Quote Originally Posted by Garlador View Post
I want to be clear here on the messaging - because it's ALWAYS a battle of messaging.

I don't want this to be a case of "it did well, that means they want more Chasm!" if Ben fans support it, just as much as I don't want it to be "it did poorly, they must not want more Ben!" if it underwhelms on the charts. It's so easy to spin the narrative as a "heads I win, tails you lose" when it comes to certain editorial decisions at odds with fan requests.

They're struggling to find a place for Ben and I honestly don't have a problem with any writers or offices trying to see if something fits better, but they have to eventually self-reflect that fans like characters for a specific reason, and that there is a surplus of well-regarded media out there for them to consume and refamiliarize themselves with to get back on track. Hell, CBR just published a list ranking Ben Reilly's "The Lost Years" as #2 on their 10 Best Spider-Man Comics That Explored Forgotten Eras list this week. Fans like that! They like Ben IN that! They would probably like a Ben like that AGAIN.
If I recall, Ben Reilly: Spider-Man was on that list, too, so a double boost to your point there.