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  1. #1
    Jesus Christ, redeemer! The Whovian's Avatar
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    Default DC & Marvel swap one character for 1 year

    Let's say DC and Marvel agree to swap each other one character to use for only one year (call it a 12 issue maxi-series). Which character from Marvel would you want and what would you do with the character (what team would they be on, romantic love interest, etc.)? Also, what would be your dream creative team of the book they would be on. You can do whatever you want. Go crazy.

    I would take Captain America (Steve) from Marvel and put him on the Justice League on a team consisting of him, Batman, Earth 2 Superman (Kal-L), Green Lantern (John), Flash (Wally Pre-FP), Wonder Woman, Black Canary and Aquawoman from Earth-11 (see Multiversity series).

    My dream creative team would be Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis. Cap would lead the team and command the respect of all the members. Cap would have a cool, brotherly relationship with Bats. Cap and Canary would fall in love almost instantly and have a strong romance throughout the year.

    During their adventures, they would fight cosmic level threats like Darkseid, etc.

    At the end of the year the team would face off against their biggest threat yet that ends with Cap sacrificing himself to save the team and the universe.

    What would you do with your borrowed character?
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  2. #2
    Ultimate Member Robotman's Avatar
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    Superman in the Marvel universe would be interesting since his presents makes such a huge impact on the world. I could see him breaking up an anti-mutant rally since he has to stand up for the little guy and he hates bullies. I think what's happening in the cinematic universe is what we'd see happen in the Marvel U. With the people fearful of the all powerful alien god. Though the DCU citizens are a lot less trusting these days.

  3. #3
    Ultimate Member Lee Stone's Avatar
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    Agents of Atlas for Earth-2.
    "There's magic in the sound of analog audio." - CNET.

  4. #4
    Spectacular Member Static's Avatar
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    Thats hard. Such possibilities.

    I cant decide because i think almost any of the big names that marvel would get would impact there world greatly. Like if superman went over there that would be INSANE to most of the marvel universe.

    FROM marvel, i would take Tony Stark. I would love to see his personality interact with batman, supes, mr terrific, and ray palmer. I would also love a series of Tony vs Lex Luthor. It could cover battle, robotics, business, hell EVEN A CHESS MATCH BETWEEN THE TWO WOULD BE AMAZING.

    FROM DC, this is a bit harder since as i said DC characters tend to be more overpowered then Marvel characters from my bits of reading. But i am thinking either Superman (just because i would want to see how the others would react to him and his existence or Static since i feel he would have a fantastic run with the X-men.

    Close follow up for Marvel to DC is spidey for my fantasized Spidey/Static cross over.
    Milestone 2.0 is happening and i am so excited. Looks like i know where my money is going.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Knight1047 View Post
    Cap would lead the team and command the respect of all the members. Cap would have a cool, brotherly relationship with Bats. Cap and Canary would fall in love almost instantly and have a strong romance throughout the year.
    Wow, I can't sum up how awful I find this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Static View Post
    Thats hard. Such possibilities.

    I cant decide because i think almost any of the big names that marvel would get would impact there world greatly. Like if superman went over there that would be INSANE to most of the marvel universe.
    Yeah, Supes would be kinda interesting to see.

    Tbh I can't really think who I'd like to see from Marvel in DC though. I'm kinda tempted to just pick a villain like Doom, or just go with the easy choice and pick Spidey or Daredevil. Picking one of the X-Men feels kinda pointless since they'd lose all their mutant angst.

  6. #6
    Spectacular Member Static's Avatar
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    well maybe, assuming the mutant gene goes with them since they are born with it. i assume its just kinda transported as you are to the other dimension. if we use the JLA vs avengers books as any kind of example then mutants would keep there powers. Quick silver and scarlet witch were able to use theirs no sweat. Side note: Scarlet witch said the chaos magic or something (been a while since i read it) is CRAZY higher in the DC universe.

    This does bring up an interesting point though since when flash went to the marvel universe since the speed force doesnt exist there he had to bring a small backpack machine to feed him bits of it but it ran out and he became normal.

    Well marvel has some possibilities like Tony stark, Mr fantastic would be a brilliant edition to the JLA, spidey has multiple possibilities but outside of that i cant think of anyone but that is due to my limited knowledge of Marvel. I guess deadpool is a possibility but i wouldnt want that in my main DC books. Maybe a spin off with booster gold or harley since she is kinda the deadpool of DC.
    Milestone 2.0 is happening and i am so excited. Looks like i know where my money is going.

  7. #7
    Ultimate Member Robotman's Avatar
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    I can't really think of a Marvel hero who would have a huge impact on the DCU. DC already has about 5 Ironman like characters. The world has seen Wonder Woman so Thor wouldn't be that big of a shock. I guess Cap would be kind of interesting. It would be cool to see Spider-Man face some of the top DC villains.

    I don't think any of them would have the impact of Superman appearing in the Marvel U. Just his power and what he stands for would make the entire world take notice. There would be a massive mix of negative and positive reactions from the citizens.

  8. #8
    Spectacular Member Static's Avatar
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    To kinda clarify what i said earlier.

