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  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Pachamac View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Ethereal Stormultt View Post

    Quote Originally Posted by Punisher007 View Post

    Ghost Rider.
    Which Nova are you all talking about? Richard or Sam?

    And Punisher, which Ghost Rider? I assume Blaze? Or do you mean Robbie Reyes?

  2. #32
    Ultimate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiamatty View Post
    Which Nova are you all talking about? Richard or Sam?

    And Punisher, which Ghost Rider? I assume Blaze? Or do you mean Robbie Reyes?
    Blaze of course. As for Nova, I'd prefer Richard, but either one works for me. I do not share the abject hatred of Sam that many others seem to.

  3. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Punisher007 View Post
    Blaze of course. As for Nova, I'd prefer Richard, but either one works for me. I do not share the abject hatred of Sam that many others seem to.
    Actually, come to think of it, I should put Robbie Reyes on a team. OK, my team for today, with a bit of a supernatural bent:

    Hercules (preferably still depowered - I like that take on the character)
    Ghost Rider (Reyes)
    Jennifer Kale
    Jackie Kane
    Dani Moonstar

    Mockingbird brings a scientist's perspective to the supernatural, without being too reliant on science. Jennifer Kale's a powerful mystic. Hercules and Sif, as gods, are well-acquainted with the supernatural. Dani's a valkyrie, so she's also familiar with it. Ghost Rider is made of the supernatural, and brings a newbie's perspective. And Jackie Kane's got plenty of experience with zombies, if nothing else.

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Tiamatty View Post
    Jackie Kane
    Always great to see her get some use.

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Blindpugh View Post
    Always great to see her get some use.
    I know. I loved her in the Zombies mini, but she's dropped into limbo. It's a shame, because she was really cool. I would've loved to have seen her trying to adjust to life in the 616 reality.

    I think Marvel should launch an ARMOR series. Separate from the Zombies comics; just a book showing ARMOR doing its thing.

  6. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Tiamatty View Post
    I know. I loved her in the Zombies mini, but she's dropped into limbo. It's a shame, because she was really cool. I would've loved to have seen her trying to adjust to life in the 616 reality.

    I think Marvel should launch an ARMOR series. Separate from the Zombies comics; just a book showing ARMOR doing its thing.
    I'd love that. There's a hell of a lot of story potential there.

  7. #37


    I did some themed teams on the old forum, but I never really tried to make my personal dream team. So here's my first attempt at really putting some thought into what would be an instant buy for me. I trimmed it back to the magic number 7 though I had to make some painful cuts, and I put some thought into making a team I thought would be greater than the sum of it's parts, rather than just a list of my favourite characters.

    Wasp- the best leader the Avengers ever had in my opinion, she'll be in that role here.

    Thing- Top notch brawler and powerhouse, more years of teamwork than just about anyone in the MU, and brings all kinds of other skills to the table.

    Giant Man- For my money he's only below Richards & Doom in the polymath genius stakes, he'll be primary team brain.

    Falcon- Veteran hero, trained by and fought alongside the best. His powers are vastly underrated and his experience in social work means he'll be the best placed to deal with the kind of personality clashes that teams always have.

    Black Panther (Shuri)- I'll be honest, I prefer T'Challa. But there's still a great amount of room to expand and define Shuri. She's for the time being more open minded and less hardened than T'challa. There's more room for the team to shape her. She brings the Panther training and abilities along with a huge amount of political power. Her P.R.I.D.E will act as support staff for the team.

    Motormouth- Has experience in fighting mystical and extra dimensional threats. She bring fierce tenacity, incredible teleportation abilities, and sonic abilities. She initially takes the position to gain the Avengers' help in teaching her Children to control their abilities.

    Dr. Druid- For my money Druid is an Avengers level Mystic having Dr. Strange tie himself down to addressing all manner of non mystical threats feels wrong to me. Druid still brings a lot to the table, his mystical abilities, his psychic abilities. The relatively unexplored druidic nature of his magic, decades of monster hunting, not to mention the guy wrestled a Gorlion. I also personally like to have at least one abrasive personality on a team.

    On a different day I'd probably put a different lineup together. But I'd follow this team for however long they ran.

