Quote Originally Posted by Will Evans View Post
So does Ms Martian not qualify for that?
What do we even have of that on the comics side? A single back-up issue that's unlikely to be followed up on, can't really say whether it'd would've been a good or bad romance based off 10 pages and Visaggio implied it was meant to be more of a casual fling than anything.

If you mean the YJ show though definitely not, despite my misgiving with a lot it's writing and not personally liking the relationship all that much Ms Martian herself is very much a fully realised character, while her romance with Conner is a big part of her overall journey she definitely has arcs and storylines all of her own entirely divorced from him. If anything Conner feels secondary to her at times.

Honestly I'm not too fussed with who they pair Conner up with it in the future, he never really struck me as the settling down type anyway and has always been a flirt, don't worry about creating an OTP just give us fresh pairings that offer interesting and new dynamics to explore.