises happens within Eternal. But does anyone have a good idea where specifically (before/after what issue(s)) Robin Rises might go or best fit?

    I want to find where to place Robin Rises in specific relation to Snyder's particular stories.
    Last edited by JBatmanFan05; 09-16-2015 at 07:59 AM.
    Things I love: Batman, Superman, AEW, old films, Lovecraft

    Grant Morrison: “Adults...struggle desperately with fiction, demanding constantly that it conform to the rules of everyday life. Adults foolishly demand to know how Superman can possibly fly, or how Batman can possibly run a multibillion-dollar business empire during the day and fight crime at night, when the answer is obvious even to the smallest child: because it's not real.”

  12. #12
    Mighty Member nepenthes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JBatmanFan05 View Post
    This can't be quite right given how Endgame ends. Endgame is after Eternal and RR certainly.

    I've read that something with Ra's in Eternal suggests that Robin Rises happens within Eternal. But does anyone have a good idea where specifically (before/after what issue(s)) Robin Rises might go or best fit?

    I want to find where to place Robin Rises in specific relation to Snyder's particular stories.
    That timeline is in release order, i.e. the only objectively verifiable chronology and therefore the default in my mind. You start playing with fictional timelines and all sorts of meddling discrepancies and theories become a hassle

    Short answer is that the timing of Eternal, Rises and Endgame just never really clicked. Rises especially is very removed from the fine plotting of everything else and it seemed like Tomasi was just not interested in being part of that loop. From memory the conflicts were all fairly minor things though and not critical to the bigger picture of either story (comics as usual I guess!), this discussion from posts 51-80 is a sample of the vexing that went on at the time http://community.comicbookresources....-(35-48)/page4

  13. #13
    Moderator joybeans's Avatar
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    I think the New 52 Nightwing, Batgirl, and Batwoman trades should be included in the New 52 era.

  14. #14
    Mighty Member nepenthes's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joybeans View Post
    I think the New 52 Nightwing, Batgirl, and Batwoman trades should be included in the New 52 era.
    I've excluded them to keep it only "major stories", however sure I can add them in.

  15. #15
    Incredible Member mtop2036's Avatar
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    Default Does anyone have Batman Vol. 7: Endgame yet?

    Mine will he here on Tuesday but im dying to know if it contains the backup stories about the joker. Also are the endgame tie ins worth to get the endgame tiein trade?

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