  8. #38
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    I like the idea.of teams or partnerships within teams. That way they can easily deal with threats that fit their baliwick by splitting off when the whole team isn't necessary. I also like one on one interaction between personalities which might clash a bit in some cases.

    Captain America/Wasp as the leaders, they can split the team in half when needed.
    Thor/Hercules for the muscle, but who also bring the gods into the mix, including god level problems. Kind of want to see Storm here, who says Marvel can't invent their own pantheon of young gods
    Doctor Strange/Wiccan I really want to see a young magic user have a mentor, and I would love to see Strange in that role. They open up the mystical side of things. Jennifer Kale and/or Talismen would be characters brought in for specific stories.
    Moondragon/Emma Frost (with her power restored). Both with big egos to match their talent. Moondragon also has spent some time in space, and can bring those stories.
    Hawkeye/Nightcrawler both use weapons, but Hawkeye is more street, where Kurt always has an old fashioned swashbuckling feel to me. I also see Black widow at this level.
    Bruce Banner/Hank Pym/Tony Stark I list in their own scientific genius section, although obviously their alter egos bring a multitudes of talents.
    Nova (Richard Rider)/Spitfire (I think that is the name of the British hero) to open up space and a connection to a team that doesn't get enough love.

    While Avengers should always be a team book most of the time, it would be nice to have small side stories which highlight the mini teams doing what they do best, later to integrate them into the main story.

  9. #39


    Captain America
    Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)
    Kitty Pryde
    Reed Richards
    Doctor Strange (and Wiccan being trained by him)

    I reckon this is a varied enough team, Cap would lead but theirs people there to call him out on his s*** if he's acting out, there's a mix of magic,genius,heavy hitters,flying and just general great heroes. There'd be some tension and falling out but hey it'd be boring if there weren't. Theirs probably some I'm forgetting and some who I like but wouldn't fit in (Cyclops).

  10. #40


    My team for today: An updated Uncanny Avengers.

    Uncanny Avengers
    Kitty Pryde
    Scarlet Witch
    Captain Marvel

    Kitty is chosen as leader/frontwoman. She's intelligent and experienced, and would make an effective leader. More important, she's well-spoken, outspoken and - admittedly - non-threateningly attractive. This makes her a good choice to put in front of cameras. Wasp is the co-leader, the main Avengers representative on the team. She's rich, and as a fashion designer, she knows how to work the public. Since this is a PR team, that gives Wasp a fairly unique advantage.

    For the X-Men side, Kitty chooses Karma, Nightcrawler and Sunspot. Karma's a good friend, and her library background makes her effective at organization. Her telepathic powers also make her an asset in the field. Nightcrawler is one of her oldest, closest friends. More important, he's a visible mutant - he can't hide what he is. Kitty wanted someone on the team who can't hide being a mutant. And then she chooses Sunspot because he practically begged to be allowed onto the team. He's rich, which is handy, and has already served as an Avenger. He's also charming as hell, and makes nice eyecandy for women.

    For the Avengers side, Wasp chooses Scarlet Witch, Vision and Monica Rambeau. Scarlet Witch is a mutant who's served with the Avengers almost from the start, which makes her a reasonable choice to Wasp. Alexis is neither human nor mutant, and serves to show that the Avengers welcome all forms of life. She's also pretty powerful. And Captain Marvel, while she's lost her emotional connection to the X-Men, does have a history with them. Kitty and Kurt, in particular, remember when she stayed with them after Rogue drained her powers. Carol's also a very prominent hero with a lot of public recognition and acceptance. Plus, she's a major powerhouse.

    This team has it pretty well together. There are some conflicts - Kitty's a headstrong young woman, and clashes with Wasp quite a bit, and Wanda still thinks she should be in charge of the team. Karma's a bit overwhelmed at being an Avenger. Wanda finds herself tense around Alexis, as Alexis reminds her of the Vision. Carol is a little uncomfortable with Kitty and Kurt being so familiar with her, while she only knows what she's read about them.

    Still, they're all experienced heroes, so when it comes to action, they function well together. They're a little more proactive than is normal - they need to be seen working together, so they look for chances to do that. Sometimes by actively looking for supervillains to fight, other times by just helping out with disaster relief. They also do a lot of charity work, and engage in some political activism, organizing rallies, doing interviews, that sort of thing.

