Quote Originally Posted by Rift View Post
That's not fair on Storm, tbh. She didn't ignore her responsibilities; she just couldn't be in two places at once. It would have happened to anyone who had two be on both Councils, unless they were Multiple Man or Franklin Richards. And it was necessary to have someone on both Councils to try and help them work in tandem when needed. Things just fell apart because Storm could only be in one location at a time whenever disaster struck, and because she - like everyone else - was fooled by Colossus' evil brother's machinations.

I prefer Cyclops as an X-Men leader overall, but I think Storm is an excellent leader, and she was a great choice to be Regent of Sol. She showed a willingness to guide the Arakki, while also respecting and taking in their traditions. She earned their respect and had to keep earning it, through power and through following Arakki traditions. She even sacrificed some of her power to Lodus because she had to divide her attention between Earth and Arakko. So Storm was one of the best choices for this role.
I'm reminded of this discussion about the worst thing some X-Men has done, and it mentioned that Storm has a habit of taking too much responsibilities and accidentally shirking some of them.

So it appears to be in character for her take on more than she's reasonably capable of and wind up messing up through negligence because she believes she can carry it all.