Quote Originally Posted by ChrisIII View Post
There's certainly some room there I think, it's an era three times longer than the Clone Wars.

Although there's been some stuff in-between with Anakin and Obi-Wan (Some comics) Padme (The YA novels) and even Ahsoka's early years, etc. I'm sure they can figure out some more stuff to fill the gap.
There's a lot of room for various Jedi in that time frame (Baylan!), so they could have a main book following Obi-Wan and Anakin, another following some other Jedi (Windu is an obvious choice, but there are a lot of options), Jango covers the bounty hunters, then a Dooku/Ventress book or a political Sheev/Padme book (it's unfortunate that Anakin can't run into Padme in this time frame, so they'd have to do some location gymnastics if they did a big event). They can't have a huge event that makes you wonder why there wasn't a Republic Army formed before AotC, but there's a lot of galaxy to explore and just tell fun stories