  11. #41


    My team for today, a new Dark Avengers:

    Norman Osborn
    June Covington
    Wonder Man

    Now that Norman's had the Goblin serum flushed from his body, he's been declared sane. As a result, the military has decided to give him another chance. They've asked him to assemble a team he can use to boost his image, the first step on the road to reclaiming power and implementing a plan to control superhumans. Norman himself uses some altered Goblin gear, without the Goblin iconography.

    His first recruit is his friend, June Covington. She's a medical genius who's also good with tech. She's not a particularly adept fighter, but her various enhancements make her remarkably dangerous. Then is Wonder Man, whose pacifism is something Norman actually appreciates and wants to show to the world as a positive thing. Finesse joins to keep an eye on Norman, which he's totally fine with, as he has nothing to hide. She's also very good at everything, a handy person to have around. Then Unuscione, a former mutant terrorist who Norman convinces to give a chance at reforming. And finally, Rhino is brought in to provide some brute strength and power.

    The team is secretly managed to certain individuals within the US military, but that's kept very much under wraps. As far as the public is concerned, they're private citizens trying to make the world a better place. Sometimes, they proactively attack supervillains in hiding. Other times, they help out with disaster relief. Other times, they travel overseas to provide relief and defence for oppressed people. They keep on the up-and-up. A few of them are willing to kill in battle, but they don't kill indiscriminately. They don't do anything the American public would find objectionable, and they do a lot the public supports.

    Initially, most of the others are sceptical of Norman. June believes him off the bat, even if she's only going along with it for her own amusement. The others think Norman's got an ulterior motive. The shocking part is that he doesn't - he's sincere in what he's doing, and why. And the others start to come around to his way of thinking, too. And so do the American public.

  12. #42


    Captain America
    Iron Man
    Black Widow
    Scarlet Witch
    Captain Marvel (Carol)

  13. #43


    My team for today. No particular theme.

    Captain Marvel
    Black Panther (Shuri)
    War Machine
    Giant Man

    A nice blend of powers and personalities. I would have Hercules still depowered, and so relying more on his skills and wits. Artemis would be wanting to find out what Hercules sees in the Avengers - plus, the Avengers usually have Hawkeye as a member, and she needs to prove that she's the greatest archer. She'd bring a lot of personal conflicts, too, for fun times. She'd clash with just about everyone.

  14. #44
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    Zemo orchestrates a coup of A.I.M and Hydra. the Avengers theme is no longer about fooling the public. it's about giving the heroes the finger.

    1. Sentry (Helmut Zemo w/ Graviton's powers & a captain marvel/kree sentry-style costume)

    2. Black Widow (Raven Darkholme)

    3. Ronin (Taskmaster)

    4. Power Man (Moses Magnum)

    5. Wolverine (Victor Creed)

    6. Liberator (Deidre Wentworth aka Superia in a US Agent-themed costume)

    7. Iron Man 2.0 (Ezekiel Stane)

    8. Mockingbird (Yelena Belova w/ adaptoid enhancement)

    9. Hulk (Emil Blonsky w/ a genetic makeover)

    10. Witch (June Covington)

    11. Vision (John Morley aka the Ghost)

    12. Yellowjacket (LMD-Eric O'Grady)

    13. Spider-woman (Thanasee Rappaccini)

  15. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Ant-manic View Post
    10. Witch (June Covington)
    I gotta say, I really, really hate the idea of June as a Scarlet Witch knock-off. It doesn't suit her. It didn't work when Bendis did it, it didn't work when Parker continued it. She's above that kind of thing. The only reason it made any sense at all in the first place was because she's such good friends with Osborn, so going along with his little vanity project was a favour. As soon as that ended, she should've dropped the identity.

    Edit: New team. The Avengers Initiative - a small group of young heroes getting on-the-job training to become better at what they do.

    Scott Lang

    Firestar and Scott Lang are the instructors. Firestar remembers her own training, and wants to make sure someone's looking out for the best interests of the kids. Scott Lang lost his daughter to superheroics, and wants to help kids stay alive.

    The kids chosen are all fairly experienced. But there's plenty of room for improvement. Frog-Man is added because, if he doesn't get proper training, he's going to get himself killed. Rockslide and Anole joined up because, hey, Avengers.
    Last edited by Tiamatty; 05-08-2014 at 01:06 PM.

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