Quote Originally Posted by MarquisAsh View Post
If it would’ve been faster, I think everyone would’ve took the lasso of lies as a joke. I’m shocked it only lasted one issue! Which I’m happy it did….I think he should’ve did different dream streams other than just the housewife.
It was a joke anyway. The fact her willpower was enough to break it speaks to that. The Golden Perfect would never, which is a major problem with the scene. If they have the same origin, this story makes the lasso of truth just as vulnerable.

That's a big "if" though, why would the Amazons make a lasso of lies? Is Hephaestus no longer their inventor?

I've long thought as Wonder Woman's Q he'd be an excellent villain if he ever decided to turn on her. As the maker of the lasso and the bracelets he has the keys to the queendom. Forger of the source of the Sovereign's power, Hephaestus could be the outer circle.