Quote Originally Posted by Stanlos View Post
I don't know that WW would change much. Marston's design is still very much way ahead of us. Even now, people deny & despise of the union of Femininity and Dominant Force. More, Feminism is outright mischaracterized and vilified. Among a certain segment of fandom, the discussion of strength for female characters seems limited to x is strong enough to take y's d!@# but that is the end of it. Anything that disrupts the rape fantast thing is still despised. More, it appears that the pther components of the design are eithet outright feared as Morrison showed in Final Crisis or outright rejected (War is good and can only be good! I like to do it!!!).

So I think his design still executes the same and people would still be trying to resist it.
You're right about certain people's attitudes towards feminism and capable female characters. However, there is a lot about Marston's stories that are seen as objectifying women or putting them in a box.