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  1. #1
    Ultimate Member Ascended's Avatar
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    Default A New, Inclusive Edit of the Films?

    So we all know about the THX cut of the original trilogy and the extra bits they added in. Mostly just little background cameos, three second shots of spaceships zipping around, and a few changes to the story that've become infamous. Back in the day I was hyped about an updated edit, but like many of us, I've come to view those changes to the OG films as an overall negative.

    So I don't really suggest this as anything I actually advocate, but I'm curious what people think. Should/could Disney release a new cut of the original and prequel films that add in characters like Rex, Hera Syndulla, Ahsoka, etc?

    I wouldn't support any major changes or anything. But for fun I'd entertain an argument for, say, having Hera at the battle of Yavin, getting a line or two of dialogue, and a quick shot of the Ghost shooting down TIEs. I might entertain the idea of seeing Grogu in a background shot at the Jedi temple. The whole "Rex at Endor" thing is quasi-canon so why not add him into the background as the head of the soldiers? I wouldn't necessarily argue against a quick epilogue scene in Episode 2 that introduces Ahsoka, and one in Episode 3 resolving her absence.

    And while I don't advocate for this, I'd actively argue against it if it meant the original versions became impossible to find. If the OG cuts are still available I'd be more open to an extended version that folds in a few characters who 'should' have been around and are popular/timeless enough to 'deserve' it.

    Lot of reasons not to do it. First being that as new characters get introduced you'll find more push to do *another* edit that adds in the new face, and eventually you'll have films that are just six hours each of nothing but cameos and name-drops. It's a pandora's box that's already cracked open and I don't relish the idea of throwing it wide. But the extended media stuff outside of the Skywalker films is pretty entrenched and canonically important and I can't say it'd be 'unfair' to see *some* of that interaction/connection go both ways. And Lucas cracked this box already; I'd never suggest something like this if Lucas hadn't done it already. I mean, these movies were finished products last century, why change them? But Lucas did, so maybe it's okay if someone like Ahsoka gets a tiny bit of recognition (again, I don't really want this, just playing devil's advocate a bit).

    Haven't seen this discussed around here before, just us complaining about Han not shooting first and such. Figured it might be worth a conversation, if just to point out all the reasons it's a bad idea.
    Last edited by Ascended; 12-21-2023 at 02:42 PM.
    "We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another, as if we were one single tribe."

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  2. #2
    Astonishing Member
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    I wouldn't hate it, although I could see it getting out of hand quickly.

    A few other possible suggestions for additions:

    *Bail talking to Tarkin before Vader brings in Vader for the destruction of Alderaan. There's no other real way to integrate him into the OT, but he's a pretty important figure

    *Have Mothma somewhere in IV or V - on Yavin, at Echo Base, something. Maybe another way to have Bail in the OT would be to have he and Mothma holocomming and have Bail witness the arrival of the Death Star and warning her? Nothing big, just establish them being around

    *I'd expand the assault on the Jedi Temple to show a few Jedi being captured (for the Inquisitors) and a few Jedi escaping (including Beq /Grogu)

    Nothing too major, but establish a few important people and themes that have come up in the new canon
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  3. #3
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    I feel the films should be left alone, or even returned to a system where you could choose which edit to watch…

    …But I’d be up for something like D+ having a system where you could watch Star Wars material taking place at the same time, and flip between them as part of the programming, integrating full episodes or films into each other that way.

    Like… imagine watching “Star Wars Integrated” for the Prequels, and getting the Siege of Mandalore Arc spliced in with ROTS.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by godisawesome View Post
    I feel the films should be left alone, or even returned to a system where you could choose which edit to watch…

    …But I’d be up for something like D+ having a system where you could watch Star Wars material taking place at the same time, and flip between them as part of the programming, integrating full episodes or films into each other that way.

    Like… imagine watching “Star Wars Integrated” for the Prequels, and getting the Siege of Mandalore Arc spliced in with ROTS.
    I'd be up for that, although I suppose putting Operation:Cinder scenes intermixed with the celebration scenes at the end of ROTJ might cut against the good vibes .
    Blue text denotes sarcasm

  5. #5
    Extraordinary Member Jokerz79's Avatar
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    Leave these poor films alone I will never forgive Lucas for the Special Editions the single worst thing to ever happen to Star Wars IMO.

    I can ignore a bad movie or series I can't ignore when you change films I love and make them worse and make it hard to get the original versions.

  6. #6
    Ultimate Member Ascended's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bob.schoonover View Post
    I wouldn't hate it, although I could see it getting out of hand quickly.
    Agreed. But on the other hand, it's been over twenty years since the prequels and I'm only now feeling like there's enough 'extra' content important enough that it could *arguably* merit a new edit. If it takes twenty years to get to that point then it might not get out of hand as quickly as we fear. Still probably better not to open the pandora's box more than Lucas already did, but the dumb part of my nerd brain that still likes smashing action figures together still kinda wants to see it....

    *Bail talking to Tarkin before Vader brings in Vader for the destruction of Alderaan. There's no other real way to integrate him into the OT, but he's a pretty important figure
    I think it'd probably be difficult to work Bail into the OG as anything more than a background cameo. We could see him with the Rebels post-Alderaan somewhere, but are we sure he survived Alderaan? Seems better for the story if Leia loses her parents to Vader and Tarkin. Another option I considered is in ANH when Tarkin talks about the senate being dissolved. Tarkin just mentions it, but you could add in a holo image, like Tarkin turned on "Galactic Fox News" to show the other Imperials, and we could have a holo of the senate reacting to being put out of work. Bail's could be one of the few voices of dissent raising above the clamor while the rest of the senate cheers.

