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  1. #196
    Out Fighting for Peace! AJpyro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SidheKnight View Post
    Except the potency of Iron Man's repulsors can be adjusted to not be fatal. (Like most energy weapons in sci-fi).

    And I really doubt it takes only ONE punch of the Hulk to kill a Hydra mook. (Unless Hulk is really really really mad).
    Dude. Look at those fists. Are we sure they can't pop a regular person like a bubble?

  2. #197
    Ultimate Member jackolover's Avatar
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    I think Bendis should write Amazing Spider-Man and the FF.

  3. #198
    BANNED Starter Set's Avatar
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    It can't be worst for the FF than the current situation is, they can as well try it.

  4. #199
    Ultimate Member jackolover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrTraveler View Post
    I love his run but this. It's a long form event comic. Folks that want a classical avengers take need to be reading Mighty Avengers or Uncanny Avengers.

    For the folks complaining about Spider-Man. I think Spider-man should have become a legacy character with Miles taking over in the 616. It didn't ruin Peter growing up and getting married, but rettconning it did ruin him. The stuff Peter is pulling now stops being cool or relatable once Peter stops being a teen.
    I could see Peter Parker dissolving into the background as a hobo, after learning he wasn't responsible for Uncle Bens death, and doesn't need to be using his powers. Sort of like Namor, being a hobo before the Torch found him.

    I consider this thread as sort of like an epitaph of the Earth-616, because it is sort of reflecting back on the MU and what it was. Was it good, or was it bad? I am reading the responses here and feeling nostalgic that this is all looking back over our favourite parts of Marvel, by us canning things. This was good, this was bad, I wish it was like this. I'm going over what people are saying here being even more significant, for the situation we have in May 2015. A lot happened at Marvel. The things we talk about here may never be talked about again. The MU could be swept aside in September, and what we have left will start a new destiny.
    Last edited by jackolover; 03-06-2015 at 01:31 AM.

  5. #200
    Ultimate Member jackolover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alastor View Post
    Bendis has been essential in keeping Marvel afloat for the past 15 years. His events created a lot of buzz and his series are accessible for new readers. The first half of Vol. 1 of his New Avengers is one of my favorite series of all time. The only reason he's writing Guardians of the Galaxy is that his name alone is sufficient to sell the book. The breakout at the Raft is a much better origin for the team than "Loki played a magical prank."

    I don't mind decompression.

    Marvel will diminish the relevance of Secret Wars by releasing a new set of #1s in 2-3 years.

    Steve Rogers should remain Top Cop with Bucky remaining Captain America. Whedon's X-Men is second only to Claremont. I enjoyed Waypool. Dan Slott's run on Spider-Man has been hit and miss and I have to applaud him for Superior Spider-Man even though I didn't like it.

    One More Day was a necessary evil to undo the damage that was done to the character when Peter unmasked on national television during Civil War. That was a stupid idea then and remains the same to this day.

    Diversity is important but the current way of introducing new versions of established heroes isn't the right way to do it. It reduces the new characters to being either a genderswap or of different ethnicity than their predecessors (there are exceptions, such as Carol Danvers and Sam Wilson) while a backlog of established diverse characters with distinct personalities and power sets, such as Monica Rambeau or Anya Corazón, is either shoved to the sideline or neglected altogether. Ten years ago, nobody would have guessed that Luke Cage and the original Spider-Woman would ever become important again, but Bendis pushed for the two of them.

    Marvel's animation department is in a terrible state. We haven't had a consistently good Marvel cartoon since the first season of Earth's Mightiest Heroes and the DTVs are atrociously bad. Sony should have retained the Spider-Man animation rights instead of the rights to film adaptations. We would have had five or more seasons of Spectacular Spider-Man and 1-2 Spidey MCU movies by now. I'd gladly make a deal with Mephisto to wipe the ASM movies from existence in exchange for 65+ episodes of SSM.

    Marvel Studios has written the book on 21st century comic book movies. The good ones are some of the best the genre has to offer (Avengers, The Winter Soldier, GotG) and the bad ones are average to mediocre popcorn movies. The MCU won't be whole until they have the rights to all characters. I've been hooked on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. since the first episode. We will never have a truly satisfactory Spider-Man feature film. Instead of adjusting continuity to fit the MCU, Marvel should create a MCU imprint ŕ la Marvel Adventures.

    Miles Morales and Ultimate Peter Parker are interchangeable. Ultimate All-New Marvel Now has been botched to an extent by assigning subpar artists to two of the books. Which is regrettable because Fialkov has started to fix several issues of the Ultimate Universe and Fiffe got to write the team book I wanted to see happen for a very long time. Ultimate Jessica Drew remains one of the most underdeveloped characters in the Ultimate Universe.
    They should do an Event that elevates Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel, to the state of Top Cop that Tony Stark had. I think it's time, or it would have been time, if, you know..... Carol has been stuck behind a wall of anti-female leadership, that only Maria Hill came near to breaking. Carol would carry off Maria Hill far better in the MU and if done right, all the male heroes would support her as leader.

