Quote Originally Posted by ComixGail View Post
Thank you! One thing that has happened a LOT, and I want to be clear that I don't blame them at all, but I find that guy writers seem to worry a LOT about making
Diana anything but a perfect flawless character. A few make her the opposite, sort of a terrible person inside and out, which is another problem entirely. But most seem
to worry about feedback if they show Diana as more human, more flawed.

Even some of the best writers seem to make her an ice queen, because making her make mistakes and have less-than-noble emotions at times is going to get some
pushback from some fans.

I have found, to some degree, that female writers seem to inherently embrace her being more human and more flawed. I think we feel we have more license to do that
than guy writers. I'm not saying it's fair, but it does seem to be the pattern. There are exceptions in both directions. Sometimes you can see that a writer, whatever their
gender, just plain doesn't like Diana and it shows.

For me, I love her, but I never wanted her to be cold. As I said often, Amazon blood runs hot. I like a Wonder Woman who is compassionate always, but is perfectly capable
of surrendering to fury if necessary.
Oh Goddess, if DC ever decided to bring back Queen Clea into the Wonder Woman book in a major way, I wish with all my heart that they offered you the chance to write that story (and again, that Amanda Conner would draw it). It would be the dream!!!!!