    Superman would be my main choice to go over to Marvel. Reason being is In the JLA vs Avengers series (2003-2004) when the marvel characters came over they saw a statue of superman and thought that superman made the people of his world worship him and when some of the DC characters went to the marvel world they were attacked immediately for being different. This shows a very clear difference in how they are received and i think superman would be fantastic to go over and try to understand why and try to make it a better place for people with powers. Plus i also think some of the banter between him and iron man would be hilarious. ALSO ANY CHANCE TO SEE SOMETHING LIKE THIS AGAIN WOULD BE AMAZING! Attachment 28709

    My second want would be Static. Aside from him being my favorite character, DC hardly does anything with him (hopefully that will change soon with Earth-M) I think he would have a very solid X-MEN run since the "bang babies" were sorta DC's Mutants. Have him run into them, professor X would be astounded he has powers but nothing in his genes that seemed to have given him those powers. (When Virgil got tested his DNA showed no changes and the only thing was something was SLIGHTLY higher then normal) So he would stick around and help with some missions. Also the possibility of a Static/Spidey cross over. YES PLEASE

    As for Marvel to DC, I have 3 picks. Tony Stark, Mr. Fantastic and Spidey.

    Tony- I feel his interactions with people like Ray Palmer, batman, and other DC members would be absolutely hilarious. Assuming we go with the Superman left and Tony came in his place. I would want a series of him vs Luthor. It would be fantastic. Start of as competing businesses, maybe a chess match (cause it would be hilarious) and then eventually one up-manship of robotic suits. I dont know much about tony (reading his new stuff and i am starting to like him) but him vs luthor assuming they made suits to combat one another (and not lex using his suit that he made to face superman) would be amazing to see who could come up with the better suit.

    Mr Fantastic- His brain alone. The smartest character in the marvel universe to come over would no doubt be awesome. The league being suprised having a smart strechy guy compared to the"interesting" one they are used to (Plastic man) Also him vs Luthor would be awesome, but as a pure battle of brains. Marvels #1 vs DC's #1

    Spidey- obvious choice. funny, probably the most well known marvel character (followed by wolverine i imagine) You could do so many things. Him trying to join the league, Him teaming up with Static or the titans. Just a lot of possibilities.
    Milestone 2.0 is happening and i am so excited. Looks like i know where my money is going.

  9. #9
    Incredible Member Prisoner 6655321's Avatar
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    I'd like to see a Moon Knight by Rossmo and Morrison and a LOSH by Hickman and Marcos Martin.

  10. #10
    Boisterously Confused
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    From Marvel, I'd love to see them move Black Panther (with all of Wakanda) to the DCU. I could see him replaying a harder-edged version of his join-the-Avengers-to-spy-on-them thing in the Justice League, which would turn into a game of wits between him and Batman. As for an adversary, I'd say put him against Gorilla Grodd, who decides he wants the secrets of the newly discovered nation's Vibranium technology. I'd want Priest on it.

    From DC, I'd say bring the Flash over. Regardless of the version, he's (on average) so much more optimistic of a character than you normally get in MU, the contrast would be fun. Could Waid be talked into that?

  11. #11
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    Hmm. If Barry Allen brings the Speedforce to the MU, then a couple of Marvel's speedsters probably would get a huge power boost once they learn how to tap into it.
    DC can have the adult, fully Phoenixed up version of Jean Grey.
    Flash by Geoff Johns and whomever.
    Jean Grey by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely.

    Thinking bigger, swapping the entire Batman franchise for the entire X-Men franchise seems kinda fair.
    Would be a lot more than 12 issues, obviously with 5+ books for both franchises.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Static View Post
    well maybe, assuming the mutant gene goes with them since they are born with it. i assume its just kinda transported as you are to the other dimension. if we use the JLA vs avengers books as any kind of example then mutants would keep there powers. Quick silver and scarlet witch were able to use theirs no sweat. Side note: Scarlet witch said the chaos magic or something (been a while since i read it) is CRAZY higher in the DC universe.
    No, I mean obviously they'd still be mutants, but there'd be no mutant/acceptance stuff angst as they'd just honestly be another superhero and not one of hundreds/thousands of mutants.

  13. #13
    Boisterously Confused
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    Quote Originally Posted by LoneNecromancer View Post
    No, I mean obviously they'd still be mutants, but there'd be no mutant/acceptance stuff angst as they'd just honestly be another superhero and not one of hundreds/thousands of mutants.
    Wouldnt that strip the X-Men of their most important theme?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrNewGod View Post
    Wouldnt that strip the X-Men of their most important theme?
    Yeah, that's what I was saying in the first place as to why bringing over just one of the X-Men would be kinda pointless.

  15. #15
    Extraordinary Member Güicho's Avatar
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    Batman for Spider-Man

    No teams, Batman up against Spidey's rogues, and clashing with Marvel's NY based hero pantheon.
    And Spidey against Gotham, for a year! with Grayson and the Batfamily at odds with the intruder, although Babs might be swayed.
    Last edited by Güicho; 11-08-2015 at 07:41 PM.

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