  6. #201
    Incredible Member jazzflower92's Avatar
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    I hate the time stable loops created by Loki.

    I also dislike his retconned backstory where he arranges himself to be adopted by Odin. I preferred the older backstory because it was much more heartwarming.

    I think the writers are writing too many time travel involved instances with Loki.

    It is getting rather contrived.

  7. #202
    Ultimate Member jackolover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darthkostis View Post
    1)I hate Storm with a burning passion. I hate her so much that I try to skip her scenes in comics.
    2)I really like the Sentry...
    3)I think Sam Alexander is ok.Not great, but okay.
    4)I hate the fact that White Nick Fury is nowhere to be seen, and SamJackson-esqu Fury has invade the 616. I'd have much preferred that they just brought over Ultimate Fury.
    5)I really don't like current, pretty-boy, anti-hero Loki.
    6)I think that Uncanny Avengers is one of Marvel's best books out now.
    7)I wish that Steve would just die and Sam took over for good.
    8)I really like Remender's work.
    9)Fear Itself was actually pretty enjoyable.
    10)Superior Tony and FemThor are bloody awesome.
    11)Captain Britain is 10x better than most mainstream heroes.
    12)Current Peter Parker is an idiot and the worst Spider-Man.
    13)Otto taking over was the bst thing to happen to Spider-Man in recent years.
    14)Fantomex is actually an awesome character an better than Gambit.
    15)Daken is the best "legacy"/young character and better than Wolverine.
    16)Ares and Hercules are two of Marvel's best characters and deserve to come back.
    17)Thor Odinson should headline a new Journey into Mystery title and leave the main on to NuThor for the time being.
    18)I actually liked the Gatchaman inspired GotG costumes and I much preferred them over the current ones.
    Do we know why Odinson had to be made unworthy as Thor? We've come to the end of the MU and why was the hammer removed from Odinson again? It seemed just so irrational, like Jason Aaron just thought he'd change Thor for a female. I don't see the point. There has to be story sense in doing stuff like that. For instance, if Odinson was still Thor, Cull Borson couldn't come out of prison, because he would kill Odinson instantly, but because he's not Thor now, some girl is, Odinson is left alone. But hat sort of stuff would make what happened in Original Sin worthwhile.

  8. #203
    Ultimate Member jackolover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darthkostis View Post
    1)I hate Storm with a burning passion. I hate her so much that I try to skip her scenes in comics.
    2)I really like the Sentry...
    3)I think Sam Alexander is ok.Not great, but okay.
    4)I hate the fact that White Nick Fury is nowhere to be seen, and SamJackson-esqu Fury has invade the 616. I'd have much preferred that they just brought over Ultimate Fury.
    5)I really don't like current, pretty-boy, anti-hero Loki.
    6)I think that Uncanny Avengers is one of Marvel's best books out now.
    7)I wish that Steve would just die and Sam took over for good.
    8)I really like Remender's work.
    9)Fear Itself was actually pretty enjoyable.
    10)Superior Tony and FemThor are bloody awesome.
    11)Captain Britain is 10x better than most mainstream heroes.
    12)Current Peter Parker is an idiot and the worst Spider-Man.
    13)Otto taking over was the bst thing to happen to Spider-Man in recent years.
    14)Fantomex is actually an awesome character an better than Gambit.
    15)Daken is the best "legacy"/young character and better than Wolverine.
    16)Ares and Hercules are two of Marvel's best characters and deserve to come back.
    17)Thor Odinson should headline a new Journey into Mystery title and leave the main on to NuThor for the time being.
    18)I actually liked the Gatchaman inspired GotG costumes and I much preferred them over the current ones.
    Do we know why Odinson had to be made unworthy as Thor? We've come to the end of the MU and why was the hammer removed from Odinson again? It seemed just so irrational, like Jason Aaron just thought he'd change Thor for a female. I don't see the point. There has to be story sense in doing stuff like that. For instance, if Odinson was still Thor, Cull Borson couldn't come out of prison, because he would kill Odinson instantly, but because he's not Thor now, some girl is, Odinson is left alone. Because that sort of stuff would make what happened in Original Sin worthwhile.

