Quote Originally Posted by Hypestyle View Post
So based on the cover, is Warren Worthington cured of all the Archangel mutations by Apocalypse?

Some may feel this is regressive. But I suppose if this is for public relations, the better for him to be his original WASP image instead of blue with razor wings?

what has been Frenzy's development over the past 20 years?
Frenzy experienced life as a hero in an alternate "reality" (Age of X) and chose to change her path in life.
Since then she has joined Rogue's Legacy team for a while, helped protect the Jean Grey School and acted as Sol's ambassador while working for S.W.O.R.D.
But she never got truly called out for things like murdering Sharon and Tom Friedlander in cold blood. I like that she's being used more and I do think there's tons of potential in her redemption, but they often just ignore the bad things from her past so that she's more palatable as a hero.