Quote Originally Posted by XenobladerX View Post

I didn't really like that story all that much, but it's kinda neat that he's referencing it.
I wasn't the biggest fan either, but it's cool to see it getting referenced. And now everyone except Zip Zephyr has shown up somewhere, even though Queen Goblin was never in Miles' book, though it is possible Gust is just a reworked Zip.
Quote Originally Posted by Frontier View Post
I was happy to see Dylan take out Misty, she was getting kind of annoying there.

But hey, upgraded Spider-Sense! At this point Miles may as well take over the franchise because Peter will be the weakest Spider-Man.

But wait, how does Miles' Spider-Sense register Venom? Symbiotes don't register on Spider-Sense.
Agreed about Misty, she talks a big game for someone that gets battered aside in I almost every confrontation she's been in since she first showed up in the book.

And it's not like Peter being weaker than the other spiders is anything new. Mayday has her magnetism powers and a powerful spider sense and if I remember correctly Kaine once took on Peter and Ben at the same time and won.