  9. #204


    Quote Originally Posted by jackolover View Post
    I consider this thread as sort of like an epitaph of the Earth-616, because it is sort of reflecting back on the MU and what it was. Was it good, or was it bad? I am reading the responses here and feeling nostalgic that this is all looking back over our favourite parts of Marvel, by us canning things. This was good, this was bad, I wish it was like this. I'm going over what people are saying here being even more significant, for the situation we have in May 2015. A lot happened at Marvel. The things we talk about here may never be talked about again. The MU could be swept aside in September, and what we have left will start a new destiny.
    I consider the thread to be more of people complaining about how comics used to be better when they were younger.

    Quote Originally Posted by jackolover View Post
    They should do an Event that elevates Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel, to the state of Top Cop that Tony Stark had. I think it's time, or it would have been time, if, you know..... Carol has been stuck behind a wall of anti-female leadership, that only Maria Hill came near to breaking. Carol would carry off Maria Hill far better in the MU and if done right, all the male heroes would support her as leader.
    I'll agree that Carol should be elevated. I don't know about Top Cop, but it'd be great to see her become the leader of the Avengers after Secret Wars. Not second-in-command, not co-leader, not field leader, but the team's full-on leader.

    Here's an opinion that's going to be very controversial: Jack Kirby's art, by modern standards, flat-out sucks. By the standards of the '40s, '50s and '60s, yeah, it was revolutionary and some of the best art out there. But it doesn't hold up at all, and if Jack Kirby tried to break into comics today, he would fail. And truthfully, I find his designs actually weren't particularly good even for the times. And he was one of the absolute worst writers ever.

    And his '70s Marvel work is some of the most unreadable garbage I have ever come across, and the only reason anyone actually bought into it was because of his name on it.

  10. #205
    Ultimate Member jackolover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huntsman Spider View Post
    Super-strong, flight-capable, and generally resistant to things like conventional firearms, along with possible energy beam projectiles. The basic "Superman" power-set.

    That aside, I'd say, for an unpopular/uncommon/controversial opinion, that Brian Bendis isn't that bad a writer, but he does best in the arena of gritty, street-oriented crime noir fiction. It's why his Daredevil and Alias were as good as they were; he used characters that were already street-level heroes (or conceived as street-level heroes) as protagonists and central figures for the kind of stories that he was more familiar with, and it largely worked. What didn't work for his skill-set was trying to take on stories and characters that should be larger than life and epic in scope, like the Avengers and more recently the Guardians of the Galaxy and the X-Men, hence the mixed reactions to his runs on all of those series.

    I will concede that Peter Parker is currently the least interesting Spider-Person in the Marvel Universe(s), but also say that the blame largely lies with Marvel wanting to turn the clock back on his character and actively reject any progress, advancement, or growth he achieved over his decades of existence. Even more so, Marvel is bent on keeping him trapped in a very narrow and limiting status quo as the constant underdog (which, given his talents and resources, sounds more like underachiever in practice) of the setting, a status quo that has long since become stale and tired for a lot of readers and fans. That is what has made Peter Parker the blandest and least interesting of Marvel's Spider-Heroes, that Marvel itself can't see past its tired and outdated ideas of what he is, what he represents, and what he should be or represent.
    It does seem like Marvel have put Peter Parker in a Dimension Z of his own, with Brand New Day. He's acting out a fantasy of never having married MJ, being a successful businessman, and being self sufficient, all of which are fiction to what his essential character is. It had come across as very vanilla, BND, because it revisited a time and predicament Peter hadn't been in since the 1980's. I had been waiting for him to wake up and be the real Peter, but he never did.

  11. #206
    Ultimate Member jackolover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiamatty View Post
    I consider the thread to be more of people complaining about how comics used to be better when they were younger.

    I'll agree that Carol should be elevated. I don't know about Top Cop, but it'd be great to see her become the leader of the Avengers after Secret Wars. Not second-in-command, not co-leader, not field leader, but the team's full-on leader.

    Here's an opinion that's going to be very controversial: Jack Kirby's art, by modern standards, flat-out sucks. By the standards of the '40s, '50s and '60s, yeah, it was revolutionary and some of the best art out there. But it doesn't hold up at all, and if Jack Kirby tried to break into comics today, he would fail. And truthfully, I find his designs actually weren't particularly good even for the times. And he was one of the absolute worst writers ever.

    And his '70s Marvel work is some of the most unreadable garbage I have ever come across, and the only reason anyone actually bought into it was because of his name on it.
    Yeah, I see the complaining that comics were better when they were younger and other tropes around their tastes. I've seen many of these types of threads in the past and never read because of that. But this time? I think it brings home from the complaints, the appreciation of what they had for the comics.

    The Kirby canning is sacrilege for us who lived Jacks artwork in a time when stick figures were the comparison. You can't compare Kirby's stuff to modern stuff today because he can't be resurrected and start over fresh. But if he could, his inventiveness and creativity would probably out strip today's artists. He was a pioneer after all, and to just dismiss him because he came from another era is unjustifiable, to my mind. Shakespeare would turn over in his grave if people said, say, somebody like Stephen King was better than him. So yeah, very controversial. Well done.
    Last edited by jackolover; 03-06-2015 at 02:30 AM.

