We got the new slate of titles, a new one each Wed. So what did you think of them?

For me Twilight Children was the cream of the crop, it more than lived up to my expectations.

Survivor's Club and Art Ops have potential. I found them flawed in some ways (Club was overstuffed, Ops lacked heat), but there's some good ideas here if they can tighten things up.

Clean Room was a big disappointment for me. I love Simone on books like Secret Six and Red Sonja, but even I have to admit she can be heavy handed, and as such is probably a bad fit for Vertigo. It just seemed like she was trying too hard to be arty and edgy.

So my grades...

Twilight Children: A+
Survivors Club: B-
Art Ops: B-
Clean Room: D

Now it's off to November. Hope we pick up a few gems there.