    Hey maybe they could even get the 'war time news announcer' from the Clone Wars recap intro on that holocom news story?

    *Have Mothma somewhere in IV or V - on Yavin, at Echo Base, something. Maybe another way to have Bail in the OT would be to have he and Mothma holocomming
    I support the holocom. The Alliance was a small group, but if all the major leadership is together for all these big moments it feels 'small' in the wrong ways. But if you have Mon and Hera and Akbar or whoever on holocom during stuff like Yavin, you retain the sense that the rebels are more than just the handful of people currently on-screen and they've got people on important missions elsewhere, and you get a sense of continuity within the leadership (which the OG films don't really have).

    *I'd expand the assault on the Jedi Temple to show a few Jedi being captured (for the Inquisitors) and a few Jedi escaping (including Beq /Grogu)
    I think this one is a little tricky. You don't want to screw up other films/shows by spoiling their stuff in an edit of older material. Like, Mando has worked hard to build up Grogu's mystery and they've been miserly about doling out answers. If we see Grogu escape Order 66 in RotS, then the reveal in Mando season 3 doesn't carry as much weight. But if we just see Grogu in the background while, I dunno, Windu and Obi-Wan are walking through the temple in episode 2, then it's more of a small hint and less of a full spoiler y'know?

    Nothing too major, but establish a few important people and themes that have come up in the new canon
    Exactly. Mostly small things; characters added into a scene *maybe* with a line of dialogue, but generally just noticed in the background. Like, no reason we couldn't see Hondo, Cad Bane, or some other criminal at Jabba's palace.

    You can't add stuff in a way that throws off the story/pacing/focus on the movie you're adding to, nor can you throw off the material you're bringing in. Which is really limiting; you can't totally change RotS around just to add Ahsoka, y'know? But you can slide some stuff in, change/add a few details, and make things feel a little more cohesive without damaging the quality of the individual products. Tough line to walk, especially with somebody like Ahsoka, but I don't think it'd be 'impossible.'

    Quote Originally Posted by godisawesome View Post
    I feel the films should be left alone, or even returned to a system where you could choose which edit to watch…
    Yes please. As I said, I don't really support this idea but I'd actively fight against it if it meant erasing the original cuts. Which Lucas already tried to do with the original re-edits.

    …But I’d be up for something like D+ having a system where you could watch Star Wars material taking place at the same time, and flip between them as part of the programming, integrating full episodes or films into each other that way.
    Ha, that's sorta how I landed on this idea. The Clone Wars flashback in Ahsoka really made me want a super-cut that strings everything together, but a ton of that is animated and wouldn't make a good transition so I thought 'maybe if they did a new edit?' and immediately hated myself for thinking it....but the idea has been rattling around in my head for the last few weeks regardless.
    Last edited by Ascended; 12-23-2023 at 09:09 AM.
    "We all know the truth: more connects us than separates us. But in times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another, as if we were one single tribe."

    ~ Black Panther.

  7. #7
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    The idea of slipping characters like Ahsoka or Rex into the background? It's kind of like finding Easter eggs in your favorite video game. It's thrilling for a second, but then you start wondering if it's too much. I mean, part of me lights up at the thought of seeing Hera flying around in the Battle of Yavin. But then, the other part of me is like, "Hold up, let's not turn this into a cameo fest."

    And you're spot on about the Pandora's box situation. Once you start, where does it stop? Next thing you know, every new character from the series gets a cameo, and we're watching a director's cut that's longer than a Lord of the Rings marathon.

    Speaking of making things our own, I've dabbled in editing some fan videos myself. There's this imovie for pc, that's been a lifesaver. It lets me play director, adding my own spin on things without the Hollywood budget.
    Last edited by Allan93; 02-26-2024 at 05:51 AM.

  8. #8
    Silver Sentinel BeastieRunner's Avatar
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    I'd rather they just release a Han shot, period version with the Jabba scene deleted or changed like the one a fan did where he's a holo.
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  9. #9
    Ultimate Member Gray Lensman's Avatar
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    For me, the biggest missed opportunity of the special editions was not adding other ship types to the fleet assaulting Endor. A couple of assault frigates and some lighter Mon Calamari ships would have done wonders.
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  10. #10
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    B-wings would've been interesting-they originally planned to use them more in ROTJ, but the model didn't film well.

    Of course when they showed up again in Rise of Skywalker they weren't given much to do either. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

  11. #11
    Extraordinary Member Jokerz79's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeastieRunner View Post
    I'd rather they just release a Han shot, period version with the Jabba scene deleted or changed like the one a fan did where he's a holo.
    The Jabba scene is really annoying because it's the same dialogue from the scene literally before with Greedo and Han.

  12. #12
    Ultimate Member ChrisIII's Avatar
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    Yeah, I'm thinking the Greedo scene was shot later with the information added to it when Lucas didn't have time to make the effects for the Jabba scene. There's also an alternate Greedo scene (with a less articulated mask) included in some rough cuts of the Cantina scene.

    There's another example of this in some of the other films deleted scenes.


    Originally, the sandstorm scene had the dialogue about Han thanking Luke, Leia reminding him about the fleet assembling, and Luke keeping a promise to an old friend.

    When the Sandstorm scene kind of looked ugly and they decided to cut it, they made a new scene with most of the dialogue moved to Luke listening to it on his X-wing as they depart Tatooine.

    In ROTS there's an alternate scene where Obi-Wan, Mace and Yoda are talking in Yoda's room about Palpatine and removing him from office/arresting him. Most of the dialogue from this scene was instead put in a holographic briefing with Obi-Wan not present and some of Mace's dialogue given to Ki-Adi instead. Info and opinions on a variety of interests.

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