I think I asked this before but don't recall if there was ever an answer: I'm looking for an alternate reality story in the main books where Kitty called herself "Shadow". It was a last minute claiming of the name as the alt-reality was ending and the heroes were leaping into a fray of some sort. One character references that Kitty had gone by different names and K asserts that she wants to be called Shadow as they enter battle. AGE OF X? AGE OF X-MAN?
It's a fitting name that I wish could get some use rather than tacking on Cat or Kat which has no external meaning. However I suppose the existing characters "THE SHADOW" and, to a lesser extend DCs Shado from GREEN ARROW, the name loses its distinction. Had I my druthers, XMarvel would steal "Phase" from DCs L.E.G.I.O.N if they want to rebrand Kitty and be done with it, since it hasn't been used in over a decade...