  12. #207
    Ultimate Member jackolover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DUSt View Post
    Shuri shoudn't have died.
    I like the idea of there being more than one school for mutants.
    The All-New X-Men shouldn't be exclusive to one side (I.E, they should be neutral in the conflicts between the two institutions).
    I like Star-Lord's charecterisation in the movie more than in thhe comics.
    Gamora's current costume is better than her previous ones.
    I like Venom post-Mac Gargan (Agent Venom-present) more than I do for his previous incarnations after his initial storylines, so I wouldn't like to see him become a villain ir villainous anti-hero again.
    Spawn should be acknowledged at least once.
    The Black Vortex is an interesting plot device, though currently nothing more than a macguffin.
    I liked Age of Ultron.
    On The Shuri death thing, with Secret Wars, Marvel can kill off as many characters as possible before May 2015, and it not really mean that much. Wolverine was killed, and so was Daken. They could just kill the FF in issue #645, but what does it matter? They are all going to die when TRO comes around. In fact Marvel have the ideal opportunity for all Nemisis' to kill their super hero, but I suppose that would have been too gaulish.

  13. #208


    Quote Originally Posted by jackolover View Post
    Yeah, I see the complaining that comics were better when they were younger and other tropes around their tastes. I've seen many of these types of threads in the past and never read because of that. But this time? I think it brings home from the complaints, the appreciation of what they had for the comics.

    The Kirby canning is sacrilege for us who lived Jacks artwork in a time when stick figures were the comparison. You can't compare Kirby's stuff to modern stuff today because he can't be resurrected and start over fresh. But if he could, his inventiveness and creativity would probably out strip today's artists. He was a pioneer after all, and to just dismiss him because he came from another era is unjustifiable, to my mind. Shakespeare would turn over in his grave if people said, say, somebody like Stephen King was better than him. So yeah, very controversial. Well done.
    I think you're actually being a little dismissive of other artists of the time. I understand why Kirby was important and all that. My point is that the art doesn't stand up today. I've always felt "great for its time" is damning with faint praise. The times have moved on. Comics, as a medium and as an art, have progressed and evolved, and I think the tendency to idealize the past does a great disservice to the immense talents out there today.

    I hate nostalgia. I think it is fundamentally wrong. So when I'm reading old comics, I refuse to hold them to a different standard. I will hold them to the same standard I hold modern comics to. Doing it that way, I've found that there actually are some classic comics that, even by today's standards, are pretty good. I've also found a lot are painful to read.

    And honestly, even by the standards of the day, Jack Kirby had some serious problems with his art. He's probably my least-favourite '60s artist. His designs look stupid to me, he puts way too many details and lines, a lot of the poses are horribly melodramatic. I hate Jack Kirby's art.

  14. #209
    Ultimate Member jackolover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trident View Post
    Blue Marvel's concept ticks me off. He's basiclky Anti-Rosa Parks with a cape.
    I don't know if Blue Marvel is comparable to a political figure like Rosa Parks. She didn't like the laws that discriminated against others. The POTUS discriminated against Blue Marvel having the freedom to be heroic, because it was like Hirohito trying to help an old lady cross the road. Brashear didn't want the laws changed, he just wanted to have the freedom to act, but the times didn't allow that sort of action by African Americans in a white setting. Rosa Parks could act because she could change the law with acts of disobedience that weren't confrontational. If Blue Marvel acting in public, he would have outraged the public and the confrontations with the security forces would have been embarrassing, and tragic, and may have set Rosa Parks progress back decades.

  15. #210
    Ultimate Member jackolover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiamatty View Post
    I think you're actually being a little dismissive of other artists of the time. I understand why Kirby was important and all that. My point is that the art doesn't stand up today. I've always felt "great for its time" is damning with faint praise. The times have moved on. Comics, as a medium and as an art, have progressed and evolved, and I think the tendency to idealize the past does a great disservice to the immense talents out there today.

    I hate nostalgia. I think it is fundamentally wrong. So when I'm reading old comics, I refuse to hold them to a different standard. I will hold them to the same standard I hold modern comics to. Doing it that way, I've found that there actually are some classic comics that, even by today's standards, are pretty good. I've also found a lot are painful to read.

    And honestly, even by the standards of the day, Jack Kirby had some serious problems with his art. He's probably my least-favourite '60s artist. His designs look stupid to me, he puts way too many details and lines, a lot of the poses are horribly melodramatic. I hate Jack Kirby's art.
    Ah, well, that puts it more into perspective. I can see that point of view exists as well.

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