Quote Originally Posted by manofsteel1979 View Post
I know it seems Gunn and Warners wants to do a connected universe across all media Ala Lucasfilm with Star Wars and Marvel to an extent, but I wish he would let, say Patty Jenkins make her third Wonder Woman with Gadot or give Henry Cavill a stand alone send off movie or series or even let the Shazam corner of the DCU be its own thing to finish its trilogy.
Me, too.

I cannot state enough that Marvel was a lightning in a bottle once in a lifetime miracle that somehow worked and became what it is today. The Disney brand built it as as much as the goodwill from phase one.

WB are foolish for trying to emulate it for, what, a third revision (arguably forth).

WB and DC need to release a large number of quality products to build their reputation as a quality studio releasing quality entertainment. Otherwise, to the mass audience, they're just like Sony's Spider-man adjacent mess.

And the tricky part is they need to do it without people comparing it to Marvel, a battle they'll always lose because MCU now has that built in nostalgia that Disney has weaponised for the majority of their existence. People already like Marvel. Marvel gives them the superhero stuff they like. Give them a reason to like DC AS WELL AS Marvel, rather than instead of.